One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1783: Beating people on the face

Vegeta recovered from the fear of dying, rejoicing that he had been kept for some reason, while looking at Roja in awe.

After the fighter just exploded, he knew that Roja and Frieza in front of him, as well as the Realm King God and Jebit, were powerful men beyond his imagination.

That kind of terrifying pressure made his arrogant heart unacceptable. In his heart there was the idea of ​​wanting to become stronger quickly, and there was also a kind of trembling and fear from the soul.

Everyone is afraid of death, especially when he was dying due to extreme hypoxia, the fear of spreading the soul made Vegeta unconsciously let go of her pride in her heart, and imprinted her in the depths of her soul. Loyana's horrible gesture of destroying the enemy with a wave.

Although Guldo's abilities are good, his combat power is not high, Vegeta still has a way to deal with it, but whether it is Sabo, Gith, or Likum, none of him can deal with it.

This kind of huge gap, even if Vegeta's heart is big, he still feels unacceptable for a while. After all, before 13, he had a narrow vision and had never seen such a powerful person.

"Can you hurry up, I'm relatively disappointed now." Luo Ya squeezed Zui, watching Frieza, who was constantly improving in front of him, but never reached his ideal state, his eyes were full of impatience.

Make a chicken feather, Frieza is full of combat power, isn't it 120 million? This Nima is now in the early stage of a true fairy, is it worthy of the data of 120 million?

Although it has been predicted before, it is known that Frieza's combat power is not even as good as the Super Saiyan Tier 1, but is this difference a bit too big?

However, the Super Saiyan Tier 1 True Immortal, Super Second Taiyi Sanxian, Super Third Taiyi True Immortal, Super Four Golden Immortal, and Super Fifth among the same people, Super Saiyan God

After such a slight conversion, Luo Ya is relieved. The increase in basic combat power will increase the combat power of each stage of Super Saiyan. Although this conversion is not very accurate, it can probably see the world. Of combat power.

"I shouldn't have a lot of expectations for you." Roja said in a broken heart, how do you think Frieza is not pleasing to the eye, this kind of dry egg, can't the strength be stronger at this level? A little higher than the Realm King God, burst a hammered Supreme Treasure Box fragment

However, in the future theater version, Frieza seems to be able to become a golden Frieza through practice. At that time, the combat power will be greatly improved.

At that level, in Roya’s imagination, he could explode a piece of the Supreme Treasure Box no matter what, but he has not been here for a long time, one year, nothing can wait for Frieza to become stronger.

"Wait, did I forget something?" Luo Ya's expression was slightly taken aback, and after a moment of reaction, his face was filled with surprise.

His grandmother is a bear. Since Frieza has the potential to grow into a golden Frieza, then he will be thrown into the Spiritual Time House to practice soon.

Anyway, there are two old guys, Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti, this guy can't turn a lot of wind and waves, and the system has strengthened the stability of the spiritual time house, and there is no need to worry about being unbearable.

"I'm a genius" Roja had a smirk on his face, and his gaze at Frieza was even more hideous. He raised Frieza in captivity, and the improvement of her strength was slow, and it was a violent beating.

Since in the original book, Frieza can cultivate as a golden Frieza for decades, in the spiritual time house, it will last for dozens of days. It is amazing to give him one hundred days. Under the pressure of unbelief, this guy breaks through No more.

Roya had a thousand times in his mind, but in fact, it was only less than a few seconds later, Frieza heard what he said just now, and his face was full of anger.

As the emperor of the universe, when he was so despised by others, this kind of shame and great humiliation made him accustomed to the feeling of being elevated, and the energy above his body became more turbulent.

"Disappointment, you will feel desperate and full of combat power" Frieza let out a low drink, flashing through the aisles on his body like an electric arc, and his combat power has increased to the extreme that he can bear now.

"Not yet in the middle of the real fairy" Luo Ya shook his head helplessly, this level, if it weren't for Frieza's good talent, there is still a little hope, he really wants to slap his head into broken watermelon.

The world kings Xin and Jiebit continue to kill on this super space battleship, and the screams of screams are constantly echoing in the universe. Hearing this sound, Frieza's face is even more ugly.

It has taken him many years to form the Frieza Legion. It is really not easy to have the current team. Now that more than half of the top has fallen, how can he not be angry.

And the person who caused this, in Frieza's heart, is Roja, otherwise, with the power of the realm king, he would be too late to hide from him.

"Go to the king to die." Under the strong hatred and anger, Frieza's feet moved violently and rushed towards Roja. Both hands and feet turned into the most advantageous weapons, even the tail. Secretly accumulating power.

Although he is arrogant and thinks that no one is invincible, Frieza is not stupid. Roja can yell at the realm king Shen Xin, proving that he must have a stronger strength than the realm king Shen Xin.

A 187 so loud applause came from Frieza’s cheeks, exactly the same place, with exactly the same slap prints, Frieza opened her mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood. If it weren’t for their family’s natural toothlessness, I’m afraid At this time, the posterior molars have already flown to the ground.

"This kind of offensive method is really stupid." Roja said, continuing to stimulate Frieza. He wanted to make Frieza feel humiliated and resented. Only under extreme hatred, after being raised in captivity, He can improve his strength by spelling his name.

"Damn I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you" Frieza continued to growl, apparently so angry that he had forgotten the abyss-like gap between the two, and rushed up again.

In the same way, in the same place, Roja had a sneer on his face, and the bright red palm prints seemed to be carved into Frieza's cheeks.

"Trash, you have a swollen left cheek, let me help you make it symmetrical." Luo Ya said faintly, and moved his feet. With the unmatched speed of the Da Luo Jinxian peak, he opened his bow and slap left and right. Then he slapped Frieza on the cheek.

It is said that hitting people does not hit the face, but at this time Roja will not hit anywhere, just hit the face, and Frieza is like a meat sandbag, flying up and down in the universe, there is no room for dodge..

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