One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1814: God of Destruction Appears

"Oh my God, the speed of the two players is so fast that people's eyes can't keep up with the phantoms. There are phantoms everywhere. This is the confrontation of the top powers. Look at the audience friends. The Klin player suppressed the opponent completely. Room to fight back"

The host’s voice was passionate and passionate, with a look of excitement on his face, and even passed this excitement to the hearts of countless audiences through his voice.

Roja raised his eyebrows, secretly calling this guy is a talent, you know, ordinary people do not have the ability to host, and can host the world's first martial arts conference for decades without being replaced, which shows that this guy's language is very contagious. .

The Great Realm King heard the host's impassioned words, and he kept muttering in his heart, when this guy died, he must be taken to the Great Realm King, and then a tournament will be held on the Great Realm King.

Klin suppressed the opponent in an all-round way. After a long time, he knocked out all the teeth of the opponent before knocking him out with a hand knife.

"Won the Klin player won, which also means that the Shushan Budokan’s first battle told the Czechlin player to be stronger than in the previous martial arts tournament. Now let’s review the slow motion just now and see how great the Klin player was in a short time. progress"

After Klin defeated his opponent, the host directly changed the subject, and there was also an advertisement for Shushan Budokan, which was obviously to please Luo Ya and others, after all, he did not pay for the live broadcast.

Klin stood on the field and hooked his finger towards the team of the realm kings. A fellow from Nan Yinhe couldn't bear it and rushed into the formation barrier again.

After losing the trio in a row, Klin was already very tired, waved his hand, and returned to Luo Ya with a bit of meaning. Seeing this, Tianjin Fan and the others also began to take turns.

In more than a dozen consecutive battles, the Shushan Budokan side had no defeat. This kind of live broadcast made countless people in front of the TV excited. The host also cheered up the atmosphere. The slow-motion playback can make his explanation exciting. .

After the Realm King’s side had lost more than ten games in a row, a man from Bei Yinhe jumped into the ring. Luo Ya raised his eyebrows slightly. This guy is definitely second only to ribs rice, even compared to several Realm Kings. It's all higher than that.

"Vegeta, you go." Luo Ya still wants to maintain a record of complete victory. Today's Shushan Martial Arts Center absolutely does not allow any failure.

Sending Vegeta to replace the Tianjin fan on the field. Compared with this person from North Galaxy, there is no problem at all, but he is a newcomer to the level of real immortals, and even Beverlysa is far behind, Vegeta It can be solved without changing the body.

Vegeta went on the field with a frustrated expression, and he could naturally feel that the opponent had missed him by more than one. Now that his strength is so strong, he has no interest in this kind of opponent.

In a short period of time, with overwhelming strength, Vegeta easily won, and the ribs rice, also boarded the competition venue at this time, made an offensive start against Vegeta.

"It's a pity that the opponent was snatched away." Sun Wukong had a regretful look on his face. Although the qi of the ribs rice was hidden, he couldn't escape the perception under his spiritual mind.

Both the Eight Gate God Forbidden and the Eight Nine Profound Techniques can cultivate divine consciousness, which is much stronger than the Great Witch Jue's perception of the strength of the enemy.

"You'd better take the load off, otherwise it will be boring to lose too soon." Vegeta's face was full of arrogance, and his eyes were full of looking down, but the anger rising from his body proved that he was already at this time. Some blood boiled over.

"Okay." The ribs rice felt Vegeta's breath, his eyes narrowed slightly, and all the weight on his body was taken off. Their side has lost more than a dozen games, and he has no idea about the relationship between the realm king and the realm king. , But determined to win the next game.

Roja's expression moved slightly, and he now felt two prying eyes, which were extremely vague, but they couldn't escape his perception.

A faintly obscure aura surrounds it. This aura seems to be able to destroy everything, and it seems to have a very strong destructive power to this world.

There is also a little pure power to accompany this dark aura, but it is more subtle than it, and people who clearly possess this pure power should be stronger than those with the dark aura.

With a hint of sarcasm on his face, Roja sighed in his heart. You don't need to guess that this dark and destructive aura definitely belongs to Birus, the seventh universe god of destruction, and no one else would have such a breath.

Ask for flowers

The other pure aura should be the master and attendant of Birus, the angel Weiss, as the son of the great priest, his strength is higher than Birus.

"Resolve him as quickly as possible, otherwise you and the female monkey will be exercised together tonight." Luo Ya's Spiritual Sense transmitted a thought directly to Vegeta.

Vegeta shuddered, her cheeks twitched again and again. He is not a little white like Monkey King. He naturally knows what it means to exercise with a female monkey, and he doesn't dare to be the slightest careless. He directly turned on the Super Saiyan transformation. .

The hair color became golden, and the whole body burst into golden aura. The light and shadow effect made countless people stunned. Even the well-informed host was dumbfounded at this time and didn't know how to describe everything he saw.

"You are really strong" With an excited expression on the ribs rice, he moved his feet and went straight to Vegeta.

"Better than you." Vegeta said, without the slightest meaning of humility in her words, and started a hedge against the ribs rice. He was full of combat power and directly surpassed the ribs rice.


The continuous sound of hand-to-hands, like the explosion of a sky thunder, spread to everyone's ears, and the terrifying sonic boom made the surrounding reporters cover their ears.

After Roja left the Spiritual Time House, although the outside world had only passed by less than an hour, half a month had passed since the Spiritual Time House. Under the bloodline breakthrough, Vegeta's strength also jumped again, overwhelming the ribs rice.

In addition, under the threat of Roja, this guy was completely fighting for his life, and the ribs rice instantly fell to the bottom, only to parry.

I don’t know a minute later, Vegeta’s vomiting blood flew upside down by Vegeta’s bombardment. Vegeta was so powerful that he attacked again and again. Knocked it out.

"God of Destruction Billus, Weiss, are you not going to challenge you?" Roja said, looking at the space on one side. He had already found the God of Destruction and Wes to hide through the weak sense of peeping. Shaped place..

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