One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1817: Birus’ Hidden Power

"Who is accustomed to this defiant problem for you?" Roja clamped Birus's hand harder, and slowly twisted to one side, clearly wanting to twist Birus' arm directly.

This guy actually opened his mouth to destroy the earth. What a special kind of birdman, no matter how strong he is, he can despise the enemy but cannot despise life.

Every life has the meaning and value of existence. Although there is no detailed calculation of how many lives there are on the earth, there are billions of human beings alone.

Such a quantity, in Birus' words, seemed to have no weight at all, saying that destroying the planet would destroy the planet.

Roja is not a saint, but he just doesn’t like this kind of people who look down on others. He really thinks that he is number one in the world.

"Asshole" Billus's cheek was blushing, and he had never seen it before. The person who could suppress him in a fight, flew up and kicked Roya under the crotch.

Weiss on the other side of "Birus" exclaimed, with a bit of anxiety on his face, he did not expect that only the first move of "Birus" had a tendency to retreat.

With force under his feet, Weiss went from top to bottom, rushing straight to the Luoya Tianling, his hand was fierce, and he saw that he had already used his full strength.

The speed of a few people's fighting is not what ordinary people can see. Even the most powerful Monkey and Vegeta, it is difficult to see what happened instantly when the three of them were fighting.

Roja slammed Rabbi Ruth's arm and staggered his figure. The arm bones made a slight cracking sound, and kicked on Birus' abdomen with one kick, not only disappearing the attack. Invisible, it made Birus fly out like a cannonball, and slammed into the formation barrier.

Wes’s attack was already close at hand, Roja took a step to the left, avoiding the frontal attack lightly, Wes’s ability to respond is extremely strong, and turning around immediately is a roundabout kick.

Roja erected his right arm to block Weiss's rounding kick. With his wrist turned, he grabbed Weiss' calf, exerted force with his five fingers, and buckled his muscles.

"You are a man, let me teach you a truth, the splits are too big, and it's easy to pull the eggs." Roja spoke, exerting force on his hands, and slammed Weis behind him.

The left foot kicked out and reached the thigh root of Wes's other leg. It was certain that if this hit, Wes would really be born with a big split.

"Humph" Weiss snorted, and regardless of the kick, he punched Roja's head with both fists, which was obviously an idea that would hurt both sides.

duang thorn

Weiss’s fists hit a thin golden curtain of light, and he was not allowed to advance, and Roja’s kick directly hit the root of his thigh, causing Weiss’ eyes to burst, and the ligaments under his crotch seemed to be torn. .

With a backhand shake, Weiss, who was in severe pain, was thrown out by Roja. Just now, the 12th-Rank Merit Golden Lotus spontaneously defended and directly blocked the punch.

After being flung away, Weiss rolled more than a dozen on the ground, clutching his hips, his face was painful, and the original blue skin showed an abnormal blue-purple color.

Birus had a severe abdominal pain and his arm was almost dislocated. Although Beavis' condition was a little better, it was not much better. As soon as he played against him, the overwhelming strength of Luoyan's Dao Zhenxiu was revealed.

Although the aura exposed by Weiss is also the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, the purity of body energy and the degree of tempering of the body are completely different for things like cultivation qi.

It can be said that even the same Da Luo Jinxian peak, Weiss and Zhenger's pathologists have lost a lot in terms of physical strength, let alone Luo Ya, the Da Luo Jinxian peak, which is far stronger than ordinary pathers.

"It's a mere appearance." Roja sighed in admiration. People who were far below his realm felt unreal, but under the same realm, the gap between Weiss and him suddenly revealed.

Even with the strength of Da Luo Jinxian's peak, Weis has no ability to match him at all, and even passive defense is very difficult.

"I can't see the moment of the fight, the camera can't capture it at all, change to a higher multiple camera" the host of the World No. 1 Budo Club exclaimed, and the live broadcast on the helicopter was busy.

Although Bouma couldn't see anything else, she could see her sweetheart. Faced with the two of them, she seemed to have overwhelming strength. With her big eyes rolling around, she directly dialed the phone of her father, Dr. Breff.

"Hey, Dad, this is Bouma. Point the super-high magnification camera that observes the universe at home to the outside, wherever the energy response is highest is where the anti-science super discovery is."

While talking, Buma rushed to the house at a high speed. She naturally wanted to record the heroic and heroic scene of her sweetheart, and she also hoped that people all over the world would see it.

Brive put down the research at hand, and the dome-like roof of Bouma's house opened to a creaking mechanical sound, and the ultra-high magnification astronomical camera was pointed at the place where Roja was.

Using his genius mind, Bouma cut into the live broadcast channel of the world's No. 1 Budokai in just a few tens of seconds, and uploaded the pictures he had taken. In the corner of the picture, he inserted the exclusive title broadcast by Universal Capsule Company Out of the words.

Roja naturally saw Bouma's movements and slowed down the pace of resolving the two. He just stood in place with his arms folded, watching Billus and Weiss slowly climb up from the light curtain ground formed by the formation. .

If everything in this battle cannot be clearly recorded, there will definitely be a bastard who will stand up and say that these are all rumors and all false. Since he wants to build momentum, he naturally has to achieve his goals.

"You are very strong, and you are very strong than expected. All this is really interesting." Birus was a bit crazy on his face. In a short time, the injury on his shoulder had recovered.

Being able to become a god of destruction, Birus' own physique is definitely not simple. You must know that it is not just him, even his brother Xiangpa is also a god of destruction.

"Birus" Wiss saw the expression of Birus, hesitated to speak, Birus had hidden power, but if that power was used, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of Lord All King.

Weiss himself had already reached his current strength a long time ago, but then he stopped practicing. The reason was nothing but the fear of the king's suspicion.

His father, the great priest, can be said to be the strongest existence in the universe other than the entire king. Originally, it was not that there were no stronger people than his father, but those people were destroyed and destroyed by the entire king long before. Three of the six universes are for this reason.

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