One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1780: First meet Frieza

Although he was thinking about it in pieces, Luo Ya remembered all the words of the Old World King God one by one. This secret technique is indeed unique, and it is very similar to the witchcraft of the Westward Journey World.

At present, he can't use it, because this secret technique has a crucial point, that is, the power that needs to mobilize the world, in other words, to the world of Journey to the West, it is to mobilize heaven.

But for the same reason, in this world, he is temporarily unable to arouse the power of the world, but traveling to the world to the west, he has long been able to do

The greatest use of obtaining this secret technique was that after returning, it would be given to Ao Cunxin and others once, so that they could have a higher potential. Whether it can be used in this world is not important at all.

After meticulously writing down all the points, Luo Ya had already started to match the things in the golden medal of good fortune in his mind, but after thinking for a long time, he only came up with a general idea.

This kind of thing is not something that he can think clearly in a moment, and the most important thing for him at the moment is to improve his strength. After all, he has the strength, and Shushan has a future.

On one side, the realm kings Xin and Jiebitt also studied hard, but their understanding, strength, spirituality, and vision were far from each other. At first they could understand a little bit, but later they were completely in the mist. , Can only reluctantly write down.

"The secret technique to develop and enhance potential has been given to you." The old world king smiled wretchedly, and the implication was that he paid the money and delivered the goods quickly, and quickly gave him his great beauty.

"This will take a few days, and I can't take it with me, and there are some urgent things that need to be dealt with." Luo Ya said, causing the Old World King God to nod his head repeatedly, looking forward to it in his heart.

As an old bachelor, he thought that women weren't a day or two, and when there was nothing wrong in the Realm King Divine Sword, he seemed to have nothing to do except for women.

"If you have something important, then do it quickly. I'll be waiting for you here." Old World Wangshen said with a smile, and urged again and again, obviously hoping that he could finish the work sooner and send the big beauty.

"You should know where Frieza is. The three of us will go there together." Roja looked at the vision king Shen Xin, and said, he has no idea about this huge universe.

After all, there is no teacher who is as dedicated as Ao Cunxin, slowly telling him everything, so at this time, only the realm king Xin and Jiebit can be taken with him.

"Um." Realm King Xin Xin had expected before, and after looking at each other with Jiebit, the two used Teleport together.

As for resisting this order and leaving Roya to run away, neither of them had even thought about it. After all, the monk could not run away from the temple. Since he could find this place, running away would be of no avail.

There was a wave of spatial supernatural powers on his body, Luo Ya did not resist in the slightest, and allowed the two to move forward, and disappeared above the realm of the realm king in an instant.

When the old world king saw the three disappeared, he smiled, flipped his hand and took out Jilaiya's Eighteen Forbidden novels, and looked at it with relish. Those muddy old eyes radiated almost exactly the same light as Guixianren.

On Frieza's super huge space battleship, Frieza in the first form, enjoying the wine in the glass, with a complacent expression on her face.

Under the powerful force, more than 50% of the territory in the universe has fallen into his hands, and now the Frieza Legion has experienced explosive growth. He has a hunch that it will not be long. The territory he controls will exceed 70% of the universe

Under Frieza's seat, the two entourages, Sabo and Dodoria with smiles on their faces, eloquently complimented Frieza, making Frieza even more complacent.

Further down, Apo and Carter sat side by side, sullenly drinking wine. Frieza's success has given them the idea of ​​replacing them.

The members of the Kinuit team were chatting and laughing at this time. This kind of celebration is not the first time in this space battleship. As Frieza’s confidants, they are still talking and laughing. Forget to compliment the wiseness of the king.

A little farther away, Vegeta ate food from all planets in the universe on the table. He had no interest in the celebration banquet. He had to come only because of Frieza's horror.

And his subordinates are not qualified to participate in this banquet. The only Saiyan left today, he is the only one who is qualified to sit here and become one of the high-level members of the Frieza Legion because the combat power has exceeded 10,000. .

Ask for flowers

"If you say you are stupid, you still don't admit it, numb, you found such a rubbish, you actually ran eight times, eight times, are you the realm king god? Is there a realm king god who doesn't know your family so much?"

A burst of uncomfortable curses appeared at the celebration banquet solemnly. This discordant voice shocked everyone, but Frieza's face was extremely excited.

The world king is coming

The realm king can be said to be the only obstacle to unifying the universe. The first is that the strength is placed there, and the second is that this guy has a god position on his body and can protect many planets near the realm of the realm king.

And the most important point is that there is an inexplicable force in the realm of the realm king, even if he uses 100% of his power, he still cannot shake it.

In other words, as long as the Realm King Shen Xin is in the Realm of Realm King God, he cannot kill him.

Now the Realm King God unexpectedly appeared here, Frieza, who was extremely confident in his power, sneered for the first time, the wine glass in his hand was crushed to pieces, and he immediately began to transform.

"My lord, Frieza has no fixed place. I can only judge the route he often travels." Realm King Shenxin said in a cold sweat. After the third time, he would be scolded so badly every time he moved without finding anyone Some.

And as the number of times increased, Roja became more and more impatient. He was just cleaned up, there is no reason not to leave a cold sweat, Jebit is not as good as him, and his legs are weak at this time.

"Since the realm king Xin has appeared here, don't want to leave the little ones and surround them hahaha" Frieza's mouth burst into a frantic laughter, and his face was full of excitement and ferociousness.

At this time, he has completed the transformation of the second form, and his combat power has soared to one million, and he has not stopped at all, and continues to transform towards the third form.

Although the realm king Shen Xin was not as powerful as him, he had to use at least 50% of his full body's strength to kill him.

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