One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1754: World of Dragon Ball

"You two, really can fight anytime." Luo Ya looked at Subudi and Zhen Yuanzi speechlessly. These two goods are now completely old children, or the kind of old children who are getting better and better.

Often together, I just think of you, I will choke you, and I want to compare it for three days. Some time ago, Subudi got the sacred purple qi, but he often sighed in front of Zhen Yuanzi.

Now Zhen Yuanzi's appearance is obviously the anger he had received some time before the revenge, and he will be there first when nothing is wrong. With the most broken, this guy may say more than the ink-filled Subhuti.

"This guy has no shame." Subudi also has a lot of resentment. Isn't it just a sigh, isn't it just showing off?

"Stop, don't use this word, I don't want to burn myself, you two fight slowly, I'm going to find something." Luo Ya directly called to stop, he didn't want to hear Zhen Yuanzi say again, that shameless behavior is all Learned with him.

"Friend Luo Daoist shouldn't cultivate here?" Zhen Yuanzi frowned and asked, now that time is limited, we can squeeze out here for hundreds of years, and go to the outside world for only a short year.223

"I'm not like you. I am cultivating the way of heaven. Moreover, with my current realm, if I only cultivate hard, God knows what I can do in 300 years." Luo Ya shook his head, with a bit of helplessness on his face.

Zhenyuanzi and Subhuti are already the peak of the Golden Fairy of Hunyuan Daluo, and they have obtained matching grandiose and purple auras. As long as they practice hard step by step, they can cut out the corpse and advance to the realm of saints.

Moreover, the two people's holy positions, said to be in the same realm, are stronger than Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian cult leader. After all, they had only taken that step by relying on the merits of teaching.

Before the Sanqing became a saint, Subudi and Zhenyuanzi were not much weaker than the Taoism of the Sanqing. The Sanqing was eager to achieve success, but in the late Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, relying on the understanding of the Hongmeng Ziqi, they forced the Merit is sanctified.

Now that Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti are realizing the real Daluo Jinxian summit, once they are sanctified, they are truly beheading three corpses. Without the slightest external force, their strength will naturally be stronger.

The saints are also divided into early stage, middle stage, late stage, and peak. Although three years of hard work will definitely not stop bdca from the early stage of the saint, but Subudi and Zhenyuanzi do not make opportunistic tricks. At the same level, they can definitely crush each other to death dead.

"Well, fellow Taoists don't worry, the two of me will live up to what we have entrusted." Subhuti said with a straight face and said with a serious voice.

"Must live up to the trust." Zhen Yuanzi said with a positive tone. If Roja can't get much promotion, then they will definitely stir up the main beam, otherwise the wave caused by the three will also be buried in the three. Whirlpool.

The pure interest alliance that the three have long been separated from, the mutual feelings between them are definitely stronger than the original Sanqing, Luo Ya saw the expressions of the two, nodded with a smile, and turned to look at a space. node.

This is the weakest point of the boundary between the Spiritual Time House and the outside world. With his supernatural powers, he dare not say that it is effortless, but it is not that difficult to get out.

And in this realm, not only Xianli, but from Zhen Yuanzi's performance, it can be seen that the increase in supernatural powers is also quite large, and it shouldn't be a difficult thing to get in and out.

With the stars turning in his eyes, Luo Ya adjusted the celestial power instilled by his supernatural powers, opened a spatial channel, nodded towards Subudi and Zhen Yuanzi, and jumped into it.

Seeing Luo Ya disappeared, Subudi and Zhen Yuanzi looked at each other, and released two futons from the Xumi Ring. The pinch in their hands was that they began to fuse the grand purple qi without interference.

A figure appeared abruptly above the temple, Mr. Bobo who was watering the flowers blinked, and the kettle in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

As one of the longest-lived people among Dragon Balls, although Bobo is not strong enough, he is extremely sensitive to Qi, and he did not feel the slightest Qi in Loya's body.

The person who can come here and appear in this way is definitely not an ordinary person, and cannot perceive qi, then it can only represent the strength of the opponent, and it is not something he can guess.

Moreover, even though Bobo couldn't perceive the qi in the opponent, he could perceive the endless murderous aura. The murderous aura, like a person who killed the entire earth, was so powerful that it was terrifying.

"Fuck, black people are not so dark, right." Luo Ya looked at Bobo with an uneasy expression. Originally, when he watched anime, he thought that Bobo might be a black person in his previous life.

But at this time, he saw that he could only label Bobo in his heart as an unknown race in the universe. After all, it was the first time that Heicheng had seen such a thing.

Except for the eyeballs, this Bobo simply couldn't find a piece of skin with a normal skin tone. Black people, because they have white soles, are quite obvious.

"Hello, respectable strong man, are you a human being on earth?" Bobo swallowed and suppressed the horror in his heart. No matter what, the most important thing in this situation is to ask the other party's identity and purpose.

"Um, that's right." Luo Ya touched the tip of his nose. He is a human being, but the earth in his hometown is completely different from the earth here. The earth in his hometown will not be bombed after a few years. once.

"Honorable strong man, I am Bobo, the servant of the gods, can I know your name and your intentions?" Bobo is relatively dull in nature. If he speaks this kind of polite remarks, it will be very different.

"First name, surname Luo Mingya, come here, ask the gods to come out to see me, I have something to say, by the way, please help me." Luoya touched the tip of his nose, no matter when, self-introduction seemed to him. It was an extremely embarrassing thing.

"Bobo, are you here to find me?" A figure with a cane slowly walked out of the shadow.

Dark green skin, full face wrinkles, exposed muscles, and tentacles on his head. He was wearing a white robe with the word of God on his body. The appearance of the gods was the same as Roya remembered.

It’s just that when I first looked at Dragon Ball, I didn’t think that when Roja saw the god, he looked like a big walking bug, and the more he looked, the more he looked like it.

"Mad, the Mekker grows up like this bird, isn't it because the two bugs are wrong when you slap? The Mekker seems to lay eggs and reproduce by parthenogenesis, but it's okay."

His cheek twitched slightly, Luo Ya was thinking wildly in his mind, looking at me with the gods, and looking at you, I didn't know what to say for a long while..

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