One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1768: Great Witchcraft

"The usage has been passed on to you. If you want to pass it on to others in the future, just use the method recorded in it." Luo Ya opened his mouth and said to the elder. With his current strength, doing this kind of thing doesn't cost much at all. How much strength.

"Mr. Roja, your strength is beyond my expectation. Such a formation is too strong, and I don't know how to repay it."

The great elder was in shock for a long time and couldn't return to his senses. When he looked at Roja again, he was already grateful. The existence of this thing was tantamount to leaving a talisman to Namek Star that would never die.

"This is your reward for helping me." Luo Ya smiled and shook his head. He was very satisfied with the ability to obtain the Dragon Ball smoothly, but it was just a few top-grade magic weapons. With his current treasure refining ability, it can be done in minutes. Refined.

"I have a secret technique that can stimulate the potential in the body. If Mr. Roya is willing, I may be able to slightly improve your strength."

The great elder pondered for a long while and then spoke again. He really has nothing to return. After all, this kind of formation is really strong and boundless in his eyes. After thinking for a long time, it seems that only this secret technique can offset some. Favors.

"Can I do it too?" Luo Ya raised his eyebrows in surprise. He didn't expect that he could encounter such a good thing.

After all, his strength is different from when Monkey King and others came to Namike Star. At his level, the weak and powerful elder in front of him can help him stimulate his potential.

"The secret technique has nothing to do with strength. As long as there is potential in the body, it can be stimulated." The great elder said with a smile on his face.

"Then I would like to thank you in advance." Luo Ya was overjoyed in his heart, and said that to improve his strength is the purpose of his coming to this world. It would be great if he could open up by stimulating potential.

In the original work, Monkey King seems to have increased a lot of potential, and his combat effectiveness has soared, and it seems that he has a lot of effects on the future enhancement of strength.

Originally, he thought that he was strong and could not enjoy this kind of treatment. Who could have imagined that there would be such an unexpected joy. The potential has nothing to do with the strength.

The Great Elder Namek Star here can help him improve his strength, does that mean that one can also help him improve his strength?

In the realm of the realm king, there is a sword of the realm king. The realm king god before 15 generations was sealed by Birus. In the original work, after the great elder helped the Sun Gohan to increase his potential, this old man once again helped Sun Wu Fan improved his strength.

If it weren't for Monkey King's wife, Qiqi, who had strict control, and Gohan had no intention of improving his strength, he might be able to become the number one powerhouse in the universe every minute.

Roya secretly decided in his heart that if the opening can be successful this time, he will definitely break the Divine Sword of the Realm King, release the God of the Old Realm King, and once again increase his strength.

"What am I going to do?" With a bit of joy on his face, Luo Ya came to the front of the elder and issued a divine enquiry.

"Give me your hand and relax your mind and body." The elder elder lifted his hand with a large fan, exposing his palm, and a thought passed from his divine mind.

Luo Ya took a deep breath, entered a state of relaxation, placed his palm on the palm of the elder, and a force full of vitality entered his body.

As soon as this force came into contact with body cells and meridians, it caused his blood to swell. The bones of the great witch in his body trembled endlessly, his blood roared, and he almost vomited a mouthful of old blood.

The Grand Elder hurriedly retracted his palm, his expression on his face was full of dignity. The contact just now made him feel the terrifying potential of Roja, but it seems that because certain conditions have not been reached, a thick barrier is there. He couldn't draw out this potential.

It took Roya for a long time to soothe his blood and energy before he calmed down the restlessness in his body. In the first moment, the great witchcraft in his body ran away, but because of the lack of spirit, he couldn't merge into the flesh, and he almost hurt himself.

After frowning for a while, the elder told Luo Ya of the real situation. After all, he saw this situation for the first time, and he really didn't know how to deal with it.

"Please wait a moment, I think I know the reason." After Luo Ya passed a thought, Yu entered the state of concentration directly in front of the Great Elder.


There was a crisp sound of bone cracking, and Roya did not hesitate at all in the blast of air. He directly abolished the bones of the great witch in his whole body and removed the pather's cultivation base.

"Puff" a mouthful of blood was spit out, mixed with the rich celestial spirit, that full of blood, directly filled the room of the elder with blood.

The bone of the great witch is terrifying, and it contains the essence of the body, and the increase in the flesh is also terrifying. This abolition, Luo Ya's breath is stagnant.

The Great Witch Art must completely integrate the body and the soul, the flesh god is immortal, and the soul is immortal, in order to be promoted to a higher realm, but his soul has long formed the primordial spirit and formed the top three flowers.

To solve this problem, there is only one way, waste work

Originally, Luo Ya had been hesitating, after all, it was not easy for practitioners to practice, and it was completely a coincidence that it was a great luck to form the bones of the great witch.

He has been trying to find a way to transform it, but even after ten thousand years of enlightenment, there is still no suitable method.

After all, the Great Witch Art is a custom-made exercise for the Witch Clan based on the memory of the ancestor. It has long since deviated from the path of the normal people. It is easy to deviate, but it is difficult to turn it back.

Because Yang Chan didn't form the bones of the great witch, he could easily convert it into a good technique for the Eight Doors God Forbidden, but Luo Ya himself really broke his brain for this.

Although the contact time with the great elder just now is short, Roja can feel that the great elder can indeed help him increase his strength quickly, and the improvement is exactly the strength of the pather he needs.

He promptly abolished the Great Witch Art and broke his whole body bones. Luo Ya was in severe pain, his body was soft and prone, and the expression on his face was also sluggish, even maintaining a cross-legged sitting posture was extremely difficult.

But being able to walk all the way from the beginning of the Pirate World to the present, he has never lacked perseverance and cruelty. To reach a higher level, pursue stronger strength, and go to more worlds, there are some things that he must endure.

Roja endured the severe pain of breaking his muscles and bones. The cold sweat seemed to rain, and it flowed all over the place for a moment, but he never said a word, but silently began to operate the eight-door divine forbidden that he created, the top of power.

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