One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1795: Advanced Smart Doll

Vegeta carried a little golden light all over her body, full of blood and energy, and the Qi in her body had already transformed into pure Taoist immortal power. Luo Ya didn't need to look much at all, so he could easily tell that what he repaired was the Eighty-Nine Profound Art.

Before Luo Ya had seen Yang Jian who had also practiced the Eight or Nine Profound Art, the auras of the exercises on the two of them were almost exactly the same.

"This fellow Subhuti, are you planning to accept another disciple or on a whim?" Luo Ya muttered in his heart and looked at Subhuti, who closed his eyes and enlightened the cosmic purple energy.

The Eight-Nine Profound Art is not Chinese cabbage. Most people don't understand this top-notch technique of Taoist practitioners, but Zhen Yuanzi, because he specializes in the supernatural powers of space, only knows the principles of the Eight-Nine Profound Art, but does not know the method.

Now the only one who can teach Vegeta the Eighty-Nine Profound Art here, that is, "Zero-Five-Seven" is only an old stuff like Subhuti.

It has to be said that Vegeta, who has practiced the Eight or Nine Profound Art, is like a reborn, its combat effectiveness has increased by more than ten times, and a major leap has been completed in just a few dozen days.

However, it is obvious that Monkey King is progressing faster. The Eight Doors Divine Forbidden technique has unlimited potential. Even Pangu's Pangu Nine Turns Xuanyuan Art can not compare with it to a certain extent.

Although the process of cultivation is more than twice as painful as the practice of top practitioners like the Eight or Nine Profound Art, but in terms of the speed of cultivation, it is also more than twice as fast.

Vegeta and Monkey King also saw Loya's arrival at this time, and Monkey King, with a delighted expression on his face, ran over after two steps back.

Although Vegeta has no good feelings about Roja, but because of the existence of Monkey King, he can't be regarded as unseen. Moreover, he can become stronger so quickly. Thanks to Roja for bringing him here.

"Teacher, I'm on the third stage." Monkey King smiled and came to his teacher, with a big smile on his face. The monkey tail wagged quite cheerfully.

"Yes, keep working hard, have you encountered any problems in your practice?" Luo Ya looked at the simple expression on Monkey King's face, and couldn't help being infected by him.

This silly boy, Monkey King, always has a kind of true goodness in his body. It is this sincerity and kindness that allows him to become friends with many people. This kind of simplicity and very people can have.

If anyone is more similar, it should be Hou Tu. Such a personality can always relax people invisibly.

"No problem, it's the teacher. I haven't eaten for a long time." Monkey King patted his belly, showing a somewhat greedy expression on his face.

Before that, Luo Ya left them a lot of resources for cultivation. These resources include bigu pill, rejuvenation pill, and rejuvenation pill, but there is no food alone.

Although Monkey King doesn't get hungry, for people who are accustomed to eating, it is always weird not to eat for so long.

Just like the original Luo Ya, he has clearly become an immortal. He sucks the wind and drinks the dew and doesn't need to eat at all, but from time to time he will use the surrounding powerful monsters to beat the teeth.

Roya heard Monkey King's words and couldn't help but chuckle. After flipping through the system warehouse, he found out the black bear body that he didn't know where he had obtained before.

With a thought in his heart, he separated a rough and inferior wooden clone. This wooden clone quickly began to use various cooking appliances to concoct the black bear spirit.

The black bear spirit's size like a hill made Monkey King drool, and Vegeta on the side also had scorching eyes and the Saiyans were gluttonous, which is well known.

With a body of more than 20 meters in length, this black bear spirit can only eat two meals because of their current strong digestive power.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Roya also put on a smile on his face, turned around and walked out of the Spiritual Time House. He has ten years, and he doesn't have to be as busy as before.

Outside the Spiritual Time House, the realm king Shen Xin squatted on the ground, constantly looking at the seal formation used by Luo Ya to seal the Great Demon King Piccolo a few days ago, with a cheerful expression on his face.

Although the god of heaven is always indifferent to everyone, he dare not show the slightest dissatisfaction in the face of his immediate boss, and he obediently accompanies him.

Luo Ya relaxed in his heart and saw the expression of the realm king Shen Xin, and suddenly remembered that he seemed to have promised to give a great beauty to the old realm king god. What he said would naturally not count.

Taking advantage of this time, he flipped his hand to release the map of the world spirit garden, and chose a mediation lotus that did not grow well. Luo Ya sacrificed himself to the five-party treasure furnace and began to slowly refine

"Old World King God's taste is blond, he needs to have big curly hair, tall at the front, pretty at the back, long legs, tall, thin waist, big hips, high nose, big eyes"

Roja said something in her mouth. After a simple sacrifice, he turned the mediation lotus into a peerless beauty. However, the beauty at this time is completely a thing that can be seen and cannot be used. If you want to take shape, you still have to rely on it. The magical powers of good fortune.

In the puzzled eyes of Jebit, Roja once again returned to the Spiritual Time House and came out again in the blink of an eye. At this moment, behind him was already followed by a beautiful woman who could not help but swallow.

Except for the slightly dull look in her eyes, this beauty is completely no different from ordinary people. With a twitch of Jebite's cheek, she immediately realized that this should be the great beauty to be given to the Old World King God.

"Xin, send this to the old world king god." Luo Ya opened his mouth, and the world king god Xin, who was watching the seal formation formation with an intense spirit, stood up and ran to his expression.

After the "e" realm king Shen Xin ran over, he saw the standard humanoid beauty, with shocked expression on her face, and a little envy in her pupils.

"Eh, hurry up and come back, when I leave for 10, maybe I will give you one too." Luo Ya angrily slapped the head of the realm king Shen Xin, secretly doubting in his heart. Xinren, has it come to spring together recently?

"Well, this isn't great, right" Realm King Shen Xin agreed subconsciously, but he reacted in a flash, and it seemed inappropriate, his cheeks turned into a bright red color, much redder than Jiebee.

When Roya heard this, he raised his hand to fight, Xin quickly raised his hand to surrender, urging to move instantaneously, and with this advanced intelligent inflatable doll, he returned to the realm of the realm king with Jiebit.

"I hope that the old world king god's body is still strong, otherwise it will be drained in minutes." Luo Ya tweeted, and he was quite confident in the self-made high-end smart inflatable doll..

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