One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1816: One Pick Two

The universe itself is made up of stars. If you say which world has the most stars, it must be the power of the stars here, almost everywhere.

Thinking of this, Luo Ya was stunned for a moment. The power of the stars diluted by the power of the stars is the essence of Qi. The reason why the stars can easily detonate the planet is because of the collision of the power of the stars.

The creative power mastered by the Realm King God, and the destructive power mastered by the Destructive God, are, in essence, the power that can affect the stars and gather the essence of the stars.

If calculated in this way, the so-called original power must have something to do with the power of the stars. The reason why the realm king is invincible is because he has mastered this supreme power.

"The nature of this world is really interesting." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, already knowing how to maximize his strength in this world.

He has the existence of Zhoutian starry pupil, although he has rarely used it, but it is undeniable that these eyes are powerful, containing more than ten thousand stars in his eyes. As long as he wants to, 13 glances over, so that the stars in front of him will not explode. problem.

This is not the Journey to the West. The deadly heaven sees the stars more seriously than anyone else. A little movement is a punishment. Here, even if the Milky Way is detonated, it is estimated that no one will care.

In the supreme temple, the whole king sensed the abnormal movement of the seventh universe galaxy, and he was also slightly taken aback, with a bit of astonishment on his face, he used his divine power to look towards the earth in the seventh universe galaxy.

The concentration of the power of the stars made him feel a little unbelievable. In this world, he is the only one who can intuitively control the power of the stars and the planet. This is the first time he has seen others use similar methods.

"Hey, are you going to use this power to deal with me?" The god of destruction, Billus, saw that Roja hadn't spoken for a while, with a deep discomfort on his face, and he yelled.

As the Destroyer of the Seventh Universe, when he was so underestimated, even if the combined power is amazing, but in his heart, the things that cannot be moved are ultimately waste.

"This is just to prevent the aftermath from spreading too far during the battle. I have lived here for a few days, and I don't want to change places for the time being." Roja said, not caring about the attitude of the god of destruction Billus.

Is it useful to clamor? If it is useful, then when you can do something with your fist, you can use your fist to talk, then close the zui, this is the wisest choice.

Birus called to him, then he would make Birus call well in a while, but he hadn't heard of it yet, exactly how a cat of the Daluo Jinxian level called.

Roja flashed his body and entered the Ten Thousand Realm Galaxy, Birus frowned, instinctively feeling dangerous, but he had already said something, even if he was jealous, he couldn't help but enter.

Especially the realm king Shen Xin on one side, seeing his gaze in addition to jealousy, but also a touch of disdain, such a person who can only look up at him, unexpectedly showed such gaze, it really made Birus feel uneasy.

"When I clean him up, I will come and clean you." Birus squinted his eyes and said to the Realm King Shen Xin, which made the Realm King God agitate hard.

With a cold snort, Birus walked directly into the Ten Thousand Boundary Galaxy Formation in the air, and Weis on the side had no chance to stop him.

"Come on with you, two of you, to save time." Roja saw Billus walk in and said to Wes who was standing in place. At any rate, it was also a fragment of the Supreme Treasure Box and was sent to him. There is no reason to let it go easily.

Weiss frowned. Originally, he was afraid of Roja's methods, but faced with such a contemptuous attitude, he was also extremely dissatisfied with this kind of contemptuous attitude. He hesitated slightly before stepping into the formation.

"What are you doing? I'll be enough to solve him." Birus frowned, and said dissatisfied with Weiss. His arrogant character made his intervention in Weiss particularly unswerving.

"If you can beat him, I won't intervene." Wes was also very entangled in his heart, instinctively very jealous of Roja, the king's words were not clear, and he didn't know what kind of attitude he would treat Roja.

"Dear viewers in front of the TV, have you seen the master of the Shushan Budokan? One person is required to fight. Although the identity of the two of the visitors is not clear, from today’s battle, I believe everyone has seen that they are definitely hidden. It’s terrible that every one of the masters is strong, and now the war is about to begin, let’s

The host of the world's number one martial arts club started talking again and again, and Birus frowned, waved his hand and sent out an energy attack, directed at the host outside the formation.

There were ripples in the formation barrier, easily blocking the energy wave, and Birus showed a solemn expression on his face. It was completely unexpected that the unobstructed light curtain when he came in could actually direct his attack. Block

"I said, this formation can prevent others from jeopardizing. We should fight against the innocent." Luo Ya had a bit of sarcasm on his face, and his eyes were full of a look that looked like a hillbilly.

"If you beat you, this thing will dissipate." Birus frowned, and a fierce air wave flared up on his body. This air wave carried an extremely brutal and destructive aura, blowing the air in the 010 formation. They all reflect the color of black and gray.

"Congratulations, you guessed it right." Luo Ya shrugged, his divine mind moved slightly, but he perceives an extremely deep and obscure idea, which seems to be able to dominate the entire world, making him instantly sure, it must be full King undoubtedly.

It seems that we have to go all out and solve Birus directly, paralyzed, this guy is definitely not a good thing.

Roya murmured in his heart. In his body, the power of the Eight Doors of God forbidden gradually boiled, and the blood filled his whole body. The bones of the avenue uttered a roar like a river, causing his body to slowly release an amber color. luster.

"Then you will give me defeat. After this planet, I will also destroy it." Birus was soaring into the sky, roaring in his mouth, moving his feet, and instantly rushed towards Roja.

Roja raised his hand and directly squeezed Birus' fist. When his other fist attacked, he grabbed Birus's hand and shook it, and firmly clamped his hands together.

When the air waves collided, when there were ripples in the air, even though Birus tried to break free, his strength was more than that. Even struggling hard was of no use, and it fell into a disadvantage instantly..

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