One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1751: Place a Saint

In the Shu Mountain, Luo Ya easily sensed the prying projected from the Shu Mountain's protective array, that kind of extremely concealed and extremely powerful aura, only a saint could possess.

The three of them had arranged a direct space passage in the Shu Mountain. This space passage was time-consuming and laborious, and all the space magical powers that Professor Yang Mei gave Zhen Yuanzi back then were used.

Concealed and invisible, it is difficult to trace. Once closed, even a sage cannot trace Shu Mountain based on the remaining magical aura.

The three returned to Shu Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi directly returned to the Wuzhuang Temple again, and Subhuti stayed with him. After all, Subhuti entered Shu Mountain before and never left, all in the eyes of those saints.

The prying breath above the formation has never left, Luo Ya raised his eyebrows at Subhuti, handed it over with one eye, and the other party already understood.

The Magnificent Purple Qi, which represents Qianyue Avenue, is attached to the hollow willows, and the hollow willows were taken into the system warehouse by Luo Ya at this time. Not to mention the saints, even Dao Ancestor Hongjun came and couldn’t detect the Magnificent Purple. Breath of breath.

After a few breaths of time, Zhen Yuanzi once again used the supernatural powers of space to come to the outside of the Shushan formation, pretending to be visiting.

Luoya and Subhuti received the message, got up to greet each other, and along with them, they unlocked the protective array of Shushan, the god of Tongtian hierarch, and glanced at Shushan in an instant.

"No, it's who they are. Yang Mei hasn't appeared in thousands of years. How could it be?" The Master Tongtian sensed the grand purple aura in Subudi's body, and sensed the grand purple aura in Hong Yu's body, but never discovered the third one. Dao Hongmeng Ziqi.

A saint is a saint of heaven. He has an unusually strong sense of the cosmic purple energy that is born in the heaven. As long as it exists, even in the monks’ supernatural powers and in the precepts, they can clearly sense it. .

However, I scanned the third and outer layers of Tongtian several times, and found nothing unusual. The topics that Subudi, Zhen Yuanzi, and Luo Ya were talking about were just the matter of the mysterious disappearance of Hongmeng Ziqi.

No matter how much suspicion the Master Tongtian has, he can only dispel it at this time. At this time, there are only two cosmic purple qi in the Three Realms. I am afraid that the difficulty of protecting Shushan under his guard will rise linearly.

The three met, the formation was closed, and the spirit of the Lord Tongtian was isolated. The three smiled at each other and walked into the Supreme Immortal Mansion.

"Dare to put the saints together and let the honor of the saints suffer. I am afraid that only Fellow Luo Dao dare to do this kind of thing. It is thrilling, really thrilling, this is completely playing the Three Realms monks in the palm of his hand." Zhen Yuan Zi laughed loudly in the hall, shaking his head and shaking his head, full of admiration.

"Okay, it's like you didn't participate in it. It's not for you to do so much." Luo Ya said angrily to Zhen Yuanzi, doing this kind of thing, even he was always brave. If you feel frightened, if you are a little careless, it will be overwhelming.

"Two fellow daoists, you must not make any public statements about this matter. Once it is spread out, I will not have the strength to deal with it, and I am afraid I will be in danger immediately."

Subhuti had a look of fear on his face, and the breath of the immortal wind and bones disappeared without a trace at this time. The original meticulous Hefa is now a little messy, looking like a bad old man next door.

He himself felt that he must be crazy, so he would follow two close friends to do such dangerous things.This kind of thing does not mean how likely it is to fall, but once it is discovered, death will be light.

The saints are not a benevolent person. At that time, it can be said that the saints will not risk being punished by the heavens and will come out and destroy them directly.

"Haha, you're so old, you don't seem to have the courage at this time, when you destroyed Styx, you wouldn't say such things."

Zhen Yuanzi was in a good mood, and his mouth was full of ridicule. He didn't know how tense feeling he had experienced just now. This reminded him of when he was young, fighting against heaven and fighting against thousands of monks. a feeling of.

"Is this the same concept?" Subudi blew his beard and stared at Zhen Yuanzi. This constant calling him is really enough. Isn't it just his hair a little bit gray? As for talking about this again and again?

"It's not the same, it's not the same, it's really scary for fellow Daoist Lao." Zhen Yuanzi smiled on her face, holding a tone, and pretending to bow to Subhuti.

Ask for flowers

"Go and go, I have never seen someone as brazen as you." Subhuti was ridiculed and frantic, waved the whisk, pretending to be beaten, laughing and cursing, but it also eased the tension in his heart.

Just now, knowing that the saint was spying in the dark, he had to pretend that he didn't know anything. Compared to fighting with Kun Peng, he had to frighten the honest man Subhuti.

"Where, I'm like this, don't you all learn from Luo Daoyou after you learn, how dare you compete with the predecessors." Zhen Yuanzi, excited, directly dragged Luo Ya, who was happily watching the show on the sidelines. In the flames of war.

"Hey, you guy, it's my business. The word shameless has nothing to do with me." Luo Ya rolled his eyes, flipped his hand and took out the hollow willow from the system warehouse, and turned directly towards Zhen Yuanzi lost it.

Zhen Yuanzi got a hollow willow, and the expression on his face became more excited, turning his hands to use his supernatural powers, and taking the hongmeng purple qi into his body.

Throwing the hollow willow to Luo Ya, Zhen Yuanzi was full of joy on her face, as if she hadn't moved in ten thousand years, and she was so excited.

When Subudi had just received the great purple aura, he was so excited that he couldn't settle down for a whole day.

"Friend Taoist should have thrown Hongmeng Ziqi to this guy, so you and I were teased in vain." Subuti said with a wry smile on his face.

Zhen Yuanzi was already immersed in the huge surprise of obtaining the grand purple qi, and repeatedly contacted him with his spiritual thoughts. That appearance directly reminded Luo Ya of his apprentice, the six-eared macaque.

"It's me who is at a loss. If it weren't for Zhenyuanzi's ridicule, fellow Taoists would have recovered so quickly." Luo Ya laughed and teased Subudi. Just now, this guy didn't seem to be nervous at all during the act. After the act, he was scared. Cold sweat is really interesting.

"I would rather recover more slowly." Subhuti smiled bitterly, and cried out in his heart that he was not careful about making friends.

With Luo Ya and Zhen Yuanzi, he was the one who was ridiculed the most. The key point was that he could not speak to the two of them, and was often dumb and speechless..

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