One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1793: World Time Wall

Although Dapla was a little rubbish, he was also a fellow in the middle stage of Taiyi True Immortal.

The resurrection of Demon Buu, although there is a lot of difference, this guy is a big living person, as long as he stops, he can recover. In this case, the devil Buu can be resurrected easily by repeating it several times.

Although the immortal power in Roya's body is powerful, it does not contain the slightest negative feelings at all, and it is extremely pure, even more pure than the divine power of the Realm King God.

If his energy was injected into it, it would not be resurrecting Demon Buu, but killing him. After all, Demon Buu's own energy, the most evil energy, would completely oppose him.

"Oh, I'm running very fast." Luo Ya showed a sneer on his face. Just when he searched for Babidi's memory, Dapla went straight into the spaceship, a small spaceship. , Began to escape into the universe.

The speed of the spacecraft is a bit exaggerated, even faster than many magical powers in Journey to the West. It only started to fly away within less than ten seconds, and it has already run thousands of miles away.

With the ability to spur the moment, Roja appeared directly in front of the extremely fast spherical spaceship, flew a kick, and kicked directly on the spaceship.

The star spaceship, being kicked directly by his kick, was twisted and deformed, and a burst of electric sparks appeared, flying back to the asteroid that had just stopped at a faster speed than before.

"How is it possible?" Dapla vomited blood, and was severely cut open by the fragments of the spacecraft, and even the bones in it could be clearly seen.

In the universe, there are very few strong ones, stopping small spaceships that have already started to fly. Under the rapid flight, the impact force is huge, and the speed of small spaceships is so fast that the average strong can't catch up.

Dapla, who was badly injured, kicked open the twisted and deformed spaceship hatch and staggered out of it. Just a few steps away, the spaceship behind him exploded.

"Don't accidentally play to death." Luo Ya muttered, and walked up to Dapla, who was blown up again, looking down at the severely wounded, his fighting strength was inexhaustible. Dapla.


"Nice look, obedient, I might let you live a few more days." Luo Ya sneered, flicking his fingertips, and threw a pill into Dapla's mouth.

"Yes, respectable lord." Although Dapla could not help himself when he was controlled, the memory was still there. He already knew how to flatter Shangfeng, and his face immediately changed to flattery and flattery.

The realm king Shen Xin on the side looked at Pudala's changes back and forth, admiring him, not to mention the strength of this guy, but his ability to slap a horse is many times stronger than him.

A few seconds ago, the one who was kicked is like a dead dog. This will speak as a respectable adult, ordinary people, really don't have such a thick skin and strong ability to accept.

"Fill the pot of Babidi magic power, then pour it into the egg, pour me a few more times, remember, the fastest, maybe in the end, you can survive." Luo Ya opened his face and said A little cold, full of threats.

"Respected lord, the villain must do his best." With a hypocritical smile on Dapla's face, after the wound healed, he respectfully saluted, turned his head and took the magic pot from the large spaceship. Begin to infuse the Qi in the body.

When Pudala was busy, Luo Ya looked at the system warehouse. This newly acquired treasure chest made him uncontrollably smile.

Cosmic Treasure Chest Dragon Ball World has a unique treasure chest, which has a very small chance of being refreshed next to a character whose strength can affect the stability of the universe. Item levels can be drawn, depending on the influence of the refreshed character.

The introduction of this kind of treasure chest is very strong, just like the fairy magic treasure chest. With the improvement of Roja's realm, the level of the things that the fairy magic treasure chest has been continuously improving.

Although the system says that such a treasure chest has only a very small probability of being refreshed, and what is opened depends on the influence of the character, but this kind of treasure chest has almost unlimited possibilities.

If one were to be refreshed next to the Supreme God of Quan King, it would be absolutely refreshing. You know, in the legend of Quan King, the existence of the universe can be destroyed in a single thought. According to the system, the influence of the universe on the universe alone, that guy Absolutely strong enough to burst.

Majin Buu’s cosmic treasure chest, what kind of cosmic treasure chest can be opened, and what kind of item the system is unclear, there are many things that need to be experienced by yourself.

"System, open the treasure chest of the universe." Luo Ya was full of expectation, and ordered the system in a deep voice.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the universe treasure chest and obtaining the ten-year world time wall card."

The ten-year world time wall card can isolate the host's world from other worlds and form a time barrier. Other worlds spend one year, and the host's world spends ten years.

God horse stuff

Roja looked at the things the system drove, with a somewhat sluggish expression on his face, turned into ecstasy, and almost jumped directly from the ground.

What he lacks most is time. The card produced by the system is completely tailored for him. What is the concept of ten years?

If he has a good ten years of traveling, he would just plunge into the spiritual time house, do nothing, just practice stupidly, then after returning, it will be enough to deal with all crises.

Ten years are placed in the fine Wang Zhaoshen time house, one day equals one year, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, that is three thousand six hundred and fifty years

He is now the top of Daluo Jinxian for practitioners and enlightened ones. Not to mention breaking through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. In 3650 years, he can even reach the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian if there is nothing wrong in his cultivation.

Once you reach that realm, with the eight-door god forbidden this kind of cheating-like exercises, the eight eight-door Dunjia formations are fully opened, forming the eight-door Dunjia formation, that is, the saints are in danger of dying.

"Ten years is good, ten years system, immediately use the ten years world wall card" without any hesitation, Luo Ya with a smile on his face directly ordered the system.

In ten years, he has time to establish Taoism in this world. In ten years, he also has enough time to get the original power of this world. In ten years, he dare to say that all kings will come over and bring him tea and water. .

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