One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1757: Looks so handsome

Nowadays, the so-called strong people on the earth can only be described as vulnerable in Roya's eyes. Even the Monkey King and Guixian in front of them are only slightly better than ordinary people.

Not to mention the Taoist monks who are comparable to the Concentration Realm, they are the Xia Ren of the Naruto World, and are much stronger than Monkey King. Although the Turtle Immortal, although hidden deep, but at best, it is the Xing Ren, the Zhong Ren is reluctant.

However, this world has his own special rules, whether it is so-called Qi, or something like Turtle Qigong, here, the power is so powerful that people are jaw-dropping.

When he got here before, Luo Ya made a shot, and he could obviously feel that the effect of his use of Xianli was amazing, and the magnitude of the increase made it difficult for him to adapt for a long time.

Now seeing Monkey King and Immortal Turtle, Roya instantly jumped out of a very bold conjecture, and even this conjecture made him feel incredible.

The system said before that the Dragon Ball World is a special medium-thousand world, and this special is special in this world. It is itself a medium-thousand world, but it is connected to a big thousand world.

What is the concept of the 13 Great Thousand World? In Roya’s conjecture, the Great Thousand World must at least have the existence of heaven and complete rules.

Since coming to this world, Luo Ya felt that although the rules here are relatively simple, they are also complete, but one thing is very important. He does not feel the existence of the world will that is similar to the way of heaven.

What is this concept? Even in the world of Naruto, the world of Pirates, and the world of Chinese girls, they all have the will of the world, but he can't feel it at all.

Is it possible that the rules of the Dragon Ball World surpass the Heavenly Dao of the Journey to the West? If it exceeds, is it because the world is too strong for him to detect the slightest will of the world?

Previously, this doubt had been lingering in Roya's heart, but at this time, seeing Monkey King, this doubt was directly thrown into his mind.

Monkey King is very weak now, weak and pitiful, but the potential in his body is very strong, but this strength is still in a situation that Luo Ya can predict after all.

In the future, the strongest Monkey King is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Even if the Saiyan blood is special, it is absolutely impossible to exceed this limit.

The strongest is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The level of this world is definitely lower than that of Journey to the West. After all, Sun Wukong should be the top powerhouse in this world after his potential reaches the limit.

Journey to the West, although the saint is even the top powerhouse, don’t forget, that is the saint of heaven, and there are saints like Pangu, the world level definitely exceeds this realm.

Combining the above inferences, only one result can be drawn, and it is this result that makes Roya a little stunned, not seeing Buman's idiotic look at all.

This world has a single but very complete rule, and the so-called will of the world is completely left to these people to develop on their own, regardless of whether or not they are bound at all.

It's not like the way of heaven in the Journey to the West. It is also thunder, three plagues, and heavenly punishment. It can be said that it restricts the monks to death.

"No control, let the many creatures develop on their own?" Luo Ya raised a smile on his face, and the stars flowed in his eyes, looking up to the sky through the roof.

To put it simply, it is like Journey to the West, but Pangu opened up the world, embodied in a prehistoric creation, and the monks born in it must be controlled by the heavens.

Even the innate gods and demons, there is no way of heaven to control, there is still a great road on it, and heaven and great roads are the will and managers of the world, and monks are not allowed to be boundless.

And the world will of this world, perhaps due to laziness or other reasons, is not restricted at all. This is a world that can fully demonstrate the strength of monks and warriors.

"The perverted world is interesting." Luo Ya's corner raised a smile. Such a world must be colorful and powerful.

And his strength can get the most extreme display here, I am afraid that the power that bursts out, even he himself will find it incredible.

"Hey, hello, hello, I'm talking to you, do you treat a beautiful girl like me like this, is there any kind of grace?"

While Roya thought about it, Bouma asked for the phone number and name three times, but did not get an answer. She directly exploded Mao, restored her sturdy nature, and jumped up and down in front of him.

"The beautiful girl" Luo Ya was called back in a trance, looking at Bouma in front of him, his cheeks twitched slightly, and he secretly sighed that this Dragon Ball world was really a world lacking beauty.

Bouma's face, placed in the crowd, may be called eye-catching, but compared with the large and small fairies of her own, it is at best the level of a maid.

Even the level of the maid was equivalent to those little foxes from Qingqiu. Whether it was Hu Yuer, Nie Xiaoqian, or Xiaowei, they could throw Bouma a somersault cloud.

"I'm so angry, don't think that you are so handsome." Bouma saw Luo Ya's expression, and was filled with anger. She pointed to her face, the little poached egg-like breasts up and down.

"Thank you for the compliment." Roja scratched the tip of his nose, with a look of embarrassment on his face. Some people praised him for his strength, and some people praised him for his extraordinary temperament. But being praised for being handsome, this is really the number one. Times.

"Is this a compliment, is this?" Bouma almost exploded, her cheeks turned into a blue-purple, and she turned her head and asked Little Wukong directly.

"It seems to be, I don't understand very much, grandpa never taught me this." Monkey King replied with a grin. In terms of human affection and sophistication, he was almost a blank sheet of paper.

"Ahem, young man, can you tell me the purpose of your coming here?" The immortal turtle coughed slightly. Seeing now, he might be able to judge that Roya should not be a bad person, but facing such a person who doesn't know the foundation at all, He still couldn't let go of his guard.

"Well, there are a few things. First, I want to use the Dragon Ball Radar, because there is a reason to gather the Dragon Balls."

"If you don't give it, don't give it to Wukong."

Before Roja could finish speaking, Boomer interrupted him directly, facing someone who completely ignored her and even drove her crazy quickly, she wouldn't hand over the radar.

But Monkey King didn't see exactly why Bouma was angry. He had a simple head, and even his thoughts stayed on Bouma's praise of Loya.

"Here you are." Monkey King took the Dragon Ball Radar out of his arms, with that innocent smile on his face..

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