One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1782: Don’t be called Sabo in your next life

"As long as you have a lot of things, tell yourself, are there other world king gods that are weaker than you?" Luo Ya didn't give the world king god Xin angrily, and he didn't even care about the transformed Frieza.

To be honest, he was too lazy to look at the state before the transformation. In his eyes, his fighting power of more than half a million is not as good as an ant, and he is likely to belch directly.

"Universe Ninth Universe, that Realm King Shenluo is a little weaker than me" Realm King Shen Xin said weakly, shrinking his neck.

Although he is relatively weak compared to the first universe, the realm king of the highest universe, Anat, is not at all weaker, and is not at the same level at all, but it is good that he is still at the bottom of the universe, and it is only the second to last, not the first to last.

"Fuck, you are ashamed to say the second to last." Luo Ya rolled his eyes, and out of anger, he slapped the realm king god "One Nine Three" Xin on the back of his head. This bastard actually dared not come. He was embarrassed with a palm.

"Uh" Realm King Shen Xin was sent to stagger, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, he could only make a smile. With Roja here, he also didn't care about Frieza at all.

"Did you move the rescuers, don't you know that the king is the strongest in this universe? Whoever comes will die under my hands." Frieza's honey confidence comes from the highest one hundred and twenty million Of combat power.

Except for his father and elder brother, he has never seen anyone whose power can be higher than him. He is confident that he is absolutely invincible in this universe, and he is not afraid even in the face of a few people joining hands.

"Two are too strong to be detected, and the other is only 10,300." Sabo's face is solemn. As Frieza's confidant, he naturally knows the existence of the Realm King God, and when he sees the Realm King God, he Naturally, I also noticed Loya who had the courage to scold the world king god.

However, the data read on Loyana's combat power display made him stunned. There seemed to be only two explanations for this situation.

One is that the person in front of him hides his combat power, just like him, able to converge the Qi. In this case, the detection of the detector is often much lower.

And the second type is that this person has a transformation ability similar to that of King Frieza, relying on the transformation, can raise the combat power to the point where even the realm king god must be afraid.

Sabo thought a little, and he had already determined that Roja might have these two characteristics at the same time, one could transform, and the other, in an ordinary state, would hide his breath.

This speculation made him deeply disturbed. Since the Realm King God dared to come, he must have a certain degree of certainty. If the people in front of him can deal with King Frieza, then they are likely to face the Realm King God and Jebit.

Frieza's momentum is violent, and his body shape has changed drastically. This change has brought him a rapid rise in combat power. When he transforms into the fourth form, his combat power is 60%. Just stopped.

This fourth form of transformation requires a lot of physical energy, and even he cannot maintain it forever.

"Sabo, all members of the warship will quit the warship and inform my father." Frieza will naturally not fail to notice Roja, but he is not alone. As the shadow ruler of Frieza legion, the king of Kurdish has never appeared. But it was not very far from his position.

"Yes." Sabo's pupils shrank slightly. As one of Frieza's henchmen, he was one of the few people who knew the existence of the Kurdish king.

"Sabo, you call it this name" Roja heard Frieza and Sabo's conversation with a bit of astonishment on his face. When he was in Pirate World, his little apprentice was also called by this name.

"Do you have a big opinion on this name?" Frieza said, and took Roja's words. The training of his confidants is not easy. Even if Sabo's combat power is not particularly high, he can use it with confidence, but Don't let him be stared at so easily.

"Fortunately, I have some opinions. After all, this name has a special meaning." Roja shrugged, raised a finger, and aimed at Sabo's eyebrows, while Frieza stood and stood less than two feet away from him. In places, it is obvious to block this.

The realm king Xin and Jiebit quietly retreated. They had seen Roja's strength, and the feeling of the realm king Shen Xin was more bottomless than Frieza, as if they would never reach the limit.

Roja stretched out his palm, shook his wrist, and slapped Frieza's face with a loud slap. Frieza's figure flew out like a torn sack with five clear fingerprints on her face.

"Don't stand in the way, hurry up and raise your strength to the limit, or you will die, don't blame me." Roja said, his fingertips refocused on Sabo, who was stiff and dared not move.

Frieza opened her mouth and spit out a little blood. The blow just now made him feel irresistible. Knowing that the enemy in front of him is not something that 50% of the combat power can deal with, Frieza once again accumulated momentum and tried to improve. Fighting power.

It seems that Sabo can't keep it, but now he needs someone to notify the Kurdish king, his eyes beckoned slightly, and Dodalia, who has already withdrawn a few steps, nodded insignificantly, and quietly disappeared here. Up indoor.

On the side, the so-called Sayan prince Vegeta had already completely fallen into a sluggishness. Frieza’s successive transformations had already shocked him, and the combat power detector on his eyes had already been completely sluggish. It exploded neatly.

"How come there is such a strong person?" Vegeta gritted his teeth, with blue veins on his forehead. He originally thought he was already very strong. As long as he was given time, he could definitely surpass any of Frieza's men.

And even if Frieza had more than half a million combat power in the future, it was not difficult to achieve in his mind.

But 53 now Frieza's aura and appearance are far beyond his scope of understanding. Roja can slap Frieza and slap him flying, making him cry out, how powerful is the person in front of him?

At this time, there was obviously no room for him to speak up, and the Kinyut team on the side was even more unbearable. They held a higher-level combat power detector and were always locked on Roja's body.

But when Roja slapped his hand and slapped his hand, their combat power detector began to explode, and the combat power revealed at this moment had far exceeded the limit of the detector.

"Don't call Sabo in your next life, oh, forget, you have done a lot of evil, you probably won't even have you in your next life." Roja said, a golden light shot directly from his fingertips and went straight to Sabo Tianling..

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