One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1796: Budo Stadium opened

Luo Ya Yuemei's countless eyes, the face created by it, is definitely a goddess level, and the bee-waisted tun is definitely what the guy like the old world king god desires most.

"Wait, that guy seemed to flash his waist last time." Luo Yamo rubbed his chin with a smile on his face. He really hoped that next time he saw the Old World King God, that guy would not sit in a wheelchair directly. .

After all, a man's waist is not good, everything is zero, if he really sits in a wheelchair, even if the old world king is abolished, it is estimated that even the secret technique to increase potential will not be used.

After thinking about it, Luo Ya had a somewhat relaxed smile on his face. When he first came to this world, he was always full of a sense of urgency, which kept his nerves tense.

It is now that he has completely let go of the nervous feeling, ten years, no matter what the calculation is enough.

It takes about eight hours for Dapla to fill up the Devil Buu's eggs. Without rushing for a moment, Roya remembered what the Tortoise Immortal had said before, 13 opening a martial arts field.

He has done things like the founding of sects more than once, and he is considered familiar. Although it is said that the martial arts field is somewhat different from the sect, it is basically the same, and it can only be said that it has an extra commercial atmosphere.

This kind of business atmosphere, somewhat similar to the previous life, is precisely the easiest thing to do for Luo Ya, and all things related to interests, that is, to speak in a word of money.

The wealth acquired in the world of Naruto and Pirates is almost moldy in the system warehouse, and only this kind of world can be used. The real money in the world of Journey to the West is not as precious as a thousand-year elixir.

Just do as he thinks about it, Roja greeted the low-existence gods and Bobo, disappeared in front of them, and came to Sidu Buma's house.

Boomer still couldn't get out of the laboratory. It took two days to complete the final product. Even if she is a genius girl and her father is the top scientist in Dragon Ball World, this kind of thing is extremely difficult.

Guixianren, Yamucha, Tianjin Rice, Dumplings, and Kelin still stay at Buma’s home. The first is that there is no shortage of food for a few people in Buma’s family. After all, the Wanneng Capsule Group can be said to be the richest on earth. Group up.

Second, they hope that they can hear the last news with their own ears, no matter if the news is the one they want to hear, even if it isn't, they would die early.

These people's thoughts are understandable. After all, the temptation to become stronger, as a warrior, is completely irresistible. The real example of Monkey King is placed in front of them, and they can't help but not be moved.

"Are we some wishful thinking that Wukong can get such an opportunity? It's his luck, we are like this, it will probably make Wukong embarrassed."

With a twisted expression on Klin's face, he and Monkey King had been practicing under the Guixianren's school, and his feelings for Monkey King were the most sincere.

"Damn it, I'm really unwilling, just give up so easily" Tianjin's rice noodles is full of unwillingness, even though the turtle fairy said, Luo Ya will consider this matter, but every minute and every time he stays here, It made him live like a year, and it was painful.

Dumplings lightly patted Tianjin Fan on the back for comfort, while Yamucha teased Pu'er, who was also worried.

"I got lucky and lost my life. Don't get too entangled in this matter. Even if Mr. Luo Ya is not here to start the Budokan, you have not lost the opportunity to continue to grow stronger. There are many ways to become stronger."

Seeing this, Guixianren could only comfort a few people out loud. Although he said so, he who had personally visited Kalinta knew that Roja's martial art realm was not comparable to the martial art realm on earth today.

"Are you so impatient?"

A rather playful word came from the door of Bouma's house, everyone was taken aback, and all of them raised their heads in an instant, with surprise expressions on their faces involuntarily.

Roja half leaned on the door frame, hugged his arms, watching everyone's reaction, a smile appeared on his face, the Z-Warriors in the original work, indeed everyone has shortcomings, but it is undeniable that they all have two things in common. Features.

The first is a kind heart, and there are no bad people in their bones. Second, they have a natural desire and obsession to become stronger.

Although the talents of these people are not as perverted as Monkey King and Vegeta, they are definitely considered good in the Journey to the West, and they are the kind of talent that all sects will compete for.

Tianjin Fantou was born with three eyes, with great natural energy and good physique. If he could practice Taoism, he might be able to advance to the Golden Immortal and even awaken his natural magical powers.

Dumplings are not suitable for practitioners, but they are equally talented and have a particularly strong mental power. Those who practice Taoism should also be able to achieve good results.

Compared with the first two, Yamu Tea is a little bit better, and it is a Taiyi True Immortal. It does not sound very high, but you must know that this is the Dragon Ball World, not the West Journey World.

Even if you don't bring Yamu tea back, stay on the earth to look at the door, and guard the martial arts hall here, it is still possible. Taiyi True Immortal Realm, it is easy to get rid of those who do not have eyesight properly.

The most surprising thing is that Kelin 187. The physique of this little bald head is indeed quite good. Although there is no Saiyan bloodline of Monkey King, and the first-born three eyes of Tianjin Fan, the dumplings have strong mental power, but wins. In balance.

It's like a wooden barrel with water. What determines the height that a person can reach in the future is not the longest piece on the side of the barrel, but the shortest piece.

Doctrine is not ordinary, but more stable. If this little bald head cultivates properly, with a little chance, he should still be able to reach the level of the golden immortal.

The cultivation method in the Dragon Ball World is really rough, and it will only passively develop the potential of the body. If it is for practitioners and enlightened practitioners, the heights that the people here can reach will not be weaker than the average Saiyan.

"Mr. Luoya, have you already made a decision?" Guixian Ren Wu Tianren was so mature. Hearing Luo Ya's words, he had a premonition in his heart. The beard on his chin couldn't help but tremble.

In his mind, if Roja left the martial arts inheritance on the earth, then the earth in the future will definitely enter the state of martial arts prosperous, and people who learn martial arts will flock to it.

"The Shushan martial arts venue will officially open the day after tomorrow. Do you want to become the first disciples under the Shushan gate on earth?" Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, and directly said the result without selling it..

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