One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1812: Test?

Roja always doesn't mind thinking about things in the worst direction. Before, the great priest had been there. Although he looked like a very good deal, he knew people and didn't know his heart. God knows what that guy is thinking. what.

The fact that he wanted to open a martial arts stadium was definitely not leaked by the world kings Xin and Jebit, but the only thing that could explain the current situation was that someone behind him was always watching the earth.

The great priest must report to the whole king, whether the person concerned is the whole king or the great priest or, after the two told the news of their arrival, Birus became interested

Luo Ya frowned slightly and first ruled out Birus. According to that guy's character, if he was interested, he would definitely rush over immediately, and would not play so many corners.

Then only the remaining Quan King and the great priest could do this kind of thing, and no matter which one they were, it was not good news for him.

Sending someone over, still showing a gesture of finding fault, to some extent, it has shown that their attitude is not very friendly, at least, they are not so welcome.

Roya gritted his teeth secretly in his heart, if it weren't for sure if the whole king had mastered the power of the source as he guessed, he would directly take Zhenyuanzi and Subhuti to the Supreme Temple.

After these people entered the earth, they came to the Western Capital at an extremely fast speed, obviously pinpointing the location of the martial arts field. This behavior made Roya affirmed his guess.

"What's the matter?" Bouma was the person who cared about Roya the most on the scene. He found something wrong as soon as his expression changed. Hearing the arrangement just now, he couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing, it's just that someone wants to try my depth." Luo Ya replied Bouma, flipped his hand and took out the four small flags, after the immortal power in his body was injected, he threw it into the air.

Several translucent light curtains appeared in the air. The reporters on the scene were directly dumbfounded when they saw this scene. They couldn't understand what it was.

With the continuous formation of handprints in his hand, Roja once again imposed a protective barrier outside the four dragons in the sky. Since the opponent is going to provoke, it is just right to pull out Monkey King and Vegeta to train.

When Roya wanted to come, the people above sent the realm king to come collectively for nothing more than one purpose, which was to test him. If they wanted to test, he would not take action. Just a bunch of small trash, Monkey King and Vegeta come here. Can dismiss them all.

It was one of them, but it was a little weaker than the Sun Wukong who had turned into a Super Saiyan now. This man was behind the Western World King. He was all green, without a nose, and carrying a lot of weight.

Luo Ya immediately recognized this distinctive feature. This guy should be the number one master of Xi Yinhe, the guy called the ribs rice.

The exposed aura is much stronger than the former Frieza. If Monkey King hadn't practiced the Eight Doors God Forbidden, I am afraid that this guy should be the strongest existence in the Dragon Ball homeland.

However, this strength is also limited. The ribs rice should not have reached the combat effectiveness of his appearance in the original book. Compared with Buu, this guy can only be second.

After the slight spatial fluctuation, Jebit brought Monkey King and Vegeta to appear behind Roja. Both of them are now wearing clothes like rags, with a slightly exhausted look. It seems that they have just finished fighting.

"Go and change your clothes, and I will find you a few opponents in a while, the strength is about the same as yours." Luo Ya gave the two refined martial arts uniforms to Monkey King and Vegeta, keeping his head up and looking at the sky.

The many reporters around were originally horrified by the unknown barrier set up by Roja in mid-air, but now they saw the sudden appearance of Monkey King and Vegeta, and their jaws fell to the ground.

Today is destined to refresh the world of their three views, and what happened today is probably enough to cause a major earthquake that can affect countless people on the Earth of the Dragon Ball World.

"Opponent teacher, you are so kind to me. It's boring to fight Vegeta a long time ago." Monkey King said, with a strong excitement on his face, completely ignoring Vegeta who was on the side when he heard his words. The face is suffocated.

At the beginning, his combat power was much higher than Monkey King, but in the Spiritual Time House, he was surpassed not long after, until he reached the realm of the peak of the true fairy, Monkey King was stuck, and he caught up.

As a result, after turning into a Super Saiyan, Monkey King got him a bit faster again. After Roya and the others left the Mental Time House, they pressed him against him every day. Now that he heard this, Vegeta didn’t know how to complain. .

Monkey King was very excited, ignoring Vegeta's dark complexion, and dragged him to change his clothes. At this time, the Great Realm King and the four realm kings of the south, east, north and west also slowly fell from the sky with a group of people.

In the later stage, air dance is standard equipment for almost everyone. Anyone with a bit of strength can easily be used, but this method of flying in the air is a magical skill for ordinary people.

The air dance of the Crane Immortal school is not unfamiliar to several media that have broadcast the world’s No. 1 Budokai. Besides, I just saw Crane Immortals descending from the sky, and they have been shocked into heavenly beings. At this time, they saw a large group of no wings. , But the people who can fly, the cameras in their hands are constantly pressed.

Realm King Shen Xin saw the appearance of the five realm kings, his complexion was blue and purple, and when he was about to make a sound, Luo Ya glared at him, and all the words he wanted to say were all back in his stomach.

"My lord, forgive me, we" The Great Realm King, who is quite similar to Guixianren, saw Realm King Shen Xin, and wanted to speak, but was pulled by the Southern Realm King behind him, asking them to come to promise. , But more terrifying than the realm king god.

"Under the King of the West, there are people who are better than the father and son of Frieza. You don't know that, hey" Luo Ya looked at the astringent, seemingly ordinary pork ribs rice, and said to the King Shen Xin. .

Frieza and his son have been doing evil in the universe for so long, but the world king god Xin has nothing to do. I don't want to have people in the West Galaxy that are stronger than the Frieza and his sons. There are some twists and turns in the middle. After thinking about it, it is true. It is intriguing.

"The bastard of the King of the West" Realm King Xin naturally would not disbelieve Luoya, Frieza forced him into a very embarrassed situation and could only hide in the Realm of Realm King God.

And now there is someone in the West Galaxy who can defeat Frieza. This means that the King of the West has a strange heart or that this guy wants to see him embarrassed. You need to know. At the beginning, he had sent more than one news to the kings to search for masters. of..

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