One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1767: Nine Dragons Tengyun Formation

"Fuck it, it's so easy." Luo Ya was stunned for a moment, and could hardly believe what he heard. He vaguely remembered that the Namekians seemed to be very hospitable and very friendly.

But this level of friendliness is too high, Dragon Ball, hey, Dragon Ball, who can realize the three wishes, just one sentence, I am willing to take it out without any return.

The great elder's friendliness surpassed Luo Ya's expectations, but when he thought about it, he knew that he had underestimated the ability and compassion of the old man in front of him.

A person who can prolong his life without using Dragon Ball with something as powerful as Dragon Ball has already seen a lot of things. Such wisdom cannot be possessed by ordinary people.

The elder told him that he could clearly feel his eagerness, and that he could be recognized as a good person in a short time, perhaps with a sense of ability that he did not know.

This ability can help him easily distinguish the good and evil of other people and make the most correct judgments. Moreover, as the only 13 Namek stars who have survived after the disaster, the elder sees things clearly and is simpler than ordinary people. Many.

After hearing the words of the great elder, Neru took a deep look at Roya. Although the great elder said that the other party was not a bad person, Neru could sense the extreme murderous aura and the terrifying power that seemed like an endless abyss.

"If I'm not mistaken, you came here through Dragon Ball." When the elder left Neiru to collect the Dragon Ball, he looked at Luo Ya again and issued a divine thought.

"Well, the dragon ball on the earth, the god of the earth today, is a Namek." Roja nodded and answered the words of the elder. For the friendly and very interesting old man, he doesn't mind chatting more.

After all, after summoning the Shenlong, he still needs the help of the Namek when he doesn't understand Namek.

"During that catastrophe, is there any Namek who survived? It's really good news." With a smile on the face of the elder, I can hear that there are still Namek people alive. This whole life is dedicated to making that beautiful. The old man revived by the Nemesis was full of joy.

"I rarely meet a friendly person like you, can you tell me why you don't want to be paid?" Luo Ya was puzzled in his heart, and directly sent out a spiritual inquiry.

"I have left a hundred and eight children so far. Among them, the combat-type Namekians are the least, and sometimes they bring greed and killing. Like you, they have powerful strength, but There are not many people who can still maintain their natural goodness."

The great elder's divine thoughts were filled with emotion and helplessness. At the beginning, the Namekians were pursuing powerful forces and powerful technology to cause destruction.

"A kind person will choose to use strength to protect the people around him. Okay, this is my understanding. I will leave a protective formation here. It can help you resist powerful enemies and also have the ability to kill powerful enemies. The ability, the key to this formation, only you can control."

Luo Ya was sent a good person card, a little embarrassed, after thinking about it, he said something.

Effortlessly, he took the dragon ball and made three wishes with the dragon ball. It really seemed that he was a little cheeky, and if he didn't do anything, he always felt panicked.

"Thank you." The elder felt the discomfort in Roja's heart and did not refuse again. After all, this unheard of formation is indeed a powerful temptation for Namek.

In the universe, there are countless strong people, and the great elder can feel that the strength of the people in front of them is too strong to be able to predict, and what remains is bound to be extremely powerful.

He doesn't need to invade others, but this is something that can always protect the younger generations of the American nemesis, which is indeed very useful.

There was a smile on Luo Ya's face, and he flipped his hand and took out a nine-shot streamer in the system warehouse. On the streamer, a white dragon was portrayed.

The nine-stroke small streamer is only a top-grade magic weapon, but when combined with each other, it can form a Nine Dragons Tengyun formation. This formation combines killing and defense into one, and it is already a very high-level formation.

With this protective formation, even the opponents of the Golden Immortal level will have to hate under the nine-handed small streamers when they come, and according to Luo Ya's estimation, the Golden Immortal level is already a strong and unscrupulous existence in this world.

After all, the great elder in front of him, because of the declining vitality, is a state of accepting the gods, and the Nei Lu just now, in his perception, can step into the early stage of the gods.

The Neru in the original book, in Roya's memory, seems to have a fighting power of over 10,000, and it is still more than 40,000. Now it is definitely not as strong as when Monkey King arrives in the future, but it should not be much worse.

Over ten thousand combat power is Nashenjing

Although it sounds like a bit of a pull, the world's increase in energy forms such as Qi and Xianli is terrible. According to Luo Ya's estimation, a San Xian can easily become a destructive planet here and rule in the universe. The existence of dominance.

If calculated in this way, then Frieza would cry as soon as he arrived at the Golden Immortal-level protective array, and would be dried into scum every minute, without even a little resistance.

The world of Dragon Ball seems to fly up, and in the later stage, the combat power is tens of trillions, tens of trillions. Such calculations seem unreasonable, but they are roughly in line with the rules of this world 220.

But for the specifics, Roja will have to figure out after seeing more people. After all, the scene that the dragon ball in the previous life would destroy the world and threaten the universe at every turn gave him too deep an image.

This world can only be blamed. There is no limit to power. Any monk, as long as he masters energy, can make ordinary people desperate.

"Go" Luo Ya snorted in a low voice, and the eight small streamers turned into streamers, covering all of the five-kilometer radius, repeatedly pinching in his hands, and finishing the formation in a moment.

The nine dragons formed by clouds and fog, soaring endlessly in a radius of 5,000 meters, are so powerful that they are terrifyingly powerful, so that the look on the face of the great elder that has remained unchanged for thousands of years can no longer be maintained.

This kind of power, where is the power that can protect himself and kill powerful enemies, is invincible in the universe, and it is almost in his heart.

Luo Ya ignored the great elder’s astonishment, turned his hand and took out a piece of wood for soul-raising that had not been sacrificed before. He kept pinching the tactics, and infused various tactics into it, scorching his spirit with purple fire and divine thought Shaped, directly refining this soul-raising wood into a hub for controlling this formation.

"Go" slapped a magic formula, yelled again in the mouth, and the soul-raising wood token turned into a streamer, and it penetrated directly into the body of the elder..

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