One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1789: Opened a martial arts field

Luo Ya in the martial arts field was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Immortal Turtle would make such a plea, but after thinking about it, he understood the old man's purpose.

Monkey King became stronger too fast, and it was so fast that it was not only the envy of Yamucha, Tianjin Fan and others, but also Wu Tian, ​​a martial idiot.

Opening a martial arts field is different from accepting disciples. Just like Wu Taidou, Wu Tian’s teacher, opened a martial arts field. This kind of martial arts field is similar to martial arts, but it is different.

In the martial arts field, there are personal disciples, just like the former Guixian Wutian and Hexian. They are personal disciples, and the rest are similar to the outer disciples.

These outer disciples practice martial arts for a variety of reasons, some to become stronger, and some to keep fit. This kind of system is more like a school in the previous life, and they can learn by paying a certain amount of tuition.

Open or not open

Luo Yamo licked his chin. He really hadn't thought about this problem, but it couldn't be denied that the martial arts venue would definitely bring him a lot of benefits.

First of all, this is the same as the creation of a sect, which can select more excellent talents, and if a reputation is formed, talents will continue to emerge 157.

As for loyalty, according to the moral requirements of this world, even if it is a few days of learning arts, he will always have a respectful attitude towards the martial arts field.

But this thing has a very big problem, that is, it is time-consuming, and now, time is self-evident to Roja, and wasting a year in the martial arts field is definitely not a cost-effective thing.

The talents of Kekelin and others are actually pretty good. Although they are incomparable to Monkey King, according to the infinite potential and infinite possibilities of the human body, they can grow to a height that will surpass today's Frieza in the future.

Moreover, with the cultivation technique, their growth rate will definitely not slow down. Relying on the speed of cultivation in this world and the increase of immortal power, it is very possible that the speed at which they become stronger is even faster than the cultivation in the world of Journey to the West.

Whether or not to open a martial arts venue, this really made Roya a bit of a headache. It's a pity not to open the martial arts venue. He didn't have the time to open the martial arts venue.

"Let me think about it. You should know that I am in this world and cannot stay too long." Luo Ya weighed it up and didn't directly agree.

He also needs to explore the bottom line of this world first. If he can get the Supreme Treasure Chest Fragment from Buu, then after a little effort, the power of this world will be obtained.

With the breadth of this world, the benefits he can get in the Journey to the West will far exceed the previous few times, and by the way, the enlightened person will be able to break through to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Once you arrive at Hunyuan Daluojinxian, as long as Subudi and Zhenyuanzi are strong, you will be able to accumulate strength without fear of saints from now on.

In this case, after gaining the original power, he will have at least a few months to set up the martial arts field, and even teach the first batch of disciples, so that they can continue to pass on the martial arts field.

And if Majin Buu had no Supreme Treasure Box fragments on his body, he might have to look at Majin Buu's combat power before deciding what to do next.

Majin Buu doesn’t even have any pieces of the Supreme Treasure Box, so he will directly carry the Ten Thousandfold Gravity Room into the Spiritual Time House to practice hard. At least one hundred years of cultivation will be required to reach the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. , And then come out Huohuo Supreme Treasure Box Fragment.

In that case, he would have no time to open any martial arts venue. Even if he did, he would have to wait until he obtained the Supreme Treasure Chest and returned to Journey to the West to deal with all the mess before he could return to the martial arts venue.

"Yes, excuse me." Immortal Turtle heard Luo Ya's reply and stood up straight with a smile on his face.

Such a reply already represents to a certain extent. It is very likely that Luo Ya will open a martial arts bdab dojo in the future, which can bring such hope to the earth martial arts world. The turtle immortal is already very content.

"Wukong, are there any doubts in the process of cultivating?" Luo Ya looked at Monkey King and was very satisfied with this little apprentice who was not as tall as his waist.

"Every time I practice, it seems to be dying and it hurts." Sun Wukong frowned and said, he was in his current state yesterday, and the pain of cultivation made him stop.

It was not that he was afraid of pain, but the unusual pain that made him wonder if he was practicing wrong, or how could this happen.

"The path of a practitioner is inherently very difficult. Constantly tempering and tearing the body. This is a process of repeated polishing. This kind of pain will not only make your body stronger, but your mental will will become stronger and stronger. In the future, Perhaps it is not strength that can help you defeat the enemy, but this powerful, tenacious will that belongs to the practitioner."

"Yeah, I understand, thank you teacher." Sun Wukong nodded, and he was relieved, with a bright smile on his face. For cultivation, he has a talent and understanding that is far beyond ordinary people.

"Walker's road tempers himself and repeatedly polishes his tenacious will. Is martial arts will really strong?" A pair of small glasses under Guixianren's glasses flashed a bright light. With just one sentence, he can judge the path of the road, and the martial arts The road is quite similar.

Vegeta looked at Monkey King in surprise, with a little twist on his face, a bit of fortunate, from this name, he could judge that he would be Monkey King's playmate in the future.

Roja's name as a playmate has deeply hurt Vegeta, and his pride was almost torn apart by these two words.

"Well, this time I come back to take the two of you to a place to practice, work hard, and, Bouma, I will come again in two days." Luo Ya explained to Monkey King and Vegeta, turning his head Buma exhorted again.

"Well, I will make it in two days" Bouma said. Before she could answer, she saw Luo Ya disappeared in front of her with a group of people.

The girl thought, let Bouma gritted her teeth, but for the goal in her heart, she turned her head angrily and went into the laboratory. She must come up with the best thing in two days.

Guixianren walked out of the room with a happy face, looked at Tianjin Fan and the others, and said the result. Although according to his estimation, the chance of success is only half, this is already great news.

Above the Temple of Heaven, Roja showed up with the world kings Xin, Jebit, Monkey King, and Vegeta. Bobo, who was still watering the flowers, had a kettle in his hand, and fell directly onto the ground with a bang..

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