One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1784: King Kurdish

Humiliation, anger, uselessness, and powerlessness, countless negative feelings filled Frieza's heart. Roja didn't make a heavy move, and he was just grasping the limit that Frieza could bear.

With the passage of time, the screams on the super-large cosmic battleship gradually ceased, and countless spaceships attempting to escape in the universe were shot down mercilessly by the realm king Shen Xin.

There is hardly a good person in Frieza's Legion, and those who join it will inevitably have blood on their hands. The realm kings Xin and Jiebit will naturally not have the slightest softness when they start.

The two killed extremely fast. The members of the Frieza Legion with more than 10,000 people, except Vegeta, died in a short period of time, leaving only one dead body.

And if it hadn't been for the world king god Xin and Jebit to be worried that the release of energy waves would interfere with the battle between Roja and Frieza, this super-cosmic battleship would have been completely destroyed by the two.

Even so, after the two rages, this super huge space battleship has become a tattered one that can only wander in the universe with a cosmic storm.

After solving a bunch of gangs, the world kings Xin and Jebit returned to Vegeta who dared not move a bit. Seeing Roja who unilaterally abused Frieza, he shuddered severely, and couldn't help thinking of it. They were beaten up violently.

"Only this level is really a waste of a good aptitude, you really are the rubbish in the rubbish" Roja said, constantly stimulating Frieza.

At first, Frieza just suffered the damage of the violent storm in silence, but as more and more underestimated and ridiculed his words, he spoke out of Roja one after another.

"Ah, I want to kill you, I want to kill you, I am the strongest in the universe and I am" Frieza faded under Roja's continuous beating and taunting, his eyes were red, and his mouth uttered There was a hysterical shout.

Only as soon as Frieza's words were spoken, Roja hit his close forehead with a punch, and was directly beaten back for the cruel words that seemed to have not been said in the second half.

"Did I irritate this guy crazy" muttered, Luo Ya was embarrassed, if he really drives this guy crazy, then he really loses a lot, completely inconsistent with the original intention.

Whether a lunatic can explode fragments of the Supreme Treasure Box is really uncertain, and it is full of uncertain things, Roja has never been interested.

When he was hesitating whether bdfg should stun Frieza directly, two powerful auras flew from the distant universe at great speed. This kind of aura is somewhat similar to Frieza, but with a lot of powerful aura. A smile appeared on Yamian.

The king of Kurdish and Frieza's brother Gula came together unexpectedly

In terms of basic combat effectiveness, the two are much stronger than the original Frieza, and the characteristics of this race are somewhat similar to Saiyans, that is, the higher the base combat effectiveness, the higher the combat effectiveness after transformation.

"Dad" was only for a moment, Frieza's crazy expression was constricted, with a bit of astonishment and a bit of panic on his face, like a child who had done something wrong and was caught by his father.

And in another instant, the expression on Frieza's face had become completely mad and squalid, and his gaze at Roja was cruel.

"You will die, and you will die miserably, I will personally"

After the punch, Roja clapped his hands and rolled his eyes speechlessly. Frieza was like soft noodles, and the whole body was sunken. If he hadn't taken back his strength, he would have been dead.

With the two rubbishes of Kurdish King and Gula, it was too early to kill him. The basic combat power was there, no matter how fast the combat power increased, it would not reach the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.It can even be said that standing up and letting the two of them take a shot would not hurt me.

With a wave of his hand, Roja put Frieza directly into the pet space ring. This guy talked too much nonsense, and as long as he killed the Kurdish king and Gula and put the corpse into the pet space ring, Frieza told him His hatred will definitely rise again.

At that time, even without Zhen Yuanzi and Subudi watching, this guy will go crazy and try hard to cultivate, and his goal will be achieved.

"It's okay if you are not crazy, wait for your dad to accompany you, uh, maybe the corpse will accompany you." Muttered, Luo Ya looked to his left front.

Two streamers traveled rapidly through the universe, and stood in front of him just for a moment. King Kurd and Gula saw Roya standing in the void with a bit of amazement on their faces.

"What about my son?" The Kurdish king's eyes were full of murderous intent. After he heard that the kings of the world Xin and Jebit attacked Frieza with a strong man, he started to rush to him and even brought the Gula.

But the situation at this time really exceeded his expectations, Frieza's breath completely disappeared

In this case, there are only two possibilities. One is that Frieza was killed by someone, and the other is that he was taken to other places by the teleportation of the realm king Xin or Jebit.

"Father" Gula's eyes narrowed slightly and pointed to Roja's back, where, because of Frieza's collapsed blood, there still remained faint traces.

"Give you one minute to complete the transformation, otherwise, you will be like Frieza and say goodbye to the world." Roja shrugged, and said with a relaxed face.

The world kings Xin and Jebit stood by his side dignifiedly at this time. The Kurdish king didn’t know how strong he was, but he didn’t know yet.

Hearing that Roja was about to let King Kurdish and Gula complete his transformation, his expression changed a few times, and he wanted to persuade Roja to kill them while the two did not transform, but think of his memories of being ravaged. In the end, he chose silence.

The look of the Kurdish king changed again and again. The blood of Frieza in the universe proved from the side that Frieza was already fierce at this time.

Even though he was extremely indifferent to the so-called father and son, Frieza was the best pawn in his hand, and being killed in this way already made him out of anger.

"You will die miserably." The Kurdish king's eyes were gloomy, and his aura began to soar. The ability to kill Frieza has already proved the strength of the person in front of him.

And even if the person in front of him is not too strong, and there are realm kings Xin and Jiebit on the side, the Kurdish king immediately began to explode.

The Gula on the side was even more straightforward. Just after Roya’s voice fell, he completed the second transformation, and then started the third and fourth times.

"The scum that can't even burst out of a treasure chest fragment is really uninteresting." Luo Ya muttered, quietly waiting for the two to complete their transformation..

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