One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1766: Namek Star

Luo Ya didn't care about the reaction of a group of young men. At this moment, he looked at the dragon-shaped creature that looked like a blue dragon in front of him, with a somewhat scrutinizing gaze on his face.

With independent consciousness and self-thinking ability, it belongs to a special life form, and the time of existence is limited to the time of summoning. This Shenlong is really peculiar.

"The aesthetic vision of Tianshen and Bobo is relatively reliable." After looking at it for a moment, Luo Ya came to a conclusion in his heart, and Shenlong also slowly peeked his head from the clouds.

"Say your wish, no matter what kind of wish it is, I can fulfill it for you, but only one." Shenlong slowly descended, and there were no eyeballs and pupils in his eyes, just a blush.

"The tone is really big, if you don't know how capable you are, maybe you will be bluffed." Luo Ya's heart "Two One Zero" rolled his eyes secretly, Shenlong's power is not unlimited, many wishes, Shenlong can't do it.

"Teleport me to the realm of the realm king."

"I'm sorry, I can't make this wish." Shenlong said, Luo Ya did not roll his eyes in his heart this time, but revealed it directly on his face.

This Nima cowhide broke in an instant. Fortunately, although Shenlong had independent consciousness, it was obviously incomplete. Otherwise, I don't know if it will commit embarrassing cancer every minute.

However, the fact that it is so difficult to get to the realm of the realm king is beyond Luo Ya's expectation. After all, in his plan, if he reaches the realm of the realm king first, many troubles can be solved directly.

Realm King Shen Xin, possesses the ability to move instantaneously. Although his personality is amusing, he still has some strength. He should know the world best.

And even if he didn't understand, he would save a lot of troubles from top to bottom, but since he couldn't reach the realm of the realm king in the first time, he had to think of other ways.

The universe on the system map is very vast. Such a vast area gave Roya the feeling of being in the Journey to the West and stepping outside the realm of Hongmeng.

Not to mention how long it would take to get to the realm of the realm king, he wanted to find a place with a bigger fart among hundreds of millions of planets. He had already experienced this difficulty before.

What's more, those hundreds of millions of planets, one by one, look at the past, and you can be exhausted if you are tired. If you want to save time, you should be more reliable.

But I didn't expect that Shenlong, who originally thought it was very reliable, could not even do this, and the reason why Luoya couldn't do it was already seen in Shenlong's scarlet-glossy eyes.

The power of rules

For example, what the Shenlong carried should probably be the power of a lower-level god, or an intermediate-level god, and the level of the realm king god exceeded the limit that the Shenlong could influence.

In other words, in the will of the dragon, the realm of the realm king is completely something he cannot touch, and everything related to it is basically impossible to achieve.

"Send me to the Great Elder of Namek." Luo Ya thought for a while and said again. Namek is almost the place he must go on this trip, and there is also a dragon, but the strength is better than this. Much stronger.

A power descended on Roya, he felt the power of the rich space, did not resist at all, let the space suck him in.

"Your wish has been fulfilled, goodbye." Shenlong's voice appeared next to Luo Ya's ear, the voice full of majesty, it seemed to have a sense of relief.

"Is it so powerful that the dragon would be afraid?" Luo Ya had a smile on his face, and after thinking about it, he put away the cultivation realm covered by the Jingshi lotus robe.

Although he still hasn't exposed his breath, as long as others check carefully, he can still see some clues.

In this world where combat power is supreme, revealing his aura may save him a lot of trouble to a certain extent, at least some rubbish, so he dare not take the initiative to provoke him.

Above Namek, the power of space is condensed in the room of the great elder. Neru, the guard responsible for protecting the great elder, hurriedly stood in front of the space passage, his face full of solemnity.

Although he had never seen a spatial passage, Neilu could perceive that the thing in front of him was full of danger.

The Namekians grew extremely fast, like in the original work, Piccolo grew to a strength that surpassed the original Piccolo in just three short years after his birth.

This special living body can maintain the functioning of life functions even by drinking water. It is quite similar to plants.

Although he was only nine years old, Neru was already a person on Namek, who could rank in the top ten, and his combat power was already very good in the eyes of the locals, so he would be selected as the guard of the elder.

"Retreat to Neilu, the enemy is not here." The great elder said, with a kind smile on his old face.

There was a flash of light in the space channel, and Roja stepped out of it. Hearing the words of the great elder, although he could not understand the language of Namek, he could still clearly feel the radiance from the great elder in front of him from his divine mind. Kindness.

People treat me with sincerity, and I will treat others with sincerity. Since the great elder kindly excluded Roja from the enemy's sequence, as long as his plan goes well, he will naturally not be embarrassed with the Namek.

"Hello, I am a person from another world, Luo Ya." Using his divine mind to clearly convey what he wanted to express, Luo Ya's face showed a smile that made people feel like spring breeze.

"Namek welcomes you, Mr. Roya, I am the great elder of Namek." The tentacles on the forehead of the elder moved, and a divine thought was fed back to Roya's mind, making him startled slightly.

He really didn’t expect that this great elder had the patience to transmit sound through his divine will.

"It's really more than 33 squares to be able to communicate like this. Elder, I am here. There are very important things. I need to gather the Dragon Balls to make a wish, and I am more eager. I hope you can understand. In return, I will leave a contribution. Fa, so that the people of Namek can have power and extraordinary abilities beyond ordinary people."

Luo Ya went straight to the subject. The previous Shenlong did not realize his wish. This time, it must be fulfilled, otherwise he will start searching on the system map like a needle in a haystack in minutes.

In order to let the great elders understand that this transaction is very fair, Luo Ya's passing divine thoughts included various abilities before the practitioner became immortal.

"I can feel your eagerness, Namek, I am willing to help you, and we won't ask for anything in return." The elder passed his spiritual thoughts to Roja, and then turned his head and ordered towards Neru. ..

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