One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1824: Advanced Cultivation

Returning to the Spiritual Time House, watching the progress of Frieza and Dapura, Luo Ya greeted Zhenyuanzi and Subhuti, released the Ten Thousandfold Gravity Chamber, and let Monkey King and Vegeta practice by themselves. He stepped up to the corner of the Spiritual Time House, released a series of formations, and defended himself.

The alternative breakthrough method he thought of, the movement is really big, the eight door gods are forbidden to open, with his current strength, even if the spiritual time house has been strengthened by the system, it is likely to be unbearable.

Subhuti and Zhen Yuanzi are now the same as Luo Ya. When practicing, they use the formation enchantment to lock their aura in them. When the strength of several people reaches the current realm, every move and even space will become extremely unstable. .

"Eight-door divine forbidden, open." After confirming that the surrounding aura would not leak out, Roya gave a low voice in his heart and directly opened the first seven doors of the eight-door divine forbidden.

In this state, with his current physical fitness, he can only last ten minutes without any damage, and after ten minutes, if he is forced to turn it on again, there will be a rather long recovery period for the loss of essence and blood.

The breath that Roya suddenly exploded, although most of it was blocked by the formation enchantment, it was still transmitted to Subudi and Zhen Yuanzi's perception. The two looked at each other, and both were shocked.

This kind of exposed aura and the escaping terrifying pressure are no less than the original Kunpeng, the speed at which Roja becomes stronger, it really makes them feel incredible.

"This is the supernatural power that burns blood" Jin Yuanzi looked at Luo Ya's qi and blood transpiring, with a bit of astonishment on his face, and a little relieved in his heart. If in a short time, he would have made a breakthrough with his own cultivation base. With the entry of the demon master Kunpeng, his desire to die is all there.

"Not all, it seems to stimulate the body's potential, forcibly master the supernatural powers above the normal capacity of the body, the consumption of essence and blood is just a side effect of too strong strength, this state, I am afraid the side effects are not small, and the maintenance time It can't be too long."

Subhuti is very knowledgeable, and he is capable of hundreds of magical spells. After a few glances, he made a conclusion in his heart.

It's just this kind of magical powers, even Subudi himself doesn't know it. After all, he is not a practitioner. It is quite difficult to have a few Taoist exercises, so where can he go deeper.

"What's the benefit of consuming blood like this?" Zhen Yuanzi didn't believe that Luo Ya was the kind of person who showed off his strength without a lot of trouble. Such an approach must have intentions he didn't know.

"It should be the regeneration of essence and blood, forcibly increasing the strength of the body, in order to break through the current state." Subhuti said after thinking for a while.

Although he is not a practitioner, he knows a lot of secrets about magical powers, and he has his own unique insights into the practice of practitioners. He guessed right what Luoya was going to do.

"For another breakthrough, Fellow Luo Daoist is afraid that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level Dao has been cultivated. With his extraordinary combat power, I am afraid that you and I are not opponents at all."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a wry smile. They have been comprehending the purple qi for a long time, and they are more and more able to feel the mystery of this purple qi. Although the advancement is quite fast, it will take hundreds of years to break through the saint.

And in the past few hundred years, if Luo Ya reached the double-material mixed Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, I am afraid that even if the two of them are added together, they will not be his opponent.

"Isn't that a matter of morning and evening, please practice hard, maybe after we break through the realm of saints, we can still lead for a short time."

Subhuti shook his head and replied helplessly to Zhen Yuanzi. He had seen Loya's unusual cultivation speed before, and guessed that one day, maybe he would be completely surpassed, but he didn't expect , This day actually came so fast.

"I hope so, Daoyou Luo has a lot of cards, who knows if this is his last resort to press the bottom of the box." Zhen Yuanzi was also full of depression, muttered in his heart for a while, closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation directly.

Roja kept punching and kicking his legs in place to accelerate the consumption of physical strength and blood energy. With one punch and one kick, he did all his strength. After ten minutes, his body was on the verge of impending damage.

The seven eight-door Dunjia formations were instantly closed, and Roja quickly sat cross-legged on the ground under the pervasive blood, and the bones of the avenue continuously gave birth to new blood.

The newly formed blood is obviously brighter and purer than the previous ones. Although the power has only been improved a little, it is already a fluke for a person of his realm to be able to improve a little.

Ask for flowers

"Sure enough" After recovering cross-legged for a day, Luo Ya put on a smile on his face, stood up from the spot, felt a slight looseness of the realm level, and began to consume blood again.

Day after day of cultivation, this level is getting weaker and weaker, but it's like always being separated by a layer of membrane, and it took a whole year, Roja's body has completely undergone a blood exchange.

Really cultivating the Great Dao is already an extinct existence in the Journey to the West. No one knows how much potential it has to tap. Compared to a year ago, Roja has not made a breakthrough, but his strength has definitely increased again.

Although Subudi and Zhenyuanzi are not the main path of cultivation, they both have profound experience in cultivation. Seeing this situation, they discourage Luo Ya. Don't break through too early, and must fully explore the potential of the current state.

Roja himself felt that if he could become stronger at the same level, it would be better, because he was not in a hurry in the spiritual time house, he also began to deliberately suppress the barriers that broke through.

In three years, under the constant consumption of essence and blood, the eight-door divine ban seemed to have become a common method. The use time has skyrocketed from the original ten minutes to half an hour.

This increase in time is indirectly equivalent to enhancing his strength. You must know that many opponents have strong defenses, and only continuous high-intensity attacks can be defeated.

After the cultivation base reaches a certain level, it is difficult to quickly tell the winner. In the end, the momentum of the fight is endurance. Whoever has the stronger endurance and persists for longer will naturally have a little more confidence in winning.

It's just that the potential of Da Luo Jinxian Realm is not limitless after all. After three years of excavation, it has now reached its limit, and the barrier of the realm that looks like a thin film can no longer stop it from breaking.


The formation enchantment around him shuddered crazily, and a steady stream of power emerged from the depths of Roja's blood. The moment the barrier was broken, his body began to transform again, and his breath also ushered in exponentially exponentially.

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