One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1798: Majin Buu

Roja wanted to explain his relationship with Bouma, which was not what Mrs. Breff had imagined, but he hesitated and still did not speak.

Mrs. Breff was able to agree to help so quickly, I am afraid that a large part of the reason is because Bouma, after all, although the gold he gave is more than enough, but this kind of thing is sometimes not possible with money alone.

Just a phone call, the hill-like gold released by Roja was removed by a group of people wearing the uniform of the Universal Capsule Company, and the behemoth of the Universal Capsule Company also exerted its terrifying energy.

Roja had ten years, and he was not in a hurry. He simply stayed at Bouma's house. After all, he would be able to get the Ten Thousand Times Gravity Room in one day, and he would just have to run again.

Early the next morning, Mrs. Breff came to tell Roja that the land he wanted was ready. It was next door to her house. All the residents had already paid for their relocation, and they all moved out last night.

The municipal engineering side has also been contacted, and can start to demolish the original building at any time and start rebuilding on it.

"Fuck, it's too fast, is this really a strong buying and selling?" Luo Ya muttered in his heart, but he didn't miss 193 on the face.

After saying to Mrs. Briff that the demolition team and the construction team were not needed, under the leadership of the staff of the Wanneng Capsule Company, they came to the area that was assigned to him.

Guixianren, Klin, Tianjin Fan and others followed him closely. They also wanted to see how Luo Ya would do it. After all, tomorrow is what he said the opening time of the museum. No matter what they think, they don’t know. What kind of construction team can build a martial arts hall in one day.

"From Buma's house to the Blue Yard, I bought everything in the middle of the two streets." Luo Yafei asked in the middle of the air, carrying an employee of the Universal Capsule Company in one hand, and holding the drawing in the other.

"Mr. Rororoya is, yes, can we, come, and say on the ground" An employee of the Universal Capsule Company, wiggling his body, constantly wiping cold sweat.

"Well, you go down." Luo Ya directly let go of the employees of the universal capsule company, and the sense of weightlessness of free fall from high altitude made the middle-aged man call like a pig.

A celestial force was thrown out in his hand. When he was about to land, the man was steadily dragged and placed on the ground. It was so tricky, but it was because the employee of the universal capsule company just now voted for him. Look at the look of Xiao Bai's face.

The Tortoise Immortal, Klin and others on the ground saw this scene, their cheeks twitched slightly, and Luo Ya's careful eyes left an image that was difficult to erase.

"Yellow Spring Marsh" Roja made a handprint with one hand, and under the house above the ground, slices of mud began to appear. The terrifying range directly covered all the area he bought.

Houses began to sink into the quagmire, and Guixianren and others were dumbfounded. This method is completely beyond their comprehension.

As a warrior, it is always easy to destroy and difficult to repair, and even if it is destroyed, all they can rely on are their fists, legs and feet, plus the qi in the body.

"Will Shu Shan learn this?" Klin swallowed, with a dull look on his face, and asked, but the turtle immortal knew a hammer, and no one was destined to answer this question.

Hardening technique wood escape earth escape

The spells in Roja's hands were continuously used, and the ground that had just been turned into a quagmire by him was directly hardened. The hardness was almost comparable to steel.

Trees began to rise from the ground, and the surroundings became lush and lush, and houses began to take shape. The antique two-story buildings were all made according to the ancient gardens in Luo Ya's heart.

Of course, many of these things have also undergone certain changes. There are more corresponding buildings such as training grounds, exercise rooms, and competition platforms and squares.bdbe

Luo Ya didn't use the profound Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams formation, but secretly matched the Yin Yang and Five Elements, so that it could absorb a little bit of heaven and earth aura here.

After all, this Dragon Ball world is the destruction of the planet at every turn. When the disciple's strength is slightly stronger, the destruction will be a matter of minutes. No matter how strong it is, it is useless.

"I'm not dreaming." An ordinary person passing by on the street witnessed the changes here, rubbing his eyes fiercely, and after a while, he let out a scream and started to run wild.

Not to mention that this ordinary person can't accept it, even the Turtle Fairy and others can't accept it. After living for most of his life, he dare to swear that this is definitely the most horrible scene he has seen.

Roja rubbed his chin in the sky, and once again used the unearthed attribute spell. A stone mountain rose from the square in front of the main hall with exquisite carvings on it, completely resembling the world of Shushan in Journey to the West.

"That's it." With a smile on his face, Luo Ya added a reinforcement spell to the sign, clapped his hands, and fell from the sky.

Such a movement can't hide the huge population in the Western Capital. It didn't take long for the news reporters to flock to him. At this time, Luo Ya had already entered the Shushan Budokan and came to the backyard, leaving only one Doppelganger, dealing with all kinds of reporters.

Guixianren, Kelin and others are still small and famous on the earth. After all, the last martial arts convention in the world has just ended not long.

The fame of Shushan Budokan spread out all at once, and various media began to rush to report, and the changes that took place here in a short period of time have been regarded by countless people as an unsolved mystery.

Under the overwhelming propaganda, there were countless people rushing here without any effort.

The Guixianliu of the Guixianren still has a certain reputation on the earth, even the Guixianren praised it, and the martial arts hall that he threatened to enter and study was directly placed in the position of the martial arts holy land.

There are even countless famous martial arts masters, with the idea of ​​coming over to challenge them in their hearts, rushing in. Roya directly brought Guixianren, Klin and others to the spiritual time house in the Temple of Heaven in the evening.

For a short half-day, it was half a year in the Spiritual Time House. Let a few people learn the great witchcraft, and the combat power soared ten times twenty times, there was no problem at all.

And taking this opportunity, Luo Ya also wanted to learn about the local Qi in the Dragon Ball world from the Turtle Immortal. After all, the Qi in this world still has its uniqueness.

But as soon as he entered the Spiritual Time House, Roja was stunned. Frieza and Dapura were actually eaten by Majin Buu, and Majin Buu, at this time, was like a lunatic. He roared in the formation he laid.

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