One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1805: The Test of All Kings

Although the great priest had always maintained a polite appearance in front of Roja, countless thoughts had passed through his mind, after all, this matter was far more serious than anything he had ever contacted before.

The masters of the five worlds came to their world and directly interfered with the rules of time. The identity alone made it impossible for the great priest to relax.

What is the purpose of the other party’s coming here? Is it really just like what he said to the world kings and gods? Is it just to travel? Is it a plot to this world or to avoid disaster?

If it is a conspiracy against this world, how to prevent it is to directly destroy it, or to guard against it and not give the opponent a chance

And if the other party is here to avoid misfortune, does that mean that the opponent's enemy is too strong to imagine. After all, as the master of the five worlds, when the great "Zero Three Three" priest wants to come, the other party is absolutely powerful enough to make people fearful.

"He said he wanted to make friends with me and he said that it was great to have the opportunity to play in his world. I happen to be boring now." After listening to the report of the great priest, the king did not have the slightest sense of crisis. He was excited like a child. general.

Jumping from the god seat, the whole king kept walking around in the temple, the pace was unusually brisk, the big priest under the steps couldn't help leaving a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

This is what and what, Quan Wang's reaction was completely different from what he had imagined. This kind of excitement seemed to have found something novel.

"Great priest, you said I saw him, how should I say hello?" After pacing back and forth for a long time, the king asked with a serious face.

The cheeks of the great priest twitched slightly, and countless alpacas rushed past in his heart. The master didn't have the slightest sense of crisis, but he was a housekeeper.

"Master Quan, this is just a side word of the other party. It has a certain degree of credibility. We don't know at all. If Master Quan Wang really wants to make friends with the other party, we should first know if the other party is a friend worth making."

Halfway through the conversation, the great priest saw Quan Wang's expression unhappy, and instantly changed his words, tactfully turning to the topic of making friends.

"Is it a friend worth making friends? Do you still have to consider so many things to make friends?" Quan Wang frowned and asked. He has never made friends before, so how can I know what steps should be taken?

Everyone around him is respectful to the boxing champion. After all, the power he holds is too scary. If one is careless, let alone they will die. The twelve universes have to be played. The previous six universes are a lesson from the past. .

"Master Quan, your status is noble, and the identity of the other party is not simple. You still have to be cautious when making friends. It's better for us to test each other first."

With a cold sweat on the temples, the great priest said, this kind of test, in his opinion, is likely to cause damage to the world of himself and others, but it is undoubtedly much safer than having the king go directly to the door. .

In the heart of the great priest, Roja is not an easy person. In the words of the world kings Xin and Jebit, he can hear that the other party's attack is extremely cruel. As long as the action is taken, there is no other person except those who are left behind. Alive.

Let the whole king rush up to make friends with each other, and make sure that one sentence is wrong. When the two sides fought a battle, it was definitely them who were unlucky. The universe was destroyed, and they had no chance to survive.

Rather than that, it's better to turn the corner to test the opponent's purpose of coming here, look at the opponent's xinxing before making a decision, it is better than letting the whole king go directly.

"Testing, um, it looks very interesting." Although Quan Wang is a child, he has never made friends, but he is not stupid. In a short time, he has conceived countless ways of testing.

In the Spiritual Time Room, Roja crossed his knees on the ground, constantly pumping the blood in his body, the god thunder was raging in his body, the real fire was rushing, the veins were violent on his face, and the fierce air waves rushed around him.

"Father Luo's cultivation speed is really beyond the reach of my generation." Subudi looked at the scene of Luo Ya's cultivation, with deep emotion on his face.

"Tsk tusk, don't you tell me if you were hit, your cultivation speed was also the number one in the Three Realm Row back then?" Zhen Yuanzi laughed. The speed of his recent comprehension of Hongmeng Purple Qi is somewhat slower than Subhuti. , Has been laughed at countless times.

"Well, faster than some people." Subuti said to Zhen Yuanzi with a bit of glamour on his face, and he went back ironically.

"Huh, what's faster than me, those two over there, do you have them faster?" Zhen Yuanzi snorted angrily, and cast his eyes directly on Monkey King and Vegeta.

It has to be said that the Saiyan's physique is completely open, with a pill that can recover from the injury in a short time, and does not leave any dark diseases. Vegeta and Monkey King fight together, and they are completely life-and-death.

Injured almost every day, and every three to five, there will be another near death, and after near death, the combat power will be greatly increased, and the cultivation base will increase rapidly.

In a short period of time, after obtaining the methods to improve combat power taught by Roja, Monkey King and Vegeta both stepped into the real fairy level.

At this point, the two of them seemed to have encountered a huge bottleneck, stuck tightly, and were seriously injured twice in a row, but failed to break through.

But even so, such a speed of cultivation still made Zhenyuanzi and Subudi almost suffocated with old blood. After less than two years of cultivation, they are true immortals. I don't know how many monks can despair at this speed.

"Vegeta is my apprentice, and a famous teacher makes a good apprentice." Subhuti brags shamelessly, full of pride on his face. At first, he knew at a glance that Vegeta's talent was also quite tyrannical and asked. After he was not Luo Ya's apprentice, he acted decisively.

"There is no skin on the Bodhi Vine." Zhen Yuanzi looked at the other people except Monkey King and Vegeta 24, and said angrily. This fight ended in failure.

Although Guixianren, Kelin, Tianjin Fan, Dumplings and others are considered good, even Kelin and Tianjin Fan are even stronger than his mentality and heart seal talents, but they are still worse than Vegeta and Monkey King. For one thing, if he harvests them as disciples, he will be run to death by Subhuti.

"Hu" during the cultivation Luo Ya let out a sigh of breath, and slowly opened his eyes. After three months, he continued to consolidate his cultivation base, and now he finally controlled the Da Luo Jinxian's Taoist cultivation base.

In contrast, the cultivation base of the enlightened person has reached the limit under the mutual increase, and if there is a slight breakthrough, or some chance, he can directly advance to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

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