One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1753: Is there a bug in the system?

Ao Cunxin and the other women went busy, while Luo Ya was dizzy, constantly advancing in the turbulence of time and space, Dragon Ball World and Westward Journey World seemed to be extremely far apart from each other, even his Da Luo Jinxian cultivation base , I feel uncomfortable by the power of the barriers of the world.

"Damn, I didn't use this thing as a life-saving baby, otherwise it would have died, and it would have caused fainting." Luo Ya muttered constantly.

He had supernatural powers like him, and he felt that he couldn't bear it. If it were an ordinary monk, he would have been fainted a long time ago.

Roja is sure that this must be the longest time he has passed through the world, the longest under pressure, and the longest time.

Feeling the pressure of traversing the barriers of the world again and again, Luo Ya can vaguely figure out that he has at least passed dozens of large and small worlds.

"Dozens of worlds, when are you tall?" I have to say that human adaptability is indeed terrifying. After the initial discomfort, Roja can already look at the surrounding scenery without incident.

It's just that this scenery, in his eyes, is nothing more than a stream of light. Compared to the extreme speed under the system card, his cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian can only see a stream of light.

Just after finishing a sentence, Luo Ya's figure suddenly stiffened, and there was a flower directly in front of him, but he could still clearly feel that the system led him into a certain world, and there was something different from the Journey to the West. power.

As soon as the thought came up, a down-to-earth feeling rose under his feet. Luo Ya opened his eyes and saw a white, seemingly boundless space.

This space is extremely dry, and the air is thin, and it is extremely hot and stuffy, but for him, this has no effect at all. What surprised him a little is the various furniture, food and water behind him.

With his appearance, circles of lavender inscription runes slowly appeared around the Spiritual Time House. These runes quickly stabilized the originally turbulent space.

"Mental time house, is it reinforced by the system?" Luo Ya grinned, and muttered in his heart, the system can make him ignore the rules of the mental time house and stay as long as he wants. These characters have an effect.

Without much delay, after looking at the surrounding environment, Luo Ya offered a world spirit garden map, but the process of sacrifice made him frown.

Just now, he only wanted to release the world spirit garden map, who knows that the same amount of immortal power, instantly changed the world spirit garden map into a size of hundreds of square meters.

"The power of the world is different or there is no way of heaven." Roja was still puzzled by scratching the tip of his nose, but fortunately, he experienced several worlds before. Every time the world level is higher, the difficulty of power release will inevitably be different. Even if he couldn't figure it out, it never regarded it as the same thing.

Roughly compared the gap ratio used by Xianli earlier, when Xianli moved, Luo Ya pulled Subhuti and Zhenyuanzi out of it.

It's just that this time the strength is still a bit stronger, Subhuti staggered, and rushed forward, seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, he quickly waved his hand to dust.

With this wave of force, Subhuti's figure directly and uncontrollably flew into the air. The face of this old way was a little shocked, and he quickly controlled his figure.

But in the Dragon Ball world, not only Roja, his power has also increased dozens of times. Under unsuitability, where can he control it, he only flies up and down in the air, but he is always unable to stabilize.

Zhen Yuanzi was even more stunned. He originally used the space supernatural powers and wanted to locate Roya in front of him, but instantly moved thousands of miles away. He didn't want to fall under the ground gourd, so he could only continuously activate the supernatural powers.

The two jumped up and down for a while, and it took a long time to barely stabilize their figure, stiff and afraid to move, their eyes full of doubt.

They have not known how many years since they arrived at Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they have long been accustomed to their own cultivation bases, their actions are completely subconscious, and their adaptability is far less than Luo Ya.

"Friend Luo, why is it so strange here that my two cultivation bases seem to have exploded several times, and the old man even has an illusion of being sanctified." Subhuti's messy hair, disheveled clothes, and stiff appearance, really let aside. The Zhen Yuanzi is very novel.

Subhuti cares most about his external image. Recently, he has missed two consecutive failures. I don't know how many tens of thousands of years of accumulated image is directly destroyed. If it were not for Zhenyuanzi's doubts at this time, I am afraid that he would have been ridiculing.

"Can I say that I'm here for the first time?" Luo Ya shrugged and said helplessly, not to mention the doubts of Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti, even he himself was confused.

The world here is completely different from the world he went to before. A glimpse can tell the whole story, I'm afraid the Dragon Ball world also looks like this.

After all, in the original work, Monkey King, Vegeta and others practiced here. Except for the time flow rate, the others are completely unaffected, and the improvement of strength is not much hindered.

"Is it the first time for Luo Daoyou to come?" Subudi frowned, raised his head and looked around, his spiritual thoughts diverged, and he could easily detect the limit, and this limit made his heart even more dazed.

"This is an independent space outside the boundary. I can vaguely feel it. There seems to be a bigger space outside." Zhen Yuanzi said, with a confident expression on his face. He refined the supernatural powers of space and was extremely sensitive to changes in space.

"Well, but the outside space, the time flow is exactly the same as where we were originally, so the two fellow Taoists can only retreat here, and only three hundred and fifty-five years." Luo Ya nodded. Zui corner raised a smile, I have to say, this time, the system has a bug

Originally in his plan, if the three of them were able to go to the Dragon Ball World, everything would be fine, so Subhuti and Zhenyuanzi would enter the Spiritual Time House directly from the Temple of Heaven.

But the system's sudden sentence of Special Zhong Qian Shi disrupted most of his arrangements, so he could only retreat and choose the three of them to cultivate in the spiritual time house together.

But now this small loophole gave him another way to reach the Dragon Ball world. The original plan can be implemented completely, so he can't be happy.

"I have to stay here for more than three hundred years, Su Bodhi. If I become holy one step in advance, I won't accompany you to suffer here." Zhen Yuanzi took a look at the empty surroundings and responded with confidence. Subhuti said something.

"For each other, if I become holy first, then you can keep this place where there is no vitality." Subhuti glared at Zhen Yuanzi. This hurt friend. Recently, he likes to tease him more and more. ..

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