One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1818: One move, you still stand and count me lose

"I hope you can say something like this in a while." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, with a bit of joking on his face, which is far more powerful than Ruth.

First of all, the Qi of the Dragon Ball World, under the same proportion, there is no pure power at all.In other words, even though the breath of Birus is in the late stage of the Great Luo Jinxian, in fact, it is a great early stage.

And Roja himself, because he is a true master of the Great Dao, is at the same level, and is more powerful than ordinary walkers. In this two-phase conversion, the difference in strength between him and Birus seems to be the sky.

"Of course, I also hope that you won't feel desperate for a while." Billus was teased so repeatedly, with a hideous expression on his face.

He is the god of destruction, or the top-ranked god of destruction in the universe, even the god of destruction and the world king of the highest universe, dare not show this expression to him.

Roja shrugged noncommittal, and the verdict had already been passed on the behavior of Billus in his heart. He would not kill Billus, just let him taste what it means to be truly desperate.


"Ah" Billus let out a long howl, his breath became extremely unstable, and with his howl, his breath actually slowly increased.

"Fuck, the god of destruction can also be transformed" Luo Ya was slightly taken aback, never expected that Birus could also be transformed.

In the previous life, he saw Dragon Ball and Bounce Beans the same, after all, the fighting link of Dragon Ball was too long, and even covered a lot of plot laying.

He has always liked watching plots, more than watching fights, so he will naturally ignore many links, and the ability of Birus to transform is completely absent in his memory.


As the air waves continued to oscillate, the blue-purple fur on Birus began to gradually transform towards the golden color. In just a moment, his appearance changed greatly.

"Golden Birus, it seems that someone in the previous life said that Frieza's transformation was taught by this guy." Roja raised an eyebrow, his expression still tepid, and now Birus's strength is already in harmony with Wei. Si was at the same level and became the summit of Da Luo Jinxian.

"You didn't expect that the god of destruction would also transform, huh, it seems that this state does not threaten you, then let you see, my stronger power"

Birus' eyes were gloomy. In this state, his strength was equal to Vis. Vis was also defeated by Roja just now. This state is obviously not enough.

Birus, who was brewing again, began to soar again. After a long time, the color of his body changed and became a crimson color. He first entered the aura of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which made the surrounding space a little unstable.

The scorching crimson air waves rolled, and Birus looked down at Roja with a little bit of looking down, without emotion, as if he looked at the indifferent ants anymore.

"What else? With such power, you will still lose with one move." Roja said indifferently. The aura of Crimson Birus, in his ordinary state, can still be easily defeated, after all, Qi and Xianli The difference is there, a big realm, which is completely non-threatening to him.

"Hey, arrogant since you want to see it, let you see my strongest state." With a gloomy face on Birus' face, he started to inspire a third transformation without stopping.

After the third transformation, almost moments later, he had already first entered the mid-stage atmosphere of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the fur on his body had also turned sky blue.

Seeing Luo Ya's face still not fluctuating, he continued to transform, stimulating the strongest state at one time. After a while, the fur on his body turned into grass green, and his breath also soared to the late Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

From the late stage of Daluo Jinxian to the late stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the battle has soared dozens of times directly, and Biruth has reduced the outward aura, thin body, and bdeb has a strong confidence from the inside out.

This state of his is the strongest state. He thinks he is a great priest, and he cannot match him. Among the twelve universes, he is definitely the strongest after all kings.

"You can see it, this is my strongest state, Super Birus." Birus' eyes were full of triumph. Even he himself was very satisfied with his ability to reach such a strength.

You know, this state can run wild in the twelve universes, and no one can match it. This is the capital he can overlook everything and the source of all his confidence.

"Second force." Luo Ya said, and only uttered two words. The mocking expression was beyond words. In the late Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, after deducting the substantial difference between Qi and Xianli, it was probably the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's early stage.

It's amazing that the qi was condensed during the transformation, but to die is the middle stage of a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.This strength, what right do you have to be crazy in front of him?

"You" Billus had a fierce look in his eyes, and the sharp cat teeth in his mouth were also exposed, with a brutal breath, he pressed towards Luo Ya.

Eight-door Dunjia large formation, first formation, second formation of open formation, third formation of Xiu formation, fourth formation of life formation, fifth formation of injury formation, sixth formation of Du Zhi formation, Jingzhi formation, first formation Seven arrays, shock array

Boom boom boom boom

Roja’s aura seemed to explode. In just one breath, earth-shaking changes took place. The golden celestial power mixed with the blood-colored essence and blood, turning into a golden-red blood wave, making the blood wave of the Ten Thousand Boundary Galaxy. Have become extremely unstable.

The momentum rising to the sky, through the formation, made the entire earth tremble, and Birus backed back again and again, and all the kings in the Supreme Temple were a little unable to sit still, feeling a deep anxiety.

"One trick, you are still standing, count me lose, see clearly, I am going to shoot." Luo Ya's twin pupils disappeared from the starry sky, filled with golden red luster, trying to maintain a plain tone, and opening his mouth to the god of destruction, Bilu Si said something.

For the first time he used the magical powers of these eight-door divine forbidden powers, opened the seven-door Dunjia array for the first time, and instantly felt the terrifying pressure. The load on the body by this thing is very horrible, even if it is him, Maintaining this state will be a waste of time over time.

"Let's look down on people, who do you think you are and who do you think I am" Birus heard the words that almost regarded him as an ant, and with his anger, he stood firm.

Just as soon as the voice fell, Roja appeared in front of Birus, hitting Birus’ abdomen with a punch, giving him no time to react. Such an attack, in terms of Birus’ current strength, There is no chance to resist.

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