One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1775: You really have enough food

Roja controlled the strength of his fists and feet, and didn't give the two a chance to speak at all. Iiaia greeted them upwards. For an entire hour, the two of them were like boats in the storm, only passively beaten.

Seeing that the two of them were already blue and swollen, and there was no good meat in their bodies, Roja waved away the rags and clothes on the two of them, leaving only a small inner lining for the two.

Taking out a high-grade magic weapon to bind the demon rope, the two of them were tied together with the movement of the divine mind. The shameful posture made the dying two almost fainted directly.

The binding method is still the familiar tortoise-shell binding, but this time, it was tied up by a single person and turned into a two-person burger, with the world king Xin in front and the servant Jebit behind.

"Since the two of you will never leave, it is a good choice to combine the two into one." With a slightly nasty smile on Roja's face, he kept wondering whether the two of them have a tendency to change. He bends directly and becomes a pair ever since.

You know, in the original work, it seems that these two people were combined and became one person directly. The degree of this foundation is no less than that of Monkey King and Vegeta.

"Don't you have the ability to recover? Use it." Luo Ya had played enough, and he was refreshed. He spoke to Realm King Shen Xin. At this time, both eyes were full of fear. Don't dare to defy the slightest.

Let alone Roja staying here for a year, will the two be afraid of one year? I am afraid it will be ten thousand years. This is a shadow that cannot be erased in their hearts.

"My body is disobedient now, and I can't use it." Realm King Shen Xin said, touching the wound on his face, saying nothing that hurts.

The one who had just been beaten was too miserable, and the continuous punches and kicks did not break the bones of the two men, but the muscles of the whole body were completely disregarded.

The current Realm King Shen Xin, even if he wanted to use his ability to recover from his injuries, he couldn’t use it, so he could only beg Roya for mercy. He already recognized the strength of the other party, and the title of Realm King God didn’t take care of him at all. on.

"It's really troublesome." Luo Ya muttered, flipped his hand and took out two complex pills, and threw them directly into their mouths. Under the complex pills, the injuries of the two were almost just a blink of an eye. restore.

Realm kings Xin and Jiebite were even more in awe when they saw such a method. Although they didn't know what they had just eaten, their bodies not only recovered quickly, and even a huge energy made them feel that their strength had risen faintly. .

"Okay, let's talk about business now. If you are obedient, I will untie the ropes for both of you. If you are not obedient, I will drag you around in the universe for a few laps to go to the realm king and the great realm king. I can go to other universe world kings and gods to stroll around."

Roya spoke, and the words were full of thick threats. When faced with such a shameful threat, the light blue face of the Realm King God just recovered, turned directly into purple.

If he really wandered around in the universe like that, his old face would be lost directly. I am afraid that even if he committed suicide, he would not be able to keep his reputation.

"Yes, sir, we are obedient." Realm King Shenxin said, and slightly touched the Jabite who was tightly attached to his back with his body. Jabite was finally beaten up at this time, and then he nodded hurriedly. .

Realm King Shen Xin felt bitter in his heart. Even when he faced the Demon Buu, he had never felt this kind of complete powerlessness. He could not resist, saying nothing was useless. Any strategy was ignored and he could only be passively beaten. .

"Very well, let me ask you, in this seventh universe, how is Frieza's combat power." Roja asked about the world king Shen Xin. He really didn't believe it, this person would not know Frieza. Sa’s name.

After all, in the original Dragon Ball book, Monkey King officially took a step toward being a strong man in the universe. Frieza should be quite strong. If he remembers well, if Frieza has 100% combat effectiveness, it should be 120 million.

This kind of data is really vague to him, but the realm king god is the pinnacle of the scattered immortal level, and I know everything from a glimpse. Through the realm king god, many people can still be inferred.

This can also facilitate him to better understand the world and know which level he should start with when he is here to collect the pieces of the Supreme Treasure Chest.

Facing such a special world, or a special world with a very complicated system, there are too many things Roja wants to figure out.

"The Realm King, God Realm, originally added me, there were five Realm Kings, each of the other Realm Kings can easily kill Frieza, his strength is not very good."

Ask for flowers

Realm King Shen Xin said something, secretly wondering why the strong and unspecified person in front of him was looking for Frieza.

"I didn't ask those who are dead, just say, who is better between you and him?" Luo Ya said with a little impatientness. Just now, he deliberately controlled his power during his shot, and the realm king Shen Xin fell into a coma. , But there is no system prompt.

This proves that the current level of the Realm King God can’t refresh the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment at all, and the Realm King God can’t be handsome. It must be done on the cosmic powerhouse. Roja’s first target is Frieza. .

"Better than, better than me. If his combat power is fully deployed, he is much stronger than me." A trace of unnaturalness flashed across the face of the Realm King, and he whispered.

Among the five realm king gods at the beginning, he was the most useless and the lowest in strength, but he was the lowest in strength that survived in the end.

Frieza can be said to be the cancer of the Seventh Universe today, but no one has taken control. The Realm King God Xin is powerless, and destroys the relationship between the God and the Realm King God, which has never been in harmony. He can't persuade Birus. Shot.

So this cancer has always existed in the universe, except for Frieza, Frieza's father, King Kurd, and brother Gula, are also the cancer of the seventh universe.

The father and son trio do almost every evil, even if the world king Xin Xin is unwilling, he still has to admit that he can't even deal with the weakest Frieza, let alone the Kurdish and Gula.

"You really have enough food, OK, we will go to Frieza in a moment, you two will get close by yourself for a while." Luo Ya waved his hand silently, and the location of the Divine Sense Locking Realm King's Divine Sword directly triggered the moment. Moved over.

This realm king Xin, just said that what Frieza said was worthless, any other realm king god can kill Frieza with a single finger. After doing it for a long time, it is a waste in itself.

Get close

When the world king heard Luo Ya's words, he got goose bumps all over his body. As a core man, he does not have a gender, but with evolution and his own preferences, he can choose a gender..

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