One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1790: Majin Buu

"Master Jie Jie Jie, come out soon." Bobo shuddered when he saw the figure of Jie King God. He stammered, but after reacting, he hurriedly shouted to the god in the temple.

As a dragon ball world, he is rarely seen for a long time. Although his status is not high, he can know the existence of the legendary world king through some other information.

In fact, where Bobo is needed to greet him, long before, when the realm king Xin came to the earth, the coercion attached to the god's position was directly transmitted to the heart of the gods.

But at that time, he knew his status was low, but the god didn't dare to bother him rashly, and now that the opponent came, he would naturally rush out to greet him.

"You talk, we will leave when I come out." Luo Ya said to the world king Shen Xin, leading Monkey King and Vegeta, and walked directly towards the door of the Spiritual Time House.

When he came out, because no one opened the door, he could only come out in an instant, but now that he entered, there was a door, so he didn't bother to spend that time.

Opening the door, Luo Ya saw the sky full of purple air at first sight. Three days have passed from the outside world, and three years have passed here. Whether it is Subudi or Zhenyuanzi, they have gained a lot.

"Friend Luo Dao, why are you back so soon? Isn't it rewarding?" Zhen Yuanzi, who was feeling the feeling of Luo Ya, slowly opened his eyes, and was about to tease him to persuade him to practice well here. But directly saw the exposed breath of the practitioner.

He knows that the Taoist walker and the enlightened person have double cultivation, and the practitioner's cultivation base is stuck on the peak of Taiyi True Immortal. He also knows, but now this Daluojinxian peak's Taoist cultivation base is the ghost

"It's not a big gain, it's just a little bit." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, and said, Zhen Yuanzi, this guy actually wants to tease him, isn't it just trying to eat him?

With a small explosion, Vegeta hurriedly dropped the combat power detector on the surface. If it weren't for the small current attached to this thing, it was only a weak current level, I am afraid he would be blinded instantly.

He just tried to detect the strength of Xiazhen Yuanzi and Subudi, but this instrument that can detect 200,000 combat power values ​​immediately exploded. You know, even if it is facing the untransformed Frieza, this instrument, That is, only an ax is displayed.

"Waiting for you to kill Frieza in full body state in seconds, they might use one finger to play with you." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and estimated the strength of Subhuti and Jin Yuanzi, facing Bei Geeta spoke

In the Dragon Ball world, the strength of these two old guys has almost exploded to the sky. There is no limit in this world. The power that the monks can exert here is simply desperate.

The strength of the two has soared extremely terribly, if it weren't for the two being busy breaking through the current realm and being promoted to the saint, Roja would want to take the two to sweep the Dragon Ball world.

"Friends of Taoism, don't make fun of me, these two are" Zhen Yuanzi asked, the fellow Subudi, because he had realized the essence of non-phase before him, and now he is addicted to it, but it is difficult to wake up.

"My seventh apprentice, Monkey King, this is the opponent I found for him, Vegeta." Roja spoke and then pointed out a divine mind to compare the character and character of Monkey King and Vegeta. I said it all, of course, there was Frieza among them.

"Understood, fellow Taoists can rest assured that I will guide them in my free time." Zhen Yuanzi nodded, with a clear expression on his face.

Although I don't know what Roja wants the wicked like Frisana to do to become stronger, Jin Yuanzi is not troublesome. Roja can quickly become stronger. He is happy to see it happen, and he will naturally spare no effort to help.

After releasing Frieza and trapping him with the Nine Spirit Panlong Formation, Roja told him that if he wanted revenge, he would practice hard, bid farewell to Zhen Yuanzi and Monkey King, and went straight out of the Spiritual Time House.

It is not yet time for him to come here to study hard, the most important thing at the moment is the fragments of the Supreme Treasure Box, and he also wants to see the vitality bullet and the Realm King's Fist that the Northern Realm King can know.

There will never be too many such methods to increase strength. Moreover, he still needs time to see if he can absorb the strengths of the world's cultivation method and Qi.

After all, apart from dozens of planets, one can still perceive qi. This is really amazing, and it is simply unrealistic to understand the full picture of qi with the dance art he knows.

Ask for flowers

Out of the Spiritual Time House, the realm king Xin and Tianshen are still declaring their identities to each other. After all, the difference between the two is very huge. There is a huge difference between the realm king and the great realm king. The heavens are not clear about the highest god in the universe.

However, when the Realm King God came to the North Galaxy, the North Realm King would feel it in his heart, and even used his mind to warn the gods not to dare to be presumptuous, if it were not for instant movement, I am afraid he would have come to welcome him.

"Are you finished talking? Let's go after talking." Roja stepped forward and asked. He can't wait to find Demon Buu to confirm what he thinks, but he doesn't mean to let a few people chat. .

Think about how long it took him to enter the spiritual time house, and the outside world, the time he entered may not be enough to say hello to the gods of the realm and the gods.

"My lord, we really want to go" Realm King Shen Xin asked again. In front of the gods, he still tried to maintain the dignity and mystery of his identity, but that sentence was enough for the gods and Bobo to panic.

"Know what you are thinking, Buu is not my opponent. I just want to confirm what I think. If you don't want to, then take me directly to Birus."

Roya rolled his eyes in his heart, and said helplessly, if he wasn't afraid of beating this guy into dementia, he really wanted to take an hour now and let him have unforgettable memories.

"Uh, let's go find Buu." Realm King Shen Xin twitched his cheeks, thought for a moment, and did not hesitate decisively, Bi Rus was far more terrifying than Demon Buu.

The Realm King God and the Destruction God have always had a poor relationship, especially when the power gap was great. Although Birus would not kill Xin, but he sealed him every minute, that was no problem at all.

The realm king Xin and Jiebit worked together to bring Luo Ya to the depths of the universe. With his own qi left on the egg, he could find Buu even if they were far apart.

The universe is vast. Even Xin, the god of the world, used teleportation several times in succession with Jebit, before he reached the place where the seal of Majin Buu was, and the people who appeared in the land of the seal made the god Xin, the world king. His expression changed drastically, and he shot towards him as soon as he landed.

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