One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1813: Live Broadcast

To be sure, after this time, no matter what the outcome of the other realm kings is, this Western Realm King is 100% insecure. Even if Realm King Shen Xin is cowardly, he will not let the Western Realm King such a disregard of the overall situation. Continue to stay in the position of the world king.

In the Heavenly God Temple, the Heavenly God slapped his spirits fiercely, and the presence of several Realm Kings made him nervous. He sighed secretly in the eventful autumn, and only dared to hide in the Heavenly God Temple honestly.

The immortal pinches the little ghost and suffers. He doesn't want to get in trouble. His goal in this life is to be an honest god, not asking for merit, but for nothing.

The Great Realm King had a bit of bitterness on his face, and if it wasn't for the one above to press hard, or give him ten courage, he would not dare to hit the realm of Realm King God.

Behind the Great Realm King, the reactions of the four realm kings in the southeast, northwest and northwest were mixed. The Northern Realm King was almost crying. Facing the Realm King God, he was 10,000 panic, cold sweat on his face, and he didn't want money to fall.

The South Realm King and the East Realm King were also very disturbed, especially the unkind eyes of the Realm King God, which made them beat the drums in their hearts and cried out to death.

Compared with a few people, the expression of the King of the West is more than 247 calm. After all, he has the trump card of ribs rice. In addition to the fact that he is not high, he is completely not the king of the bird world.

"After you go back, let the old world king god help you, and then come over and practice hard, otherwise you will be truly majestic." Luo Ya patted the world king god on the shoulder and said, this world king god should be He is so aggrieved, he is definitely the first person in history.

"Um." The realm king Shen Xin was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then turned into ecstasy. This kind of remark almost meant that Luo Ya was willing to teach him to practice.

"This is the venue. If you want to challenge, just go in. It doesn't matter if it's a group battle or an individual battle." Luo Ya didn't think of nonsense, his figure slowly flew up in the air, pointed to the finger formation enchantment, and went straight. theme.

The Great Realm King breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't know what to say in this situation. It would be best to start straight away.

The people brought by the few realm kings did not know the identity of the realm king Shen Xin at all, let alone how terrifying Luo Ya was, and they all looked eager to try.

Monkey King, bddd Vegeta, Tortoise Immortal, Tianjin Fan, Kelin, Dumpling and others also ascended into the air and swayed against several realm kings. The realm kings and gods are all their people, and the realm kings are in their eyes. It became less mysterious.

"I'm coming" a guy from Nan Yinhe couldn't bear it first, and when he saw the translucent field, he flew in directly.

"My ancestors." The Southern Realm King swallowed fiercely, seeing the increasingly unhappy expression of the Realm King God, and stunned his spirit firmly, and felt pained in his heart for his impulsive subordinates.

The Monkey King, Tianjin Fan and others behind Roya were able to directly judge the strength of the enemy through their breath, and when they saw the first player on stage, everyone looked at Klin.

Except for the dumplings of cultivators and enlightened people, to be precise, at this time, he had just become a cultivator in the concentrating state, and he hadn't even had time to consolidate his cultivation. Among the remaining people, the weakest was Kelin.

Although Klin had a good talent, he was still young, and the practitioners exercised his body. Compared with his age, his body was not fully developed, and both his cultivation speed and his current strength were weaker.

At this time, the opponent's breath is not strong. This kind of boring opponent is naturally the weakest person. Little bald Klin looked helpless. Seeing everyone's eyes, he could only sigh up to the sky.

"Okay, okay, don't look at it, I know I am the weakest, can't I do it?"

Klin responded helplessly, flying into the barrier, looking at the opposite inhuman opponent, with an unkind expression on his face.

"Human bald head, you will be beaten all over by me for a while, then as long as you call a hundred grandpa obediently, how about I let you go."

Hearing the words of his subordinates, the Southern Realm King almost couldn’t help hiding his face and crying. What a damn, this guy dared to speak cruelly, even in front of the realm king Shenxin

"You have bad breath, it smells worse than my socks." Klin was so despised, and his heart was full of discomfort. As the weakest, he had to take some boring chores, which really made him feel suffocated.


There was a sound of propellers, and a helicopter began to approach at an extremely fast speed. Before and after the barrier, he saw the blocked airflow and did not dare to approach again.

The helicopter had the words No. 1 Budokai in the world, and the man in sunglasses who had hosted the No.1 Budokai in the world many times leaned out half of his body directly in the helicopter.

"Cameras, dual cameras, one is aimed at the venue, the other is at me, hurry up, dear viewers, today’s live broadcast of a special competition, you guessed it, is the Shushan Budokan Opening Challenge. According to reliable sources, Tao Baibai, the world’s number one killer, has already defeated Crane Immortal and was taken to the hospital. Let me see. Oh, everyone’s acquaintance on the field, player Klin."

The host of Jubi took the microphone and started to host as soon as he pushed the sunglasses. This calmness made Roya admired. The reporters on the ground with long guns and short cannons gritted their teeth and hated them. What a cheating is actually happening. Coming by helicopter

The live broadcast images were directly presented on the TV sets of various TV stations. On the earth, countless people watched the game in front of the Shushan Budokan at this time.

Klin blinked and said hello to the familiar host. With a big smile on his face, he whispered in his heart, this time he became famous. There must be many beautiful young ladies who can see him chic. Silhouette.

"Kling is one of the top four contestants in the 21st and 22nd Martial Arts Games. There is no doubt that they are strong. Although the players who are facing him are not well-known, they can also use Hexianliu's dance skills. , It seems to be very strong. I believe that everyone is as impatient as I am. Then I will announce the start of the game."

The host spoke for a long while like a gunfire, and the camera was pointed at the playing field. Roya nodded to Klin when he saw this scene. The live broadcast effect was more real than any advertisement.

With a smile on Klin's face, he instantly understood Luo Ya's meaning, not only to defeat the opponent, but also to defeat the opponent beautifully, to be ornamental, and to arouse others' yearning for martial arts, that would be great.

Sending a provocative gesture to the opponent, the Nan Yinhe player, who had already been unable to restrain himself, rushed towards Klin, and the two immediately fought each other..

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