One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1819: Fear under Absolute Strength

The eyeball seemed to burst out of the eye socket, and Birus' body stopped slightly for a few tenths of a second, and hit the Ten Thousand Realm Galaxy at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

The tens of thousands of stars trembled rapidly, and the energy of the entire Milky Way condensed around it began to move wildly. Even on the earth, due to this blow, there was a huge vibration, and the movement of the entire stars was stopped for a moment.

Waves of aftermath were absorbed extremely quickly under the action of the Ten Thousand Boundary Galaxy Great Formation, and no longer affected the outside world. In the formation enchantment, Birus knelt down on the ground composed of formation energy.

The deep depression in the abdomen and the counter-shock force generated by the impact array at least caused Birus's bones to break dozens of pieces. The fist marks on the abdomen seemed to be burnt with a soldering iron, emitting little blue smoke.

The green fur began to fade, turning into the original purple-blue color, and Birus' eyes gradually blurred, and his body fell forward softly.

In Luo Ya's mind, all of Birus's internal organs were shifted by a punch by him, and his intestines were broken into several pieces. This kind of injury had long died on ordinary people.

That is to say, Birus's body is not bad. Now those cells rich in vitality have begun to repair the injured body quickly, otherwise it won't last long even if it doesn't expire now.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating the seventh universe god of destruction, Billus, and obtaining the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment."

The system's prompt sound came after Birus completely fainted after rolling his eyes. Roja heard the prompt and quickly lifted the eight-door ban.

After opening the seven-layered eight-door Dunjia formation, his body still felt a little overwhelmed. If he was used for a long time, his physical body would have to collapse directly.

There was a faint bloody smoke floating on his body, and this bloody smoke slowly dissipated into the air as Luo Ya lifted the eight-door divine ban.

This is the blood boiled, naturally producing blood waves, it is a manifestation of a person's movement beyond the peak of one's energy. Back in the Pirate World, when the eight doors were fully opened, this kind of blood fog appeared in the end.

However, Roja's strength at the time was still very weak. The appearance of this blood fog meant that he was bound to die, that is, now that his strength is strong, he just feels a little weak in his body.

The Eight Doors Divine Forbidden is very strong, even horrible, but the side effects are equally terrifying. This is still displayed in the body of the real cultivation of the Dao. If you are in the same realm, I am afraid that the body will collapse if it lasts less than a minute.

The pupils of the Realm King God outside the formation barrier shrank sharply. He knew that Roja was very strong, even stronger than the Destroyer God Birus, so he said that he would go to the other side several times before.

But I didn't expect it to be so strong that Birus was able to transform, and his scared heart had missed a beat. Roja punched Birus for a second, making him feel difficult to breathe.

There is no long-term transformation step like Birus, just a burst of breath, it will kill Birus in seconds. In the heart of the realm king, he only feels that at this time, the invincible king faces Luoya, there is no The sure victory.

The realm king Shen Xin is like this, so are Monkey King, Vegeta and others, and even the turtle fairy and others' jaws are almost falling to the ground.

Frieza is strong, but they can see Frieza's limit, Dapla is strong, they can also clearly feel the other side's realm, even Buu, even though they are scared to death, they can still see the margin.

But whether it was the god of destruction, Billus or Weiss, they didn't feel the depth at all, and the breath of the vast sea left them only fear.

Such an opponent can't stand a punch. How strong is Roja in this world, and is there anyone who can match him. These two questions have become common questions in the hearts of Monkey King and Guixianren.

Although Buma was shocked by the strength of her sweetheart, because she had no concept of martial arts, she was just astonished. By the way, she murmured the frustration of her opponent and kept tapping her fingers on the keyboard.

What happened just now at the scene was replayed in slow-motion ten times, replayed in slow-motion fifty times, until 10,000 times in slow-motion replay, her family’s ultra-high-definition dynamic universe camera only saw a blurry phantom.

Repeated playbacks were presented on big screens all over the world, and the host of the world's No. 1 Budokai was excited to the extreme and the explanation was spread to the ears of countless people.

Ask for flowers

Originally, the continuous shaking of the earth has made the hearts of the people on the earth tremble. At this time, knowing the root of all this is because of a battle. I don’t know how many people look at Roja. They are all mixed with endless worship. And deep fear.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of people burst out with the idea of ​​pursuing martial arts. No one wants to have such a powerful force. For a while, the world is in chaos, and countless people are rushing to the west. Come.

Roja had anticipated this kind of reaction a long time ago. After lifting the eight-door divine ban, he strode to Billus's side, daring to bark his teeth, it would cost him.

Quack quack

With several consecutive sounds of crisp bone cracks, Roja broke off the sharp cat teeth in Birus' mouth with his bare hands. Birus, who had lost consciousness, felt the pain in his mind, and his body continued to twitch like a conditioned reflex.

After finishing all this, Luo Ya took a bloody hand and turned his hand to collect a few sharp teeth. Fortunately, it was a Da Luo Jinxian level thing, and it was easy to refine a few top-quality magic weapons.

Wes, who was on the side, was already frightened at this time. Watching his movements, he didn't dare to stop him. Even after he looked at him, he couldn't help but back again, his eyes flashing with a little panic.

Birus's strength has surpassed his father's great priest, and he was still defeated so thoroughly. Such a failure made him feel terrified about Roja from the bottom of his heart.

"Conscientiously admit defeat, I will let you go." Roja said, still keeping the attitude of looking down on his face. From the beginning to the end, Wes did not say harsh words to him, nor did he take the initiative to provoke him. Backing, he naturally didn't mind, and on the premise of getting the pieces of the supreme treasure chest, he let the opponent go.

"I, I, I surrender" Weiss swallowed without hesitation at all. If he surrendered, he was really scared, and his fear was like Birus, and he became a slaughter.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating the Seventh Universe Destroyer God Shiweisi and obtaining the Shard of the Supreme Treasure Box."

The system's prompt sound made Luo Ya a smile on his face, waved his hand at Weiss, and released the shackles of the formation..

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