One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1773: Two Funny

"Mr. Roya, are you sure you want to do this? In the universe a million miles away, there is no air, not cosmic creatures, and they cannot survive. What's the situation, whether there is turbulence in space and a million miles away? , The meteorite cluster is also uncertain."

The great elder had a bit of worry on his face. Divine Sense had passed on his own worries. The living environment in the universe was bad. In his heart, even the strongest people would be in danger.

"It doesn't matter, there are very few existences that can threaten me. What you said has no effect on me." Luo Ya showed a smile on his face, and the confidence in the voice of God's Sense made the great elder feel a little at ease.


After another chirping, the elder looked at Roja, and at this time, a familiar force also enveloped him.

"Mr. Roya, take care and wish you all the best." The elder sent his own blessings. This time he summoned the Shenlong to help Roya. In fact, the benefits of their Namek were the greatest.

The first is that powerful formation that can block and kill powerful enemies, and the second is that his vitality has been greatly enhanced, as the great elder, can continue to maintain the orderly development of the Namek.

Finally, and most importantly, the birth of that new life may bring new hopes and changes to the Namekians. The great elders have even sprouted, and the unborn Namekists will be appointed as their successors. Human thoughts.

Roja smiled and nodded. He did not resist the transmission of the dragon, and disappeared directly on the Namek star. In the blink of an eye, he concentrated on a void universe.

Divine Mind swept the surrounding area, and the tip of the corner twitched slightly. There were dozens of small suns around, all moving along the same track without interfering with each other.

No matter how far away, the divine consciousness of the realm would not be able to detect it. After all, the universe is vast, and this thing is not completely covered by a divine mind.

"Millions of miles, where are they" muttered to himself, Roja opened the system map in his mind and fixed his eyes on a small planet.

On the system map, countless dense small suns are revolving around this small planet, and the system directly marked the four characters of Realm King God Realm.

Raising his eyebrows, Luo Ya mobilized his instantaneous ability and moved directly out of a million li, his body sank slightly, his feet fell to the ground after a pause, and he immediately stepped onto the realm of the realm king.

"This bird's place actually has a protective cover." Looking up at the protective cover in the sky, Roja rolled his eyes secretly in his heart. This kind of protective cover, which seems to be naturally generated, made his moment a little deviation. , The meal between the feet is also because of this little deviation.

Divine Sense swept away the so-called Realm of the Realm King, and the two auras that were reasonably good were easily felt by him, and at almost the same time, they discovered that there were outsiders in the Realm of Realm King.

The Realm of the Realm King is a very special place, surrounded by countless small suns, and if you want to enter here, you must either get the permission of the Realm King God, or be led by the Realm King God's servant Jebit.

In the past, there was only one person who was able to act recklessly in the realm of the realm king with his powerful strength. That person was the Demon Buu.

Although the realm king gods seem to be supreme, they also have fears, like Majin Buu is the most. Four of the five realm king gods once died in the hands of Majin Buu, and finally the West Wang Shen racked his brains, exhausted his plans, and paid a huge price before he sealed the Demon Buu.

"Jiebit" Realm King Xin has a solemn face, and his legs are disobedient. As the Realm King God, Xin can perceive the arrival of any living body because of his special status.

Although Roja's aura was vague, it didn't cover it much. The feeling of being so powerful that it made Xin's expression slightly stiff, and his strength was so powerful that even if it wasn't Demon Buu, he couldn't deal with it.

"Yes" Jebite responded with a serious face. I don’t know how many years of getting along, the two have long had an extraordinary understanding. Jebite didn’t want to directly stimulate his ability and came to Luo with the world king. In front of Ya.

Only this time, Jebite obviously misunderstood the meaning of the Realm King God, and saw that after seeing Roja, the Realm King God's pupils shrank sharply, and he stepped back two steps directly, turning his head to look at Jebee in disbelief.

"I asked you to run away with me?" Realm King Shen Xin roared frantically, his expression distorted, and Jebit was directly startled.

"Master Realm King, do you feel sick in your stomach?" Jebit scratched his head, his face was full of doubts. Didn't a stranger show up to find out the situation? What is this expression?

"Two funny comparisons." Luo Ya said with emotion, the realm king Shen Xin, in the original work is a funny comparison, always fussing, the look of surprise is completely the expression emperor after Monkey King.

Seeing the real person now, Luo Ya gave Xin the title of the world's first funny king of the universe within minutes, and now this distorted expression is much worse than when his stomach was broken.

"No, it's just that you are so smart that I don't know how to describe it." Realm King Shen Xin now has the idea of ​​slaughtering Jebit, and after speaking, he straightened his clothes and said.

With a clear cough, pretending to be extraordinary, the world king Shen Xin looked at Luo Ya, as long as it wasn't Demon Buu, he was somewhat confident in his heart.

With the title of Realm King God on his body, even if his combat power is still not up to standard, few dared to attack him. After all, Realm King God and Destruction God can be said to be life related.

So much Zhao

He is the only realm king god nowadays, even if he has a bad relationship with Birus, few people dare to attack him. Demon Buu did not dare to overkill the realm king god because of this.

"Honorable strong man, hello, I am the seventh universe, the world king god Xin, welcome you here, I don't know which universe you came from."

The realm king god Xin installed x's ability is still good, at least this opening remark directly slammed most of the people in this universe.

Roya was stunned when he heard this sentence, the seventh universe, paralyzed, he finally knew what was wrong, the reason why the Dragon Ball world can become a special middle thousand world is because it is the seventh universe

"Well, my name is Luo Ya, you can treat me as a person who travels in time and space. When I come here, there are some things that I want you to help out." Although Luo Ya had a lot of thoughts, his response was not slow, and he answered. One sentence..

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