One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1774: World King God Xin

Although the words of the Realm King God are simple, they are not simple at all in Luo Ya's ears. In his previous life, he didn't dabble in the plot after Dragon Ball. After all, long fights were too energy-consuming.

But the same group of people who chased Dragon Balls once bragged to him that Majin Buu and Frieza are all a piece of food. The truly powerful is the king, who can control the destiny of more than a dozen universes, and can even destroy it with one thought. universe.

Hearing the claims of the seventh universe king god at this time, he understood that in addition to the current universe, there are more than a dozen other universes, each of which is horrendous.

"The paralyzed person, occupying such a large area, if it weren't for Monkey King's potential, he would stop at Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I would still be scared to death."

Roja thought brokenly in his heart, that Monkey King, as the protagonist, grows to the limit, he must be no weaker than the strongest existence, and even if it is slightly inferior, it will definitely not be too different.

That Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian roughly represented the top of the world. Although strong, Luo Ya thought to himself that as long as his strength continued to improve, he would be able to easily kill the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level powerhouse soon.

"Time and Space Travel 173" Real King Xin was taken aback for a moment, and wanted to ask what time and space travel meant, but I was a little embarrassed to speak. After all, asking such a question would directly drop a lot of force.

"My Lord Realm King, is the supreme being in the Seventh Universe, how can he help others at will." Jebite said, directly rejecting Loya's words, the red face that looked like cinnabar, with a somber and serious face look.

The hesitation of the world king god Xin, in the eyes of Jebit, is that he is unwilling to help, but he does not want to directly refuse. This kind of wicked thing naturally requires his subordinate to speak.

Shen Xin, the king of the realm, almost stared his eyes out, looked at Jebit in disbelief, and cried in his heart, "Is this bastard's brain hit today? How to do something without going through the brain at all

"I don't want to help, it seems that I can only use some unconventional methods." Luo Ya had a look of interest on his face, and he shook his hands directly with each other. The creaking voice made the realm king feel Xinxin. His expression changed drastically.

"Wait no, Jebite just said vomiting" Jiebdee Wang Shenxin quickly asked to explain, but before finishing speaking, Luo Yashabao's big fist hit him directly in the abdomen.

Realm King Shen Xin's body was bent into dried shrimps, and his eyes were almost shot out by this punch. He turned the river into the sea in his belly, and shot backward at the speed of a rocket, crashing on a huge boulder.

There was nothing else in the Realm King God Realm who dared to say, but the ground was still quite hard. At this time, he almost belched him.

"If you have anything, wait until I'm done." Luo Ya wore a smile on his face, which in the eyes of Realm King Xin and Jiebitt was truly terrifying.

"I'm just a cough to spread the word." Seeing that the realm king god didn't even stop him, Jiebit quickly spoke out to show his position, but before he finished speaking, he was also given an iron fist, with exactly the same Posture, hit Xin's body directly.

"I'm going to die" Shen Xin, the king of the world, was traumatized again, as a mosquito-like sound came from behind Jabit, his internal organs were surging, and his blood swelled, and he almost spewed out old blood.

Jebite looked flustered, enduring the sharp pain in his abdomen, struggling to get off the body of Realm King Shen Xin, grabbed Xin's arm with one hand, pointed a sword with one hand, and nodded toward his forehead, obviously using instant movement to escape.

"I actually want to run. It seems that I really want to stretch your muscles and bones." Luo Ya's eyes turned to the stars, and the space barrier was from small to large, directly enveloping the area of ​​500 meters in diameter in minutes.

Whether it is instantaneous movement or instantaneous movement, it belongs to the supernatural powers of space.

Roya's space barrier was just sent randomly, although it was placed in Zhen Yuanzi's eyes, this space barrier was exploded, it was okay to trap a golden immortal, and going up further would have no effect at all.

But the question is, does Jebit’s realm king Xin Xin have the strength of a golden immortal? In Roya’s perception, the aura of the two is much stronger than that of the turtle immortal and the great elders, even one in the sky and the other underground, but After all, it is far from Jinxian.

Realm King Shen Xin is a little bit stronger, probably at the peak of Xianxian, while that Jiebit is in the early stage of Xianxian, and he is still barely able to get out of his spatial enchantment. Damn it.

"I can't use it anymore" Jebitt's eyes were obviously panic. Teleportation was his skill, because as the servant of the Realm King God, his teleportation could even easily reach any position in the universe.

"My fist, isn't it very exciting?" Luo Ya approached the two step by step, with a wicked smile on his face. The tremendous improvement in the cultivation of the pather finally allowed him to find a little bit in the Pirate World. The feeling of Bamen Dunjia hanging against a general.

"Master Realm King God, please leave quickly. I will stay and hold this person." With a bit of determination on his face, Jepitel endured the pain in his abdomen and prepared to rush towards Loya.

The world king god Xin is different from him, because as the world king god, teleportation has the strongest blessing, as long as he wants to, he can walk anywhere at will.In Jebite's eyes, even if he could not leave, the world king Shen Xin would definitely be able to leave.

"Don't how can I let you stay here alone" Realm King Shenxin's expression changed drastically. Although his five internal organs were suffering from severe pain, he seemed to vomit blood at any time, but he still beaten up the spirit and hurriedly grabbed Jebit's arm.

"Fucking, it's so terrible, Lao Tzu is disgusting." Luo Ya saw a romantic drama in front of him, and made a solid stimulus.

Jebite and Realm King Shen Xin, both of them are particularly men, and two men actually do this kind of thing, which really makes him unacceptable. This is a pair of dead gays.

"In order to repay you for this big drama that made me want to eat for ten years, you guys will sleep together tonight." With a strange expression on Roja's face, he greeted the two with a fist and kick. Past.

The Realm King God is his most important chess piece when he comes to the Dragon Ball world this time. Only by mastering this chess piece can he move smoothly during his time here.

After all, a year’s time, and this world, is too big, if you don’t directly give them a strong shock, since then they dare not give birth to the slightest bad thoughts, then it will only be him who will be troubled in the future, and this trip cannot There are any accidents.

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