One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1788: The Last Saiyan

Under Pu'er's comfort, the frustrated Yamu Tea retreated angrily. He prided himself on being romantic, and it was the first time he had eaten it like this.

Because Roja appeared at the right time, Bouma, who was going to be in love with Yamucha soon, now doesn't have the slightest affection for this pretentious guy.

The world kings Xin and Jiebit locked on the earth. After moving over, Roja activated the instant ability to bring the three people including Vegeta directly to Bouma's house.

Looking at the large number of people in the living room, Luo Ya was slightly stunned. With the original works he had read in his memory, he clearly distinguished the identities of the people. After all, the characteristics of these people were very obvious.

"Oh, people are quite complete" Luo Ya said, looking at Monkey King, secretly calling for genius

He went out for a little more than two days, and Monkey King actually stepped into the first level of the Eight Doors Divine Forbidden. He became the cultivation base of the early stage of the Concentration Realm with such a speed, even if it was put on a walker, it was like opening up. .

You know, apart from teaching the past exercises and practice interpretation, he didn't have any guidance at all, and Monkey King didn't have the foundation and common sense of practice at all. It was really amazing to be able to do this step.

"You are finally back. Are these all your friends? Come sit inside and ignore these stinky men." Bouma saw Roya, and his attitude took a 180-degree turn and walked up enthusiastically. , Grabbed his arm.

"Em" Roja touched the tip of his nose, and was too embarrassed to shake Bouma's arm. After all, if a little girl was thrown away at this time, her face would be lost.

The world kings Xin and Jiebit followed Roja with a dumb look. They could feel that the aura of the people around them was not strong, or even weak and pitiful, but there was this great god in front, no matter what. It is not their turn to speak.

Following the footsteps of the three of them, Vegeta rubbed her waist. After a while, she took out the spare combat effectiveness testing glasses and looked back at everyone present.

Barely having three-digit combat power, Vegeta sneered disdainfully, but when he was about to withdraw his gaze, he saw the Monkey King who came out from behind a few people and bowed to Immortal Turtle and quickly followed up.


Only by relying on that tail, Vegeta can conclude that Monkey King is undoubtedly a Saiyan, and that nearly two thousand points of combat power makes him overjoyed.

At this age, he could have two thousand points of combat power, and he was definitely a high-level fighter. There is no doubt that the Saiyans are now on the verge of extinction, and he can once again see the Monkey King of the same clan, and his heart is indescribable for a while.

This kind of touch made Vegeta directly ignore, how could this kind of planet have the problem of Saiyans, let alone think about how a senior warrior could be sent here.

In the original work, Sun Wukong, who has always been ridiculed as a lower-level warrior, is because Roja brought Vegeta ahead, and the world king Shen Xin slaughtered Sun Wukong’s brother Raditz, so the truth of the year was also buried. This is directly As a result, Vegeta regards Monkey King as a senior fighter.

"Hey, you also have a tail" Monkey King obviously also saw the tail behind Vegeta's blue battle suit, with a surprised and confused expression on his face, as if he didn't understand how anyone could be like him.

"As a Saiyan, the tail is our symbol, and I am the prince of the Saiyan clan, Vegeta." Vegeta's face is still proud, but under this arrogance, there is still a little unnoticeable joy.

When Vegeta was destroyed, he felt that kind of pain, and when the space battleship was destroyed, he was more alone than ever before.

The sadness of the Saiyan that he was the only one left, just like the hesitation and helplessness of Namek Star when only the Great Elder was left, caused his current attitude towards Monkey King to change.

"Saiyan, uh, hello, I'm glad to meet you, my name is Monkey King." Monkey King was puzzled, and suddenly realized that the other party was saying hello to him, putting his hands together and making a martial arts courtesy.

"Dear little apprentice, and your good friend, fall in love and kill each other." Luo Ya saw the first communication between Monkey King and Vegeta, a smile appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

When a few people came to the room, Immortal Turtle hesitated and walked in. He was the oldest here, and besides Monkey King, he was the only one who had dealt with Luo Ya.

The others stood on the spot, looking at the figure of Immortal Turtle who walked in, filled with infinite hope. They saw the changes in Monkey King, and they were all enthusiastic now. They wanted to kneel down and defeat Luo Ya as a teacher.

The horrible cultivation speed of ten times the combat power in two days is not something that ordinary cultivation methods can achieve. Even such a height, according to Immortal Turtle, cannot be achieved by ordinary people in a lifetime.

"Bouma, is the Ten Thousand Times Gravity Chamber finished?" Luo Ya said, and went straight to the subject. With a clever bend of his wrist, Bouma's hand could not help but let go.

He is very busy now and really doesn't have time to talk about these messy things, and Bouma's own personality is not suitable for him. After all, according to the original book, this girl broke up because of Yamu Chahuaxin.

Luo Ya disagrees with the title of Huaxin. He is fraternity at best and treats his own women quite well. This is fundamentally different from Huaxin, which is irresponsible for fun.

But it is undeniable that this is completely contrary to Bouma's ideas. He doesn't want to cause trouble for himself. After all, he has enough women, and now that time is pressing, he has no time to think about the mess.

"No, the finished product came out of Li's this morning. A gravity cabin with 5,000 times the gravity just came out. Ten thousand times seems to be a hurdle, and it’s not that easy to break. But don’t worry, my dad and I will be able to Make it out."

Boomer made a promise, and did not tell Roya at all. In the past two days, she was about to urge Dr. Breff to death. While participating in the experiment, she tinkered with the old man to work hard. A few days added up. The husband’s sleep is less than ten hours.

Roja nodded, and within two days of his acceptance, taking advantage of these two days, it happened to get rid of Demon Buu.

"Mr. Roya, although it is a bit presumptuous to say this, I implore you to open a martial arts field on the earth. The children hope to pursue a higher peak of martial arts."

Immortal Turtle saw the gap and hurriedly stepped forward. After speaking, he bowed directly at ninety degrees and refused to lift it for a long time..

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