One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System (Explanation of Dragon Ball Power Issues)

To explain the issue of Dragon Ball combat power, first of all, the world of Dragon Ball itself has many bugs in its settings.

Destroying the planet or something can be tolerated, but the whole king can destroy the setting of twelve universes with a single thought, which is really too much.This is purely a setting that was thrown out by the original author's brains.

Relative to the entire universe, the size of the Milky Way galaxy is equivalent to a dusty grain on the earth, the Milky Way galaxy has about 400 billion stars.Calculated according to the data, the combat effectiveness of the king is at least ten trillion or even higher.

This is equivalent to saying that if the strength of Birus is 10, the strength of All Kings is at least 1 billion.If you don’t know how big the universe is, please go to Baidu by yourself or go to the universe bar to read more posts.

In order to balance the combat power of the major worlds, this book can only add some settings.

As explained before, every world has its own rules.

The rule of the Dragon Ball world is that the will of the world does not limit the limit of power at all, and the way of power advancement is multiplied.The higher the power, the greater the increase.

Simply put, it's like a bullet can only fly a few kilometers on the earth, but if it is in the vacuum of the universe, there is no limit of air resistance, it can theoretically fly infinitely.

Because of the constraints of the heavens, the power of the prehistoric world is far from being able to exert its limits, so when the protagonist and Bodhi come to the Dragon Ball world, they will have a strength that has increased countless times, and even an illusion of reaching the height of a saint.

In the setting of this book, the whole king is set at the level of saints.Naturally, Monkey King has no reason to reach the level of a saint, and his limit height is at most Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian.

If some readers really think that the world of Dragon Ball is a dick, whether Hongjun is a saint, or a group of ants in the world of Dragon Ball, then the mosquitoes have nothing to explain to you.

For this kind of setting blowing problem, to be more serious, Quan King is no different from the oaa of Marvel World.

In the Marvel setting, oaa is an existence that transcends and overrides everything. This includes all matter, spirit, fantasy, yy, thinking, consciousness, meaning, everything, everything outside of everything, and so on.It transcends any definition and any meaning; it transcends all human knowledge, the existing objects that may be known or unknown in the future; any definition of anything or any substance has no meaning for oaa.

Oaa transcends complete existence and complete nonexistence. All infinity and infinity, all self-existence, all eternity, and all philosophy have no meaning for oaa.oaa means that DENOHA will always transcend metaphysical, spiritual and material existence.

Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring all matter, ignoring all matter, time, and space, and all settings and non-settings, are all insignificant illusions in front of oaa.

According to this nonsense setting, just talk about the power of a cock and directly say that the American father is the best, the predecessors are all rubbish, and the saints are all stupid..

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