One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1776: The King of the Old World

For example, the East Realm King in the galaxy became a woman, while the other Realm Kings chose to appear as men.

The world kings Xin and Jiebite are also men who have evolved on their own. They had never cared about this before, but Luo Ya said that they were both uncomfortable and swayed from side to side.

The world kings and the world king gods all grew up on the planet called the world core star. This planet is a huge planet similar to the world king star. The world kings and the world king gods are from the world core star. The fruit of the tree of the world was born in the way of the core man.

The population of that planet is about 80 people. The core people, regardless of gender, have an average life span of about 75,000 years. If they evolve at will, they will eventually approach the appearance of a man, with the exception of the King of the East.

After these core people are born, they will learn all kinds of things in a school-like city like "zero zero three" and lead a very leisurely life. If a certain realm king star or a realm king god of the universe dies Then, select the next world king and world king god from among these core people.

The only difference between the realm king gods and the ordinary realm kings is that they bear their fruits. The candidates of the realm king gods are all born from rare golden fruits, while the realm kings come out of ordinary fruits.

Of course, if there are people with extremely strong talents and excellent talents among ordinary fruits, they will also be promoted to trainee world king gods. After learning how to become a world king god queen, if they perform well, they can become positive.

No matter how Xinren was born or reproduced, the world kings Xin and Jiebit clearly understood the concept of male guards. After Luo Ya finished talking, they struggled hard.

And this struggle has no effect at all. The top-grade magic weapon issued by Luo Ya is exhausting two people, and there is no possibility of escape.

Luo Ya, who was already standing in front of the Divine Sword of the Realm King, sensed the movements of the two of them. Seeing the red-eared and uncomfortable appearance of the two of them, a smile appeared at the corner of his face, and he stopped paying attention to them for a moment.

The Realm King’s Divine Sword was inserted in a stone pillar at this time, leaving only the hilt and a small portion of the blade exposed. The blade flickered with cold light, and the hilt showed a golden color. Even after so long, it was still brand new. .

However, seeing the true face of the Divine Sword of the Realm King, Luo Ya flashed a disdainful expression on his face. What kind of rubbish did not even reach the level of the magic weapon, it was just a punch.

Although the texture looks tight, but in fact, after such a long time, it has long since passed. It is full of holes and will break directly as long as it is impacted by a certain degree of external force.

However, this thing will not break, and it has little to do with Luo Ya. What he needs is the old world king god before fifteen generations. It is more convenient for him to release the old world king god.

Raising his hand on the hilt of the sword, Luo Ya exerted his strength and slowly pulled it out. The entire Realm King God Realm began to vibrate. Realm King Xin and Jebite sensed the shock and their expressions changed greatly. , Full of panic.

This kind of vibration can be clearly distinguished from their sense of Qi. It is the vibration of the Divine Sword of the World King being pulled, and the importance of the Divine Sword of the World King is self-evident in the hearts of the two.

"Oh, is it embedded with the earth veins?" Roya pulled out, feeling the huge gravity that did not match the sword body, raised his eyebrows, muttered in his mouth, and increased his strength slowly, slowly The Realm King Divine Sword pulled out.

In fact, with his power, this kind of thing can be easily extracted, but this thing is already fragile inside, and he is really worried that it will break directly in the twitch.

In the original work, the Great Sword of the Realm King in Time and Space. In the future battle between Trunks and Dapla, because the Realm King’s Sword was turned into stone by Dapla’s saliva and fell into pieces, the Old Realm King was in In the future, time and space will burp before they can show their true face. It is really sad.

Luo Ya was really worried about the uneven exertion, and he would kill the old guy directly. Then his second purpose of coming here would be directly reimbursed.

Before the great elder, he stimulated his potential and allowed the Luoya Taoist practitioners to soar from the Golden Immortal initial stage to the Da Luo Golden Immortal initial stage. This terrifying improvement made him taste the sweetness, and he naturally looked forward to the ability of the old world king.

With a blast of swords, the Divine Sword of the Realm King pulled out from the pillar, gleaming this dazzling luster in the sun, and at this moment the Divine King of the Realm Xin and Jiebit twisted each other's bodies and moved to the door.

At any rate, they are all powerhouses at the Sanxian level. Jiebite and Realm King Shen Xin are not slow in their movements without being tied to their legs.

"It's a big man." Realm King Shen Xin had a somewhat nervous look on his face. He had always longed for and admired the Realm King Divine Sword, after all, it symbolized great power.

But seeing Luo Ya holding the Divine Sword of the Realm King, as if he was playing with a wooden stick, he was as relaxed as possible, the Realm King Shen Xin trembled from his bones.

"World King Divine Sword" Luo Ya waved his hand indifferently, holding the hilt with one hand, and pinching the sword a little more than four inches with the other.

This is the weakest point on this sword. According to the original work, it exploded with just one sword cut, and it broke here in all likelihood.

"You, you, you have to do it" Realm King Shen Xin saw Luo Ya pinch the blade and hilt with both hands, and his expression became even more flustered, and when he saw his arm had begun to exert force, his chin almost fell to the ground.

Realm King Shen Xin hadn't finished speaking, and a clear cracking sound came out. The expression on his face was horrified, and he even thought he had seen a fake Realm King Divine Sword.

"Broken" Jebit was also very shocked, seeing the Divine Realm King's Sword that was broken in two, he said dullly.

A stream of light burst out from the edge of the blade, and a thin old man with a wrinkled face, only a pinch of white hair on his head 47, and a small beard under his nose appeared.

"Why is he dreaming of the realm of Realm King God, continue to sleep, keep sleeping" The Old Realm King yawned, drooping his sleepy eyelids, and looked at Luoya's, Jebit and Realm King Shen Xin, directly Lie down on the ground with closed eyes.

Only after lying down, the old guy seemed to feel that things were not moving. One hand rubbed left and right on the ground. After touching a stone, his body instantly stagnated, and a carp stood up from the ground without any movement. It looks like an old man.

"I came out of the Divine Sword of the Realm King." The expression on the Old Realm King's face changed from incredible at first to ecstasy at the end. A big turn of 180 degrees slowly took place, and he kept dancing in place..

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