One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1752: Spirit Time House Experience Card

Zhen Yuanzi gained the grand purple qi, and after a whole day of excitement, he did not calm down. The leap to the avenue was related to the space avenue, and it was quite suitable for him.

But Qianyue Avenue is different from Space Avenue. Relatively speaking, Qianyue is more straightforward, and the scope involved is not so extensive, but a relatively single avenue.

Being singular is not a disadvantage, but a benefit. First, because it is single, it is relatively easier to comprehend integration. Second, the power of this single avenue is definitely higher than that of the broad avenue.

Zhen Yuanzi's excitement is understandable. With this avenue of leap, he thought to himself that he would definitely be sanctified faster than Subhuti. The avenue of no phase is stronger than that. The complexity can also make countless people scratch their heads.

Subhuti and Zhen Yuanzi have a grandiose and purple spirit, and Luo Ya's next plan can also be implemented. Since yesterday’s "2013", he has been arranging many matters on the mountain of Shu, a year's time , He must start racing against time.

Ao Cunxin, Chai Miaoling, Hu Yu'er, Gu Ruotong, Nie Xiaoqian, Xiao Wei, Hong Shao, Yang Chan, Zhao Ling'er, Anu, Leng Jing and others all have their own tasks.

This year's time will be the most important time for Shu Mountain. Success will completely establish a foothold in the Three Realms. No one can shake it. If it fails, you may have to hide in chaos.

It’s okay for a person to run away, but if a sect runs away, it will be ashamed, and it will inevitably become the laughing stock of the Three Realms. Even if it comes back after being strong in the future, this matter is also the shame that cannot be erased in the history of Shushan. .

"Shu Mountain is the treasure of acquired merits. Cunxin. You have to sacrifice it with your heart. The Demon Master Palace must be proficient. Also, Zhi Ge Ling and other acquired spiritual treasures, remember to distribute to everyone, and don’t save those elixir. , Get stronger sooner, we will feel at ease sooner, and"

Luo Yaxu kept babbling and giving orders. Although there were some things, he had said many times in a day, but Ao Cunxin still listened patiently.

Ao Cunxin could hear that her man was worried and uneasy about the people in Shushan. The more she was, the more patient she was, and the daughters behind her would also write down the orders one by one, without the slightest impatience.

This time, compared with the ten years when he went to heaven, although it was only one-tenth, the current form is completely incomparable with the original.

The continuous major events in the Three Realms have already made the forces of all parties unable to bear it, especially as the three of the five grand purple auras have masters, the emotions of all monks have become extremely unstable.

At this time, Loya and the others, who had been sitting on a grand purple qi before and later snatched a grand purple qi, have undoubtedly become the thorn in the eyes and thorns of many forces.

Fortunately, the monks in the Three Realms were more patient because of the fanfare alliance with the Jiejiao before, but this patience might soon reach the limit.

Hong Yu was young, and although his cultivation was extremely fast, he still had a long way to go if he wanted to become a holy. The many forces were no more eager for a while.

However, Subhuti is different. As a veteran powerhouse in the Three Realms, Subhuti is likely to become holy in a very short time.

The alliance of Luoya, Subhuti, and Zhenyuanzi is almost bright in the eyes of those powerful people. Once someone is sanctified, the status of Shu Mountain is so strong that no one can shake it.

This point can't be tolerated, whether it is Buddhism, interpretation, or interception. Therefore, the leader of Tongtian will only protect Shushan for one year on the premise of maximizing the benefits.

The Master of the Heavens is very scheming, and maybe he is still smashing Shushan and Buddhism. He picks up the bargain and collects the attention of two grand and purple spirits, but no matter how much his plan is, it is only based on common sense.

Roja is the person who plays cards without common sense. He still has the confidence to play cards without common sense and the plug-in of the system. No matter how much the saint can calculate, he will never think that in one year, he will become No one can stand shoulder to shoulder.

"I have wronged the two Taoist friends, and wait a moment in my magic weapon." Luo Ya arranged everything, said to Subhuti and Zhen Yuanzi, and sacrificed the ten thousand world spiritual garden in the dantian.

"What's wrong with this, why are you so polite today?" Subudi said, and shook his head helplessly. After being choked, he was a little uncomfortable facing Roya's politeness.

"Mostly I am leaving my hometown, reluctant to bear my own Taoist couple, you and I are lonely, I can't understand, I can't understand" Zhen Yuanzi teased, looked at Subudi, and jumped into the world of the spiritual map. , Did not give Roya a chance to retort.

"Damn, Zhen Yuanzi has broken his studies." Luo Ya muttered, put away the world spirit garden map, nodded at the girls, and directly began to order the system.

"The system uses the right to pass through the middle and small worlds to pass through the dragon ball world."

"Unable to cross, the Dragon Ball World is a special Middle Thousand World, and it is a branch of the Big Thousand World. It is necessary to open the right to pass through the Big Thousand World to be able to travel by itself."

"System, I'm Cao Nima, why didn't you talk about this kind of thing earlier" Roya cursed in his heart, with a somewhat annoyed expression on his face.

Especially, this system is a bit too pitted. Before, he remembered asking clearly what level of world the Dragon Ball World was.

The system's answer was Zhongqian World. At that time, he was still muttering that the gap between Zhongqian World and Zhongqian World was really too big.

After all, in the Dragon Ball world, the world is destroyed at every turn, the planet destruction is just sprinkling water, the destruction of the galaxy is also commonplace, and a boss appears in the later stage, that is the guy who can threaten the entire universe.

Now that this situation occurs, the right to pass through the middle and small worlds can no longer be used, thanks to Royado's hand, otherwise 18 may now say what he has become crazy.

"System, use the spiritual time house experience card" Roja's tone was full of resentment. After ordering the system, before he waved goodbye to Ao Cunxin and others in the future, his figure disappeared in place.

This kind of experience card is similar to the traversal card, and there is no step to build a traversal circle. After being used, it will directly enter the turbulence of time and space under the protection of the system.

The women took a look at the place where Luo Ya had disappeared, and after a long time they regained their spirits. It was only a year, but they still had their own tasks.

In this most stressful year, they not only wanted to improve their cultivation as soon as possible, but also to be responsible for the disciples in Shushan, and externally, they had to pretend that Luo Ya had been practicing in retreat..

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