One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1755: Conditions of the Gods

"Mr. Roya, this is the god of heaven." Seeing the embarrassing atmosphere, Bobo quickly spoke, with a trace of imperceptible anxiety on his dark face.

Bobo knows he can't provoke a person with bottomless strength, still carrying such a huge murderous aura, but he is worried about any conflict between his god and the other party.

"Well, it's the first time I saw the Namekist, I'm sorry." Luo Ya reminded him after Bobo, suddenly remembering the man in front of him, but the one who made the Dragon Ball, scratched his head and said.

The dragon ball can be said to be something he must get. The reason why he chose to come to this world is not only because the world looks strong and boundless, but more importantly, this world has a bug like dragon ball.

The earth did not know how many times it was destroyed, and many people did not know how many times it was killed. They were all resurrected by Dragon Ball, and the Dragon Ball, which can realize most of the wishes, is also an indispensable part of Roja's plan.

The pupils of the gods shrunk slightly, and the identity of his Namek was probably unknown on the earth. This kind of absolute privacy is only known to people from other places or who have been to Namek.

But Roja just said that the first time I saw the Namek, there was only one possibility for the rest.

"Mr. Roya, you shouldn't be from this universe." The god said, with a trace of Shen Ning on his old face, perhaps even he himself felt that this guess was a little unreliable.

The theory of the universe, he also accidentally heard it while talking to the King of the Realm some time ago. After all, this concept is too far away from him. If he hadn’t seen Roya today, I’m afraid he would have heard it at that time. Forget completely.

"Well, how do you say, you can think of me as a person in a space of different latitudes, that is, a person in a parallel space." Luo Ya frowned, thinking slightly below before speaking.

"Well, I didn't understand." The god nodded, the expression on his face was calm and his tone didn't change at all, as if he didn't understand it is a very normal thing.

I didn’t understand what you were doing, I didn’t understand what you nodded

Roya flew over ten thousand Shuanghui fresh pigs, looking at the god in front of him, his cheek twitched again, Nima, such a serious person who said cold jokes, could he really be god?

"However, you have evil thoughts in your body, but compared to kind thoughts, you are very few. You should be a good-natured person." The god continued. He only has kind thoughts in his body. He has a strong perception of human good and evil thoughts.

"Well, kindness can't be talked about, it's not bad anyway." Luo Ya heard the words of the gods and said with embarrassment. He is an ordinary person, good and evil, but he is not so persistent.

"You just said you wanted me for something, what's the matter?"

"Uh, three things, the first thing, I want the spaceship you came to earth in the first place, the second thing, I want Dragon Ball, and the third thing, I have two companions, practicing in the spiritual time house. , I hope no one will disturb them as much as possible."

Roja saw the god head straight to the subject, scratched the tip of his nose, and bluntly stated the purpose. Anyway, it was something to say sooner or later. If the god disagrees, then he can only use some extraordinary means.

After all, the crisis of Journey to the West is still waiting for him to go back and solve it. There is no time delay at all. It is naturally the best situation for everyone to be happy. If it is really not, for the sake of his own group of beautiful girls, he also admits that he will be a very sinful person. Up.

"The spaceship is in the temple. I can’t help you with the Dragon Balls. The Dragon Balls scattered around the world, even if I’m a god, can’t call them back. You can only find them by yourself. The last point is very easy. The spiritual time house is short. No one will come in time, but I have one condition."

The gods agreed to what Roja said, first and third, he could guarantee that he could do it, but Dragon Ball, he was really powerless.

In the original work, the dragon ball was made by the gods and Bobo together, but every time they searched for a dragon ball, it was the Monkey King's group that brought the dragon ball radar to look for it.

"Please tell." Luo Ya frowned slightly, and said, Dragon Ball God has no choice but to go to Bouma, and now God knows what time period it is, if Bouma or even his father is still a sperm, That would be embarrassing.

After all, according to the original book, the time for the gods to come to the earth was quite long. There was a three-hundred-year time difference between the time when Wu Taidou sealed Piccolo and the release of it by the man named Pilaf.

Ask for flowers

"I want to ask you to kill the Big Demon King Piccolo." The god's voice shivered slightly, and the crutch in his hand was pinched with a little cracking sound.

The gods can be sure that Roja is definitely the strongest person he has ever seen and is terrifyingly strong, 100% more than the Demon King Piccolo. Now Piccolo is released. This is the only chance in his heart.

"The gods can't" Bobo's pupils shrank sharply, with an anxious look on his face. The gods and Piccolo were connected for life. If they were killed, the gods would also die together.

Roja doesn’t care if he doesn’t die, but if he remembers correctly, when the god dies, the dragon ball will lose its effect. This Nima is definitely a pit and an invincible pit.

The god of heaven seemed to not want him to stay on the earth, and likewise, he didn't want him to get the Dragon Balls. He just wanted to use his power to kill Piccolo, which was very scheming.

"Pick, I will completely seal it, the immortal seal that no one can unlock, um, just seal it here." Luo Ya sneered in his heart, but did not show his face, and said, Pointed to the ground under the feet.

Bobo breathed a sigh of relief on his face, while the gods frowned, took a deep look at Luo Ya, and asked to say something, but he never said it.

"I am different from you. My friend will only stay here for one year, and I can only stay for one year. After one year, I will return to my place." Luo Ya saw the expression of the gods, Can only make this old man relieved.

After all, Subudi and Zhenyuanzi still need to cultivate here, and he has to do his own thing, he can’t keep looking after the two of them. They are in the spiritual time house. Once disturbed, God knows whether it will affect the sanctification. .

"Okay." Hearing Roja's promise that he would only stay for one year, the god nodded. In one year, he could only make one wish at most. If Piccolo was completely sealed, it would be worth it.

On the earth, there is no strong person who can deal with Piccolo. The god knows in his heart that it is quite difficult for such a strong person to speak so politely with him..

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