One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1823: Ten Thousand Times Gravity Room

Bouma's reaction, with the shyness and anxiety of a young girl, Roya sighed in his heart, and could only say to himself to let the flow go. He was also very embarrassed with such a good woman.

Half an hour passed quickly, with a few oils on the surface. After finishing the final reinstallation of the equipment, Boomer turned on the switch, and the gravity in the gravity chamber began to gradually increase.

A gravity sensing device is placed in the gravity chamber. As the value on the dashboard of the gravity chamber gradually rises, the gravity sensing device also sends back information about gravity changes.

This value continued to climb. After reaching ten thousand times, the gravity sensing device gradually became overwhelmed. Boomer pressed the button to maintain the current gravity value. Under ten thousand times of gravity, all data showed that it was operating normally.

Under the constant pressure of the gravity sensing device, an electric spark was emitted. This electric spark expanded rapidly and emitted a slight explosion. A wisp of blue smoke could only spread along the surface under tens of thousands of times of gravity.

The gravity chamber did not have any impact due to the explosion. The surrounding walls of the gravity chamber were built with the best current technology, and it could still be easily dealt with even under ten thousand times of gravity.

183 In the Ten Thousand Times Gravity Room, as long as it is not deliberately destroyed, punching and kicking against the surrounding walls and instruments, or impacting with energy waves, there is no risk of being destroyed.

"Try" Bouma toggled the instrument, pressed the button to stop the gravity blessing, turned her head back and said to Luo Ya, that pretty face with a little oil was full of a sense of accomplishment.

Dr. Breff was tired and paralyzed. Before the instrument was tested, he slept on the sofa in his clothes. Roja winked at Vegeta. Vegeta lifted Breff with a helpless expression on his face. He was sent into the bedroom.

Walking into the gravity room, a curious looking Monkey King followed. Saiyan is growing slowly. Although he looks like his original appearance now, it has been two years in the Spiritual Time House, no matter it is Mind and personality have a certain degree of growth.

"I'm starting." Bouma said to Roja. After seeing him nodding, she toggled the button to increase the gravity, and the gravity value slowly increased from doubled.

If it is a native of the Dragon Ball world, a strong person who cultivates Qi, even if it is ten times the gravity, it will feel a great burden. It is not that the body cannot bear it, but the organs cannot bear it.

But Luoya cultivates immortal power, which has a particularly outstanding effect on the internal organs. Even Monkey King, under ten times the gravity, has no effect at all.

Bouma saw the expressions of the two, knowing that gravity had no effect at all, and pressed the button to increase gravity again, ten times, twenty times, fifty times, one hundred times, one hundred and fifty times.

Sun Wukong couldn't bear it, and hurried out of the gravity room. Although he was able to transform into a Super Saiyan, his current strength still couldn't adapt to this kind of whole body pressure.

Bouma saw that Luo Ya's face did not change its color, and continued to increase gravity. The constantly superimposed gravity caused the air to become distorted. After forming the bones of the avenue, the internal organs were fully strengthened, and the endurance also showed a great leap.

It has been superimposed to eight thousand times the gravity, and his own weight has reached more than one million catties under this gravity. Luo Ya just raised his hand and stopped Bouma from continuing to increase gravity.

If it were a million kilograms of force from a frontal attack, Loya's current strength could easily be resolved, but when this power was spread throughout the body, the viscera would still endure huge oppression.

The Yunshi moved the five qi, adjusted the viscera function, moved his hands and feet slightly, Luo Ya's Zui corner raised a smile, and under the weight of eight thousand times, he had the feeling of when he was still a mortal.

Although this state is not the state of his maximum tolerance, exercise in this state is the most effective.

"Are you okay." Bouma's voice came from outside of the gravity room. Because of the sudden gravity influence, it seemed a bit unreal, but he could still hear the concerns in the words.

"It's okay, I'm in a very good condition now, but I'm afraid that it won't be long before the 10,000 times the gravity room is about to retire." Luo Ya said, stepping out of the gravity room at the same pace as usual. Shows that he is not struggling much at this time.

"It's okay. Now the calculation of the gravity function has broken through the barrier of five thousand times, and it has been able to continue to improve a lot. It is very likely to be able to create a gravity chamber of 50,000 times or even 100,000 times. The only problem is the material of the gravity chamber. Now the materials have reached the limit and it may take some time to find them."

Bouma heard Loya's words and hurriedly spoke. She now regards the gravity room as an important link between the two people. In her anger, she only feels that there is no difficulty that can stump her.

"Materials? You try these materials. If possible, let Tianjin Fan take you to the Temple of Heaven and find me." Luo Ya turned over and took out several materials from the system warehouse. These materials are all treasures he used to refine. Leftover leftovers.

Nearly a hundred semi-finished ores of the copper of the first mountain, the essence of the stars, the meteorite iron, and the fine gold of the North Sea were placed on the ground. Boomer nodded repeatedly. The black traces of engine oil on that face made her smile. It looks very cute.

"Go take a bath and rest, I'll leave first." Luo Ya smiled, subconsciously scratched Bouma's face, and wiped away the traces of engine oil with Xianli.

Bouma's cheeks turned red in an instant, and she almost fainted. She nodded her head insignificantly, trot back and jumped up to the second floor, and got into the bed like a wind.

"It seems that I accidentally started to tease my sister again, I owe my hand." Luo Ya's cheek twitched slightly. The subconscious action just now seemed to have completed the act of teasing my sister and touching her face. After this, I am afraid that two people will want 100% Entangled.

Muttered in his heart for a long while, putting away the gravity chamber in front of him, Roja felt helpless, hitting his right hand with his left hand, urging his instant ability, and disappeared in Xidu with Vegeta and Monkey King.

Returning to the Celestial Temple, Roja greeted the Celestial God, and took Sun Wukong and Vegeta into the Spiritual Time House on his own. His free movement seemed to be returning to his own home.

The folds on the old Tianshen's face trembled twice, and he sighed in his heart. From the very beginning, when Luo Ya came, he felt that it was a trouble, but he hadn't thought that the trouble would be so great.

The Destruction God, the Realm King God, the Great Realm King, the Four Realm Kings of East, West, South and North, and even the legendary great priests are here. The earth is now like a boat in a whirlpool, and is in danger of overturning at any time..

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