One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1758: Your wish has come true

In Sun Wukong's heart, he has already determined that Roja is a good person. Since there is a reason to find Dragon Ball, and he doesn't need Dragon Ball, he naturally won't hesitate.

"My Radar" Bouma saw that it could no longer stop Monkey King's movements, so he flew directly and hugged Dragon Ball Radar in his arms.

"Buma, he has already said what you are doing, there is a reason to get Dragon Ball." Monkey King blinked his eyes, still looking like a cute Zhengtai.

"Hey, you can believe what others say" Bouma was not at all polite to Monkey King, and directly hit the top of his head with a pink fist.

However, no matter how bad Monkey King is, he is also of Saiyan blood. Today's strength is much higher than that of ordinary people. Buma punched it and only wailed his pain again and again.

"But he is a good man." Monkey King scratched his head, and his tail was slightly bent behind him, as if he had hit a question mark.

"Why don't I think at all? And, this is my Dragon Ball Radar. You have no right to give it to others." Bouma with an angry expression on her face, she stuffed Dragon Ball Radar into her own poached egg.

"It seems to be right, I'm sorry, if you need Dragon Ball Radar, you have to borrow from Bouma." Monkey King didn't feel angry at all. After thinking about it, it seemed that this was the truth, and he turned his head and bowed to Roya to apologize.

"Hmm, don't speak, I won't lend it to you." Bouma turned her cheek to one side, and kept rubbing her palms quietly. She just hit Monkey King, and her hands still hurt.

Luo Ya frowned slightly, and the little girl Bouma had a temper in the plan. He really didn't have much thoughts to coax her. After all, he only has one year, and every day is very important.

A trace of celestial power floated out, slightly hooked his fingers, and the Dragon Ball Radar in Bouma's arms floated out directly, no matter how Bouma stopped it, it was useless.

The boss who was pulling the front of his clothes, Immortal Turtle stretched out his neck to find out, but Luo Ya gently waved his hand, and the white vest on his body was directly over his head, and he couldn't pull it off. .

"You are a rogue¨" Bouma glared at Roja angrily, and saw the Dragon Ball Radar flying out. If it hadn't been for the weapon in his hand, I'm afraid he would have rushed up desperately.

"Thank you, the gangster is there." Luo Ya got the radar, smiled on his face, and pointed the spear directly at Immortal Turtle.

"Old Man of Color" Bouma saw Immortal Turtle's appearance that he couldn't pull off his vest no matter how hard he was, he cursed directly in his mouth, and turned his head to look at Luo Ya, "You did it."

Luo Ya shrugged and waved his hand slightly, and the vest covering the head of the Turtle Immortal fell off, telling Bouma the truth directly with the facts.

Monkey King saw the immortal turtle who was almost suffocated, and ran to help him stand up from the ground in a shock, not knowing that the instigator was the good person in his heart.

"Hum, one yard and one yard. You can expose the matter of ignoring me just now, but Dragon Ball Radar can't give it to you, and I have to realize my wish."

Bouma hugged her arms, her face was a bit unsatisfied, still reluctant, but since she took the initiative to reveal the matter just now, Luo Ya saw a bit of a quick turn for the girl.

"What kind of wish?" Roja asked. In this world, there are really few mortal wishes that he can't realize. Even if he wants to resurrect someone, it is easy for him.

"My wish. My wish is to be a young and invincible beautiful girl who can quickly grow up and become twenty years old"

Bouma originally wanted to say that her wish was to find a handsome guy to be her boyfriend, but remembering that he had just praised him for being handsome, this wish was really misunderstood, and she temporarily fabricated another wish.

In fact, Luo Ya is not very handsome. He left a long hair in Journey to the West, because he came to the world of Dragon Ball and was tied behind his head with a rope at will.

In order to match the local customs, he was replaced with the usual attire in the Pirate World, a simple dark blue shirt, and a straight suit pants.

Such a simple attire and a casual posture, logically speaking, this has nothing to do with the word handsome, but the definition of the word handsome is different for everyone.

Luo Ya is not feminine, looks very sunny, his cheeks are not too rigid, and have a very linear appearance, which just fits Bouma's aesthetics. Even if he is angry enough, he feels that his appearance is completely perfect.

"Nima, grow up quickly, a 20-year-old beautiful girl, this is what a hammer's wish." Luo Ya didn't care about whether this was Bouma's true wish. He wanted to solve these problems as soon as possible.

Turning his hand and took out a pill, Luo Ya directly bombed it into Bouma's mouth. This pill was called Yijin Pill. In the Journey to the West, the main function was to make the monster race easier to transform.

And if human beings obey it, it will be able to bring the human body closer to the peak of its vitality, that is to say, it will become nearly twenty years old.

Bouma's pupils shrank and felt a foreign body in her throat. She covered her mouth and jumped up and down anxiously, but the foreign body turned into a clear stream directly into her body.

"Yah yah" three times in a row, Bouma's figure grew up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his height soared from 1.5 meters to 1.67 meters, which is more than the original work. Slightly higher.

The poached-egg-like cherries became awkward, and a pair of legs that looked like bamboo poles became slender and rounded. The figure was almost perfect.

The original clothes became ill-fitted, revealing the white and tender flesh of the waist, and the trousers changed from long trousers to Qian Zhao Qifen trousers. Bouma opened her mouth and was sluggish.

"Your wish is fulfilled. I will take the Dragon Ball Radar. Then I will talk about the second thing." Roja said to Boomer. As he was about to continue the topic, Boomer said again. interrupt.

"No, why should I live less for many years, ah, what should I do, I will grow old quickly"

"Women are trouble." Luo Ya muttered silently when he heard Bumana's screaming from the sky. He turned his hand and took out a ten-year-old Zhu Guo again, wrapped it in Xianli, and stirred it up directly. Tucked into Boomer's mouth.

"Ugh" Bouma was attacked by a foreign object again, her face was shocked, but in an instant, she raised her head and looked at Luo Ya in disbelief.

"You can live nine hundred years old. If you maintain it properly, one thousand years old is not a problem. Is there anything else going on now?"

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