One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1794: All Kings Perceive

An unsearchable wave spread in the Dragon Ball world. The entire Dragon Ball world, including the other eleven universes, all shook slightly, and the flow rate of time was already different from before.

Just because of boredom, King Quan suddenly opened his eyes, with a little anxiety in his pupils. As the supreme god of this world, he just felt the flow of time between his own world and other worlds. Jingwei is clear.

The time flow that was ten times faster made his heart throb, and he couldn't feel at ease without knowing why this happened.

"Let the great priest come and see me." Quan Wang said, the voice and tone of a child, but the body of the guards standing on both sides shocked.

"Yes, great Lord Quan." A guard bowed and bowed, moved his feet and disappeared into the magnificent Supreme Palace, and hurriedly went to inform the great priest.

When the strength reached the realm of the great priest and the guard of the whole king, the whole process, I am afraid that it has not consumed a second of time. After the great priest heard the words of the guard, he immediately moved and appeared in front of the whole king.

"The Seventh Universe has a power that suddenly flies away. This power has caused the time flow rate of the twelve universes to change. Go check it out."

The immature voice of the whole king came, and the great priest placed one hand on his expression, bowed and bowed, and urged his power, disappeared in front of the whole king, and headed towards the seventh universe at a rapid speed.

As he moved towards the seventh universe, the great priest was puzzled and completely unclear about what kind of power it was that the entire king could not detect.

Originally, in these universes, no matter what happened, the whole king could easily perceive it, and if there was something to do, most of the time, it was completely impossible for the great priest to take action.

Although the two guards around the king seemed inconspicuous, in the universe, they were unmatched by the gods of destruction, and they had already dealt with ordinary things.

In the heart of the great priest, I am afraid that the seriousness of this matter has exceeded the scope of the two guards, otherwise it is impossible for him to investigate it personally.

Of course, he really didn't have the guts to ask Quan Wang directly about this kind of thing. After all, Quan Wang was not a good temper. When his majesty was challenged, he would become extremely angry in all likelihood.

And when the whole king gets angry, it is not a matter of how many people die. It is extremely possible to destroy one or two universes. Although the destruction of the previous six universes has passed for an unknown number of years, the great priest still remembers it. new.

"Hey, why don't you stop using waste wood? It took a long time to activate 1%" Luo Ya with an unhappy expression on his face, he reprimanded Dapla.

Although this guy's energy is extremely suitable for resurrecting Demon Buu, he can't hold his own realm enough, and only two inputs can reach one percent.

If it is not possible to clearly feel the changes in the breath that reaches Pula, Roja would have to wonder if this guy is cutting corners.

Although Babidi was dead, the memory in his mind was seen by Roja seven or eight, and he was almost able to use the instruments left on the large spaceship.

From a small dial, you can clearly see that now the energy of Majin Buu's resurrection has only accumulated one percent. This slow resurrection speed really makes him painful.

"Dear lord, please give the villain some time, the villain will do his best." Dapla was sweating coldly on his body. When Luo Ya was just starting to curse, the inadvertent breath almost made him kneel down.

"Damn it, trash." Luo Ya scolded again, with a bit of discomfort on his face, turning his head to look at the world king god Xin and Jiebit.

These two guys are people who have experienced all kinds of abuse, and they are somewhat resistant. Although they were just jumped off by the inadvertent breath, they did not embarrass on the spot.

"Go back to Earth together." Luo Ya said to the world kings Xin and Jiebit with a dark complexion. The two nodded in a hurry, and hurriedly started to mobilize their abilities, bringing the Devil Buu's egg and Dapla back together. Above the heavenly temple of the earth.

I was still discussing with Bobo just now, why would the God of the Realm King suddenly appear on the earth, sensing the breath of the God of the Realm, his cheeks twitched, and he winked at him again and again, signalling to silence.

"You, come with me holding the egg." Luo Ya pointed to Dapla and said, completely ignoring God and Bobo that day, turning his head and walking towards the Spiritual Time House.

Ask for flowers

"Yes, my respectable lord." Dapla heard the words, knowing that he was temporarily relieved of life, with a relaxed expression on his face, he hurriedly picked up Demon Buu's egg, and followed Roja closely. .

When he came to the Spiritual Time House, Luo Ya kept Dapura and Frieza together without saying a word, and the Devil Buu's egg was also thrown in by him.

"You must increase by one percent every day. If you can't do it, you know the end." Roja said with gloomy eyes, and Dapla nodded and bowed back.

In the Spiritual Time House, one year is equivalent to one day outside. If Dapla does what he says, it takes eight hours to resurrect Majin Buu.

Frieza looked at Dapura who was complimenting Roja in every way, with an expression of disdain in his eyes, and the hatred that grew more and more over time.

Although it was only a few hours away, but for this guy, it was already not a short time. Under the frenzied cultivation, his strength has increased by a lot.

However, in Roja’s perception, Frieza is still far behind Dapla. If Dapla does not dare to kill people here, it is estimated that Friza’s glass heart will begin to suffer again. Created.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

A continuous sound of fists and feet and body collisions reverberated in the Spiritual Time House. In an enchantment formation on one side, Vegeta and Monkey King refused to give way to each other and fought hard.

Sun Wukong was far weaker than Vegeta before, but for a few hours in the Spiritual Time House, dozens of days have already been spent. The Eight Doors of God’s Forbidden City was directly practiced by Little Wukong to the third stage of refining the mirror.

This kind of terrifying speed of cultivation is completely unimaginable when placed on other people. However, Saiyan has a special body. Every time he recovers from a serious injury, his combat power will increase greatly. Such characteristics are destined to be practiced against each other. The growth rate will be amazing.

"Eight Nine Profound Art" Luo Ya looked at the appearance of Vegeta fighting against Monkey King, was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but cried out in his heart..

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