One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1791: King of the Devil Dapla

Majin Buu was originally sealed by Bibidi, but it was after the seal that the world king Shin, who was the king of the East at the time, killed Bibidi and solved Majin Buu's disaster.

Now the person standing in front of Majin Buu's sealed egg is seven or eighth similar to the former Bibidi. The only difference is that his skin is much lighter.

Just a glance at that identical wizard dress evoked the deepest fear in the heart of Realm King Shen Xin, and he did not hesitate to kill him.

"Excited!" Luo Ya looked at the realm king Shen Xin who rushed out, and muttered quite speechlessly in his heart. This guy only saw Bibidi's son, Babidi, didn't he see it, he stood on the side Devil King Dapla

"Dapla protects me" Babidi saw the appearance of the world king god Xin, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes, "One Six Seven", immediately screamed, Dapla rushed out, one foot towards the world Wang Shen kicked it.

Unsurprisingly, the realm king Shen Xin, who is incapable of scumbag strength, flew back from the original path, and just landed, he vomited a large mouthful of blood, and the expression on his face was terrified.

"Dapura, the king of the devil" was spitting blood, while the world king Shen Xin raised his head and said, Dapla, the lord of the devil, is not a creature in the seventh universe, but a creature in another universe similar to hell. One of the first master.

Such powerful and extremely long-lived creatures are often used as talks, even between the kings and gods of the universe.

However, as a realm king god, the realm king god Xin, whose strength is almost at the bottom, is only qualified to listen, and this watch has already shocked him very much.

"Unexpectedly, there is someone who knows me here." Dapla gave a smirk on his face. After being controlled by Babidi, he hadn't seen anyone who knew him for a long time.

"The once arrogant Lord of the Demon Realm has become someone else's running dog now?" Realm King Shen Xin was somewhat spineless, and he sneered.

Although this ridicule was spoken in a population like him who was defeated by Dapla's move, it was really ineffective, but at least, it still allowed Roja to see the bright spots of this guy.

In any case, to be able to rush up at the first time and want to result in Babidi, after being defeated by the king of the devil, he can still fight. This guy is a god of the realm, and this is enough. Up.

The most important thing for people is their stand and firm belief. Although the realm king's heart is a little bit stubborn in Luo Ya's eyes, he is afraid of this, and there is not the slightest kind of tolerance that the realm king should have.

But this guy has his own position and beliefs. As the world king god, there are certain things, even if he dies, he cannot retreat in the slightest.

"Eastern King God, I am Bibidi’s son, Babidi. I’m glad to meet you. I didn’t expect that we just found Majin Buu and you appeared. It just so happens. If you use your words, you might be able to , Get enough energy for Buu's resurrection, and then you will be brutally killed. I will slowly cut off your body piece by piece to avenge my father."

Babidi saw that the realm king Xin was repulsed by a move, with a hideous and triumphant smile on his face. As long as the realm king was not Dapla’s opponent, then no one could stop him from resurrecting Demon cloth. Europe

As for the so-called revenge for his father, in Babedi's view, it was just a matter of going hand in hand. Their relationship with Bibidi's father and son was normal. Bibidi was dead, and he was not at all sad.

"It's really troublesome. You should improve your strength when you go back. Why can't you deal with any rubbish." Luo Ya slipped the realm king Xinti, who was half kneeling on the ground, and threw in him a pill.

The realm king Xin was taken aback for a moment, and he charged too fast just now. The looks of Babidi and Bibidi are so similar that he almost forgot that he came with a fierce guy who had the courage to find Biluth. Up.

"Ah" Realm King Shen Xin felt his body heal quickly, and stood behind Luo Ya obediently, thinking about it, suddenly felt that he seemed stupid.

Roja’s purpose here seems to be to release Demon Buu and then completely eliminate it. Although I don’t know why he wants to eliminate Demon Buu, basically, their purpose is almost the same as Babidi. .

"Babydi, right? What conditions are needed for the resurrection of Majin Buu?" Roja said, not caring about the stern expression of Dapla, the king of the demon world.

According to the order of Dragon Ball's appearance, Piccolo first, Vegeta second, Frieza third, Sharu, then Buu.

Dapla appeared before Buu and several years after Frieza appeared. It is undeniable that this guy is stronger than Frieza, even slightly weaker than Sharu, and kills the world king god. Sina is properly done without any problems.

But this is in comparison with the realm king Shen Xin. In his eyes, this Dapla is still very rubbish, and in the middle stage of Taiyi True Immortal, he can crush it in minutes.

"Nothing is needed, as long as I unlock the spell of this seal, all of you will die." Babidi did not tell the truth, his eyes flashed slightly, but he tried to scare Roja back.

Realm King Xin Xin is already very strong in his eyes. Although he is not as good as Dapla at all, Roja's identity is obviously higher than Real King Xin Xin.

Before accumulating enough energy to bring Buu back to life, Babidi didn't want to encounter any accidents. He just wanted to hide the dome that sealed Buu with him far enough.

"I shouldn't talk nonsense to you." Luo Ya's cheeks twitched, looking at Babidi's expression, his heart was full of impatience, what is this all about, what a lie, can you live it? Brain.

"Dapra, hold them, I'll take Majin Buu away." Ba 03 Bidi said, hurriedly recruiting a few Dragon Set subordinates from the spaceship on the side in an attempt to quickly bring Majin Buu. Ou take away.

"Yes, respectable Lord Babidi." Dapla put on a fierce and happy smile on his face, flashed under his feet, and rushed directly towards Luo Ya.

Roja did not evade Dapla's fist, raised his right hand, and easily squeezed Dapla's fist in his hand. Dapla's expression changed drastically, and he couldn't pull out his fist by exerting force from left to right. He panicked. Opening your mouth is just spitting out old sputum.

Dapla's trick is to be able to use saliva to turn anything into a rock. Even in the future space, the Old World King God was killed by this guy with one spit. This guy is real. One spit can The representative of the killer..

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