One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1799: What kind of monster

Majin Buu has the ability to turn creatures into candy and eat them. Moreover, after eating others, his strength will increase depending on the strength of the person being eaten.

The person who is eaten is like a supply bottle in his body, continuously giving him energy and Qi, and Buu will also gain the ability of the person who is eaten.

Buu's body is now slender, but his muscles are extremely Frieza. The breath on his body has the completely irrational appearance of the Golden Celestial Peak, which looks like a lunatic.

"Friend Luo Dao, what kind of monster you caught this?" Zhen Yuanzi asked Luo Ya walking in with doubts on his face.

When Buu woke up before, he had noticed that this kind of extremely evil aura was worse than the gloomy atmosphere of Styx.

When he just woke up, he was a fat man with a simple and honest appearance. When he didn't agree with him, he fought with Nadapura. With two simple tricks, he killed it and turned it into candy and ate it in his stomach.

Then, in a state of anger, Buu, who was completely irrational, once again attacked Frieza in the formation. This time it was even simpler, with a second kill, turning it into candy and eating it.

After eating the candy twice, Buu's body changed, and finally it became what it is now. Majin Buu's ability to absorb others and perfect himself, Jin Yuanzi was naturally curious where he had seen it.

"How do you say, it's a bit like gluttonous food, but it's different. After a person is eaten by him, he won't be digested immediately." After Luo Ya understood what happened here, he opened his mouth to explain to Zhen Yuanzi for a long time.

The current Majin Buu is at the top of the Golden Immortal, one step short of being able to advance to the Daluo Golden Immortal, compared to Dapla's stuff, it is not a little bit stronger.

Monkey King and Vegeta also leaned over at this time, and the fellow Subudi was with them. After hearing Luoya's explanation, Subudi was full of intentions.

"That is to say, can this kind of creature become stronger without limit as it continues to be swallowed?" Subudi stroked his long beard under his jaw and asked, he was surrounded by a little purple aura. The harvest was quite fruitful over a period of time.

"Theoretically this is the case, but there should also be a limit. After swallowing an existence stronger than yourself, the consciousness of the stronger-willed person will dominate."

Roja's explanation made the aliens stunned, especially the Turtle Immortal, Klin and others, where have they seen such a terrifying thing as Demon Buu, under the evil aura, they could barely stand firm.

Everyone chatted outside the formation for most of the day. After talking about Buu, Roja did not rush in immediately, but looked at the recent practice of Monkey King and others.

After more than a year of cultivation in the Spiritual Time House, Monkey King's cultivation has skyrocketed, and after numerous serious injuries and dying, he is now in the middle stage

Vegeta lost his hostility in his eyes, and was only slightly inferior to Monkey King. He practiced the Eight-Nine Profound Art in a good manner, and put on a loose martial arts uniform. His original clothes had been used countless times. Scraps of cloth shattered during the duel.

According to Zhen Yuanzi, in order to make this guy renew, Subhuti read the Buddhist scriptures and Taoisms for seven days and seven nights directly in his ear, which is basically equivalent to brainwashing Vegeta.

Monkey King was very excited when he saw Guixianren and the others. He had been here for a long time. He had just such a few faces every day, and he was naturally very happy when he saw his acquaintances.

After Luo Ya passed the first half of the exercises of the Great Witch Jue, he handed over several people to Zhen Yuanzi. Zhen Yuanzi's sentiment fell into a bottleneck for a while, and he was able to teach them.

The top powerhouse of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level personally taught that this treatment may make many people jealous.

Having arranged all the trivial matters, Luo Ya just turned his eyes to the demon Buu who was constantly roaring in the formation. The hatred in his eyes, ordinary people would be scared to death when they saw it.

According to Zhen Yuanzi, this guy didn't yell at others at all. After being trapped in it and unable to get out, he just went to sleep every day. After waking up, he stretched and continued to sleep.

It was after Roja came in, that he continued to scream and hit the formation like crazy.

"Is it because of the influence of Frieza and Dapla that his xinxing is really fragile." Roja's face was a bit speechless, and Frieza and Dapla were absolutely half-dead for hating him. It is understandable for Ou to see him like this.

Ask for flowers

Jinxian Summit, Luo Ya, with a little bit of doubt in his heart whether he could obtain the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment, directly urged the instant ability and entered the formation.

Majin Buu's reaction was astonishingly fast, and he didn't stop at all. After he came in, he turned back and leaped back, his bulging cheeks were clearly preparing for a thick phlegm.

"I'm paralyzed, how come I have inherited such a disgusting ability." Luo Ya cursed secretly, with an uncomfortable expression on his face, moved his feet and dodged away.

A pitch-black saliva fell on the place where he was originally, Buu fluttered, with a bit of madness on his face, constantly throbbing his chest, and bursts of boiling steam from the steam hole on his forehead.

After a strange cry of "Oh death", Majin Buu rushed towards Luo Ya again. In this state of anger, he actually increased his combat power by 10%, although he still has not reached the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, but Already infinitely close

"You are the second one who has the courage to spit at me, " Roya scolded, with a bit of uncomfortable face on his face, moving his feet and advancing in the turbulent waves of air. Demon Buu fist.

Demon Buu saw Luo Ya choose to face him hard, his eyes were a little bit happy, and the long tentacles behind his head suddenly emitted a burst of energy like electric light when the two fists were about to meet.

This energy is what turns people into candy, and it is similar to the natural magical powers of Journey to the West.

"Cut, treasure chest fragments, there must be the consciousness of treasure chest fragments" Roja sneered in disdain, and slightly turned sideways to avoid the unknown energy, his left hand swiftly came out, and directly grabbed the tentacles behind Demon Buu's head. .

When the fist of the right hand was intersecting with Majin Buu, it turned into a fist and easily grasped the fist. With one hand with tentacles and one arm, Roja's body sent out less than half of the force and slammed it to the ground. .

With a muffled sound, Monkey King and Vegeta who were standing outside the formation couldn't help but shook their bodies. They kept twitching their cheeks as they watched Puwu, the demon whose body was almost beaten into flesh..

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