One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1803: Make friends with Quan Wang

The arrival of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian powerhouse in the late stage made Roya alert in his heart. Although he now has the strength to defeat Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian powerhouse, but with this level of opponents, God knows how many back players the opponent has.

Now that the person who came was an enemy or a friend, he had no idea at all, and he was able to make the realm king Shen Xin make such a respectful subordinate posture, and his identity was definitely not simple.

Walking out of the Spiritual Time House, Luo Ya squinted his eyes. The appearance and features of the person in front of him made him instantly recognize the identity of the person, the great priest.

Light blue skin, silver-white big back, dark blue short robe, and on the red belt around the waist, there is a golden waist badge with a big letter written on it.

If Roja still doesn’t recognize such obvious characteristics, he will just find a piece of tofu and hit him to death. You must know that this great priest, in the world of Dragon Ball, has an identity of less than 10,000 people and is known as the king of all. The strongest

"Mr. Roya, I am glad to meet you. I am the butler of the Supreme God, the Great Priest." The Great Priest seemed to be waiting for Roya. The moment he walked out of the Spiritual Time House, he bowed slightly. Greetings.

197 "I've heard of you." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, seeing the attitude of the great priest, a little worried in his heart.

Although I don't know what this guy is here for, but since he didn't show a hostile attitude directly now, it at least means that they won't meet up right away.

"This is my honour, sir." The great priest said with a smile on his face, rather modestly, his polite appearance is not at all like a person with long-term power.

Roja glanced at the realm kings Xin and Jebit, the two of them lowered their heads in a panic. They didn't dare to look at him at all, and attracted the great priest here. If they were investigated, there would be absolutely nothing for them. End.

"I also ask Mr. Roya not to blame Xin. Master Quan King sent me to the Seventh Universe to explore some things. As the Realm King God, some things are beyond his control."

The great priest sensed the movements of the two behind him, and made an excuse for them. Originally, the great priest found Xin Xin, the king of the realm, at the first time, but with his strength, he has been in the universe for so long. It was all because Xin deliberately delayed.

bdcb "No blame, just ask these two idiots why you are here, but they did it well and lowered their heads without any hint at all."

Roja smiled and cursed, and he was extremely helpless for the disagreement of the world kings Xin and Jebit. A great priest directly frightened the two of them.

"Mr. is really frank, then I won't go around in circles." When the great priest heard Roya's words, his face also put a smile on his face. He himself is not a person who likes to bend, since the other party speaks frankly, many things, he He also put it directly on the table and said.

The great priest slowly spoke and explained the things before and after his arrival in Universe Seven. From the beginning, the whole king felt the difference in the flow of time, until he found Xin, he began to explore in Universe Seven without a single moment. hide.

Although traveling in a big circle, the great priest finally locked the suspect on Loya, the first time traveller, the term was too strange for him.

The relationship between time and space is extremely broad, but one thing is certain, Roja will definitely not be a figure in the twelve universes, especially after seeing him, the great priest more affirmed this guess.

The exposed aura, although it does not look strong, but the great priest can feel the slightest threat, this is definitely not weaker than his strong.

In the twelve universes, every master is very familiar with him. There is no such person as Roja, and the opponent appears out of thin air, and there is no trace of the origin.

Second, not long after Roja appeared, the whole king felt the problem of the flow of time in the universe. This is really a coincidence, and it is strange if the two things are not connected.

"Is the time flow problem really done by me, because some things require enough time to be processed. Go back and tell Quan Wang, ten years, and make friends."

Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but muttered in his heart that the system had affected the world, and King Mao could perceive the power of the system, even the saints could not detect the reason.


The great priest twitched his cheeks, and the whole person was no longer good. The fact of making friends with the king is too weird and scary. As the supreme god of the twelve universes, who has the courage to say with the king make friends

"Mr. Roja may not know the identity of Lord Quan King. Lord Quan King is the supreme god of the twelve universes. He possesses the powerful ability to destroy the universe with one thought. His status is noble and he is a unique existence."

The great priest opened his mouth to explain, but he was worried that Roja's sloppy attitude would directly bring annihilation to the seventh universe. They had long been accustomed to the superiority of the whole king, and they only felt that no one could compare with the whole king. .

"I am the world lord of the five worlds. I want to destroy which world is just as easy. Regarding identity, the whole king only controls one world. Now, do you say I am qualified." Luo Yawei raised his chin and looked at the priest. His eyes, with a little looking down.

He didn't lie. After the Pirate, Hokage, Zhan Chitong, Qian Nu, and Fairy Sword gained the original power, he was the master of the world, that is, the lord of the world. In terms of quantity, the whole king is not as good as him.

However, cough cough, it’s embarrassing to talk about quality. Fairy Sword and Qian Nu, that is, the world of Zhong Qian, Zhan Chi Tong, Pirate, and Hokage are the world of Xiao Qian,

And the Dragon Ball World, a universe, is a medium-thousand world, a large-thousand world composed of twelve medium-thousand worlds, and the quality of the five worlds of Luo Ya has been lost.


The Realm King God swallowed fiercely, with a look of extreme horror on his face, and Jebit was even more unbearable than him, almost urinating his pants in fright.

The expression of the great priest was slightly stagnant, and he recovered in an instant. Naturally, he would not think that what Roja was telling was a lie. Now thinking about it, it can affect the speed of time movement of the twelve universes. In addition to such a powerful person, there is Who can do it

After all, this kind of thing can be said to be done under the eyes of Quan King. Although Quan King can feel the speed of time, there is no way to stop it. The strength of Quan King and Luo Ya is superior. Set judgment.

"Dear Lord Loya, I will relay your words to Lord Quan Wang, and I hope you have a pleasant trip in this world." The great priest bowed slightly and bowed, his attitude was more respectful..

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