One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1785: Double and Double Spike

The air surges in the universe, and the expression of the world king Shen Xin changed drastically, and the ultimate fighting power of the Kurdish king and the Gula was beyond his imagination.

Unconsciously, the Realm King God Xin, who was somewhat timid by nature, hid behind Luo Ya, and was even ready to use teleportation to leave here at any time and return to the Realm of Realm King God.

"Frightened" Roja is so sensitive to spatial fluctuations, the realm king Shen Xin made a slight movement, and he felt it clearly, and he felt helpless in his heart.

A good realm king god, who should be a supreme existence like a god of destruction, unexpectedly made it like this when he didn't expect it. It is really ridiculous to be afraid of this and that.

"Dare to kill Frieza, I will let you feel the despair." The Kurdish king has a three-point evil expression on his face. After the transformation, he is a lot older than Frieza. More than doubled.

Just after Frieza's transformation was completed, it was the peak of the early stage of the true immortal, and the Kurdish king, unexpectedly several jumped, comparable to the practitioners of the late Taiyi Sanxian.

I have to say that there is a huge gap between the two, but it still can't pose the slightest threat to Roya. Taiyi Sanxian has long been an existence that he can kill at hand.

Gula's strength is not only stronger than Frieza, the aura of the true fairy peak is undoubtedly revealed. After watching the Kurdish king look at Roja, he cast his eyes on the realm king Xin and Jiebit who almost couldn't stand upright.

"Boss's nonsense seems to be the same." Luo Ya scratched the tip of his nose, with a helpless smile on his face. Looking back, it seemed that the people who spoke harshly to him were one after another.

The current combat power of Kurdish King and Gula is obviously stronger than Frieza, but Roja can easily see that the qualifications of the two are far inferior to Frieza.

Gula is better, I will say that it is impossible to reach Taiyi True Immortal, and the king of Kurdish, this goods has basically reached its limit now, no matter how strong it is, it will not be much stronger.

"It's boring." Muttered in his mouth, Roja urged for a moment, and appeared directly behind Gula. His right fist brought a terrifying force, and instantly penetrated Gula's chamber.

Gula's pupils shrank, and he lowered his head blankly. When he looked at himself, he had a somewhat unbelievable look on his face. As Frieza's eldest brother, he is stronger than Frieza, even if he knows that the opponent is strong, But I didn’t expect that he could actually be able to kill him in a flash.

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you." The Kurdish king's dark Daogula's chamber was pierced, his eyes were splitting, and a wave of air erupted under his feet, and he rushed towards Roya.

"This vitality is not bad." Luo Ya looked at Gula, who was pierced and still not dead on the spot, and raised his eyebrows in his heart.

No wonder Frieza almost died many times in the original book, but in the end he was able to return to make trouble. The tyrannical vitality of this race is indeed not comparable to other races.

Gula's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and when he saw the figure of the Kurdish king, his heart was fierce, and he directly clamped Roja's arms through his chest with both hands, and his tail was rolled to his waist.

"Che" Roja snorted. If Gula's action is against someone who is only stronger than him, it may have a good effect. It can create a chance for the Kurdish king to kill with one blow, but it is far stronger against him. He was just a waste of effort for the two.

Waved his arm, Gula looked flustered, already using his full strength to stabilize his figure, but his figure still uncontrollably followed the arm and fisted towards his father.

The power of Roja's swinging arm was far beyond the reach of the two of Kurdish and Gula. It was too late for the Kurdish King to retract his arm.

The Kurdish king flew upside down like a cannonball, and Gula collapsed in a large area again. Blood was sprayed into the universe without money, with a bit of panic and despair on his face.

"Bye bye." Luo Ya took out the arm in the Gula's chest, wrapped in Xianli, the arm was still crystal clear as jade, without the slightest blood and dirt.

Squeezing Gula's head and slowly exerting force on his palms, Gula was already so painful that he could not even scream, his hands, feet and tail were waving wildly, but they were of no use at all.

Gula's head was squeezed out by five fingers like a watermelon, and the blood and brain pulp that burst out from it, if ordinary people saw it, they might just vomit it out.

The immortal power in Roya's body was surging, and these things couldn't reach his body at all, and on the shirt and trousers transformed into the Jingshi lotus robe, a trace of thunder and lightning appeared, directly grinding Gula's weak soul into dregs.

Ask for flowers

"It's up to you now." Luo Ya took Gula's headless body into the pet space ring where Frieza was detained, and turned his gaze to look at the Kurdish king in a cold sweat.

At this time, the Kurdish king turned his head and ran without even thinking about it. Only those who have truly felt the fear know how valuable life is. As a cosmic pirate, step by step from the ordinary and humble, the Kurdish king is better than anyone else. Be afraid of death.

"Did you run?" Luo Ya said disdainfully, and appeared right in front of the Kurdish King with a moment of movement.

"Go to die, die to me." When the Kurdish king saw this abrupt appearance, the energy balls in his hand were thrown out one after another, like a cannon.

The magnificent energy ball is always the smallest difference from Roja's figure. These things, in his eyes, are like high-explosive grenade made of rough earth, without any threat at all.

"I have other things to do, so I won't play with you and become the power of your son's progress." A trace of cruelty evoked on Luo Ya's face.

He didn't want to act like this either, but it was only a year, and there were many things he had to do, doing everything he could, just to have enough strength after returning, so that he could not fear the saint at all.

Even when the original saints of Journey to the West gathered together, he could easily resist it. Only in this way could Ao Cunxin and others survive safely, and the things he planned could be completed as soon as possible.

Roja made an all-out effort, and came behind the Kurdish King with one move, grabbing his neck with one hand and his tail with the other, suddenly exerting force.


With the sound of the separation of flesh and blood, the strength of the Kurdish king who was originally proud of was as weak as an ant in front of Roja, and his tyrannical body was as fragile as a piece of paper.

Blood flew across, internal organs flowed across, and a little divine thunder burst out. The principle that Luo Ya had always pursued was that since he wanted to kill, he must kill the opponent completely and not give the enemy a chance to retaliate.

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