One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1792: New Treasure Box in Dragon Ball World

Dapla's saliva is very powerful. Among the Dragon Balls, Piccolo and Klin have all turned into stones. Such an attack can be said to be his unique skill.

"Whoever dares to spit on Lao Tzu" Luo Ya was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously drew away sideways, with a look on his face with a bit of astonishment, and instantly remembered things related to this guy in his previous life.

Dapla finally got rid of the restrained right hand by Roja's distraction and took a step back, flipped his hand and pulled out the saber from his waist, and pierced him in the chest.

After the walker’s strength reaches a certain level, the eighteen weapons, as long as they are hard enough, can display extremely powerful power in their hands. This sword is in the hands of Dapla, and even the phantom can be seen quickly. Not.

Realm King Shen Xin's expression changed drastically. He had heard of Dapla's name a long time ago. Although his strengths were very different, he still saw the starting style when he drew his sword.


Such a move is not the slightest threat to Roja. Just raising two fingers, he pinched the 13 swords between the two fingers. No matter how hard Dapla used his force, he couldn’t let the tip of the sword stay. Advance an inch.

The hilt of the sword kept trembling, and Dapla's expression was a little panicked. After some years of combat experience, he immediately withdrew and took a defensive posture from a distance, trying to improve his qi.

The expression on Luo Ya's face was extremely ugly, he was spit on, and what was special was a mouthful of old thick phlegm, but he was really disgusted.

"How do you want to die?" Luo Ya said, the murderous aura escaped, and the terrifying murderous aura, with his extreme increase in murderous intent, made the world king Shen Xin almost pee his pants.

"Master Babidi, please hurry up, this person is not something we can handle." Dapla has seen murderous auras on countless people, and he has killed many people. Although he was shocked, there were more The horror of Roja's strength.

In the world of Dragon Ball, one planet is dead, and one universe is destroyed. With such a huge population base, killing millions or tens of millions of creatures is simply a matter of sprinkling water.

Even now Vegeta, who fell in love with Monkey King in the Spiritual Time House, had destroyed several planets and was so murderous that when he went to Journey to the West, the world would change color.

"Since you didn't choose, I'll help you choose, don't you like to spit, how about being drowned by saliva?" Luo Ya squinted his eyes and said how to die, making the world king Shen Xin and Jiebitt cheeks fiercely. Pumping.

What a hatred is this to think of this way, and let the other party be drowned by spit, how much spit is needed to do it?

"Master Babidi, hurry up." Dapla looked a little worried, and Roja's breath made his body tremble unconsciously. If it weren't for being controlled, he would have turned his head and ran. Up.

"You can't push anymore, this egg is very heavy" Babidi was also anxious, sweating profusely, and said, anxiously to push the fire to the people, even himself, to join the ranks of the transport.

Dapla's heart was irritated, and he couldn't stop cursing that the group of people behind him were all rubbish, just one egg, no matter how heavy it was

"Yeah" Roja saw a familiar and unfamiliar light in the corner of his eyes. He couldn't help but froze for a while, turned his head, and saw Babidi and the others move the Seal Demon Buu's egg off the ground, slowly revealing the egg Treasure chest hidden behind.

The colorful treasure chest is shining with magnificent light, and the mixture of various colors forms a vortex like a wave of sugar.

Damn, what kind of treasure box is this

Roya couldn't help but wonder, and the ability to urge the moment directly appeared next to the treasure chest, waved the treasure chest into the system warehouse.

"Dapla, come and save me" Babidi saw Roja's appearance, and a heart-piercing cry was heard in his mouth, and the few men who were carrying the egg panicked and put the egg directly Just start running.


"Ah" Without the slightest preparation for Babidi, Buu's egg was directly pressed on the lower body, and the lower body, like a squeezed worm, exploded into minced meat, splashing blood plasma.

Dapla hurriedly appeared beside Babidi, holding on to the dumped dome, looking at the appearance of Babidi, with a flustered expression on his face.

It's just that this flustered expression didn't take long before it began to dissipate. On his forehead, the control curse engraved by Babidi had already disappeared.

The vitality of Babidi was quickly lost, and his lower body was completely destroyed. Only the upper body was left behind, and the intestines and other messy things had already flowed all over the floor.

"Huh, it's so easy to die, it's really a waste." Dapla and the previous respect are different. The Lord of the Demon Realm is not a good thing, and the previous respect is not the reason for being controlled for a long time.

Unlocking the dome he was holding, Dapla stepped back and looked at Babidi without any mercy. He obviously wanted to see Babidi, and was completely crushed by the seal of Buu’s egg. Minced meat.

"Hey." Luo Ya was planning to check what this newly acquired treasure chest was. Unexpectedly, something like this happened. When he moved his feet, he dragged Majin Buu's egg with one hand.


The world kings Xin and Jiebet were taken aback for a while, even startled, and Dapla, who retreated in a panic, was puzzled. They had no idea why Roja would prevent Dapla from killing Babidi completely.

Soul Search

With a movement of Xianli in the palm of his hand, Luo Ya squeezed Babidi's head with one hand. Babidi, who was dying, had his eyes wide open, occupying one-third of his face and his huge eyes, which looked really disgusting.

"Is it that simple?" Roja murmured. In just a few seconds, he read the memory of Babidi and learned how to resurrect Buu the devil. By the way, he got his curse to control people. Printed.

He let go of the supporting Seal Demon Buu's egg, and the dome was pressed down, and only one breath, Babidi, was crushed.

Sealing the Devil Buu’s egg is a purely energy-attractive appearance. This kind of egg shell is terrifyingly heavy. This is also the reason why they lifted it so hard just now.

"Except for extremely pure energy and divine power, is it all right?" Luo Yamo rubbed his chin and looked at Dapura with a look of scrutiny on his face.

The resurrection of Majin Buu requires the more evil the better, especially the energy that contains negative emotions such as fear, anger, selfishness, greed, and jealousy..

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