One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1804: A guess of the power of origin

"Well, tell King Quan, he can also visit Minecraft if he has the opportunity." Luo Ya opened his face and put away the arrogance that was just now, but it was three small thousand worlds and two middle thousand worlds. His family knows his own affairs, compared with Quan Wang, his background is still a bit weak.

The world of Dragon Ball is indeed vast, and it is so extensive that even the vast majority of people will not be able to explore the margins in their entire lives. Just one universe has an amazing area.

"I think Lord Quan must be very happy to accept the invitation of the adults. Then I see Lord Luo Ya again, and I wish you a happy journey again." The great priest bowed and saluted, and after seeing Luo Ya nodding, he disappeared into the same place and moved quickly towards Quan. Go to the highest temple where the king is.

"My lord, I, I didn't mean to bring the great priest here, but he found the place where Majin Buu found the breath of an adult"

The world king god Xin stammered and explained, knowing that Roja's true identity can be comparable to, or even higher than, the entire king, he will not say anything nervous.

"Looking back to change your stuttering problem, it's the world king god, it's not as shameful to stutter when you get excited." Luo Ya rolled his eyes unhappily, and he sighed with relief in his heart, without blaming Xin at all. meaning.

Just now the great priest had already explained the cause and effect very clearly, and the whole king had already discovered the change in the flow rate of time. This kind of thing could not be avoided, but could only be faced.

Moreover, as the supreme god of this world, if Roja gains the power of the original source and wants to completely control the world, then the two will definitely meet in the future. Maybe there will be a life and death battle. All that can be done now is to delay time. .

The exchange with the great priest this time was fairly smooth, and the whole king seemed to be completely childish. In all likelihood, he would not think so much. It should be no problem if it drags on for ten years.

Wait for the Supreme God, one thought destroys the power of the origin of the universe

Roja's expression was a little taken aback, and he suddenly thought of two possibilities. The Supreme God of All Kings could destroy the universe with one thought. After he took control of the world of Naruto and Pirates, with his strength, he could also destroy that world with one thought.

This method of destroying the world has nothing to do with strength. No matter how powerful it is, there are things that cannot be done. If you want to destroy a world, the most important thing is to control the power of origin.

"It's very possible," Roya murmured, with a somewhat solemn expression on his face. His two guesses were too much.

The first kind of guess is that the whole king does not know what means to obtain the original power of this world, and become the master of the world who dominates the rise and fall of the entire world.

The second conjecture is that the whole king itself is the manifestation of the rules of this world, which is the so-called way of heaven, the so-called original power, which explains why the rules of this universe are completely formulated by the whole king

"Nima, no matter which one is, it's very difficult to deal with." Luo Ya had a somewhat ugly look on his face. Relatively speaking, the first possibility was much greater than the second possibility.

But no matter what kind of possibility it is, when thinking about the power of a world, Luo Ya is full of pain. He knows the power of the power too much.

With the original power of a world, then in this world, there is invincible existence, and there will be no opponents at all, unless the strength of the enemy is already able to confront the entire world.

Now the great priest is in the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so what is the strength of the whole king, or what is the limit of this world?

The whole king is sure to be able to easily defeat the great priest. Roja has never minded overestimating his opponents so that he can do everything. The whole king should be completely equal to the level of a saint.

"Think carefully, I'm terrified," Luo Ya muttered, saint, these two words are really worrying.

He dare to say that the current cultivation base banned the eight gates and opened the seven gates, forming a seven-seat eight-door Dunjia formation. Subuti and Zhenyuanzi would even have to join forces to deal with him. If one is careless, he will still be defeated.

But the saint, even if he desperately opened the eight doors and formed a large array of eight doors, Roja was not even sure that he could defeat it, and whether he could even shake it was a problem.

It is a big bull who has integrated the power of heaven and earth into oneself, and can resonate between heaven and earth in every gesture. Even under the suppression of heaven and earth, a battle between the saints can suffocate creatures.

Temporarily suppressing the worries in his heart, Luo Ya greeted the world kings Xin and Jiebite, and asked them to go to the west to wait, turned and walked into the spiritual time house, and started to practice.

Ask for flowers

It’s useless to just think about these things. The most important thing is strength. As long as the strength is enough, even if the whole king has the original power, it is like the original power of the Pirate World. In his eyes, it is weak. .

If the strength is enough, the whole king is nothing more than a chicken that can be sent easily in his eyes.

The great priest did not dare to delay the slightest all the way, with a bit of eagerness on his face, and he did not hesitate to consume it, and returned to the Supreme Temple at the fastest speed.

The whole king is now meditating with his chin on the god seat, which is a symbol of the Supreme God. He is really boring. He looks at boring things every day and leads a boring life. I don't know how many years he has passed, he himself can't accept it.

"It seems that the Supreme Universe is holding a competition recently. Would you like to see it? Hey, after so many years, there are still a few people competing, and it feels very boring.

The king was constantly muttering, and the two guards behind him did not have the slightest impatience on their faces. They guarded the side loyally and dutifully, and did not interrupt. Although they are powerful, they rarely have the opportunity to shoot. , It exists like a facade.

The great priest quickly returned to the outside of the Supreme Temple, and after trying to mix his breathing, he stepped into the Supreme Temple.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, there is no difference between the grand priest's temperament and his actions, but the whole king on the god seat showed a somewhat curious look.

Although the pace of the great priest is still the original rhythm, he can still see the depressed eagerness while walking.

"Did you find out what happened?" King Quan said, with an interested expression in his big round eyes. He was really curious about what happened that made the great priests so calm. .

"Master Quan, the speed of time is speeding up. It is indeed because of Universe Seven, where one of his subordinates met a person." The great priest said, speaking faster than usual, and the whole thing was gone. The pulse is told again..

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