One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1825: The First Hunyuan of the Ten Thousand Worlds

After reaching the peak of the current realm, everything went smoothly as a matter of course. Luo Ya's body was remodeled, and the arrangement of bones and the combination of cells quietly changed dramatically.

Closing his eyes and continuing to perform his exercises in place, the pather's realm broke through that deep bone marrow pain, completely covered by the joy of cultivation and promotion, Luo Ya did not notice the huge vibration in the spiritual time house.

"Zhen Yuanzi, hurry up" Subudi's expression was a bit anxious, the appearance of the fairy wind road bones disappeared, and the movement of Luo Ya's breakthrough was so great that the spiritual time house was in danger of directly collapsing.

Although the system is strong, the Spiritual Time House experience card was originally only used by Roya alone to practice and improve, and the mechanized procedures of the system could not be thought of. At this time, the Spiritual Time House is full of people with good strength.

"Three One Three" is a low-level experience card, and the additional spatial stability rune is naturally not too advanced, and the mental time house itself is even more fragile, which is why the current situation is quite tense.

"Don't just talk about me, you can't use magic weapons but can only be isolated by formations or magical powers" Jin Yuanzi's expression is also very unstable. The Spiritual Time House can be said to be their hope of breaking through the saints, if it is destroyed like this, God knows where to find the man who made this spiritual time house.

This spiritual time house is not a man-made creation, but the first generation of gods. It was accidentally formed during the construction of the temple of the gods. The dual rules of space and time contained in it are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The continuous formations and enchantment gods are used together, and Subudi has a cold sweat on his face, and Zhenyuanzi and him are half a catty. Although they set up fast, but the natural outburst of Loya also destroys Not slow.

The continuous wave of qi and blood shattered the barrier layer by layer, and Subudi and Zhenyuanzi did not dare to stop at all in their hands. They were busy for more than ten days.

It wasn't until Luo Ya's breath was restrained and no longer wanton impact, and the bulging body returned to normal, Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti were slightly relieved.

At this time, the exposed breath proves that Luo Ya has reached the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's terrifying body, with the ultimate strength, although it is just standing still on the ground, it still makes people feel palpable. .

"Come through." Subhuti sat cross-legged on the ground, with a sigh of relief. For more than ten days, they were completely racing against time.

The power of the Dao true practitioners is too violent, and the simple barrier is completely broken at the touch of a touch, and in that short period of time, there is no opportunity for them to arrange a high-level barrier.

Every kind of high-level enchantment can't be released like a low-level enchantment, and they all feel their bodies trembling after they have used it for hundreds of millions of times.

"Taoist cultivation base breakthrough, coupled with the means of the eight gods, I am afraid that Fellow Daoist Luo is already stronger than us. This speed is really hopeless."

Zhen Yuanzi slapped himself, shook his head, full of envy, thinking that he had spent a lot of hard work at the beginning, after tens of thousands of years of hard work, before he was promoted to Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, he was discouraged and sighed. People have to die than people, and they have to be thrown away.

"Walkers have a breakthrough in cultivation, and even with those who are enlightened, they will deploy stronger enchantment supernatural powers." Subudi Zhengwaited a few words with Zhen Yuanzi, suddenly remembering Luo Ya's physique of dual cultivation, and could not help exclaiming. Speak out

Zhen Yuanzi is also an energizing spirit. He quickly got up and kept pinching his hands with both hands. After the breakthrough of Taoist cultivation, the two phases will benefit, which will inevitably drive the cultivation of Taoist.

And with the foundation of the practitioner, the breakthrough of the cultivation level of the enlightened person is bound to be a bit greater than the previous power.

The two were busy constantly, and Monkey King, Vegeta, Frieza, and Dapla couldn't help but start to stay away as much as possible. The two masters who couldn't be higher found the difficult situation, which completely made them a little panicked.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the Hunyuan of Achievement Power and obtaining the Treasure Chest of Heaven."

There was a prompt sound, and Luo Ya was immersed in the breakthrough, but was completely unaware of it, just like Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti conjectured. After the cultivation base of other practitioners broke through the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he also brought great Luo Jinxian Peak’s Taoist Enlightenment cultivation base also benefited.


The Dao Jin Dan in the body trembles endlessly, and the five qi in the middle is also buzzing. The bones of the Dao in the body emit a lustrous luster, exuding the magnificent rhyme of the Dao. Under the combined action of the Dao Jin Dan and the bones, it begins to flow throughout the body.

The original golden pure celestial power, under the entanglement of Tao Yun, began to transform into magnificent colorful colors, and was no longer limited to a single golden color.

And the change of Xianli also caused a drastic change in the top three flowers in the sea of ​​knowledge. Dao Yun was flooded, and the top three flowers revolved endlessly, and Zhou Tianxing in the sea of ​​knowledge began to accelerate.

The lunar star and the sun star began to absorb the rhyme of the Dao Dao with their attributes, and the same is true for other Zhoutian stars. There are more than ten thousand stars in two, two, three, and three lives, and they slowly evolved into the universe. General stars and vast sea.


The body trembled, Luo Ya's heart moved, and the soul stood on top of the three flowers. The three flowers of heaven, earth and people continued to merge with each other in the rotation, and gradually formed a thirty-sixth grade cyan lotus. The soul was sitting on it and became more and more concentrated. real.

Different from the way of killing the three corpses, Luo Ya's Dao is really cultivated, only the self is cultivated, only the self, there is no distinction between good and evil, everything is self, ten thousand yuan into one


The thirty-six-tier lotus platform with the appearance of the three-flowered green lotus was created by Luo Ya, who named it Daolian. The record on it is his own Dao, his Dao.

And with the formation of Dao lotus, from top to bottom, from Tian Ling to Yongquan, Luo Ya's body and celestial power suddenly became integrated, and the rhyme of Taoism spread all over the body, and every move could trigger the rules of heaven and earth.

48 "Congratulations to the host for completing the achievement of the first Hunyuan of the Ten Thousand Realms and obtaining the Treasure Chest of the Ten Thousand Realms.

There was another prompt sound from the system, and the exercises continued to run, and Luo Ya, who was consolidating the realm of his body, brought a trace of joy. Each breakthrough not only increased his strength, but the treasure chest provided by the system would also let him. Make a lot of money.

The Heavenly Dao Treasure Chest made by Li Zhi Hun Yuan was obviously due to the fact that the method used to prove Dao came from the Journey to the West. There was such a Treasure Chest, and the Dao level Treasure Chest that day was also significantly higher than the Saint’s Treasure Chest.

The treasure chest of the saint is so precious that people will be coveted. If you open a treasure, you can be ecstatic. The treasure chest of the Hunyuan level opens the innate treasure, the saint level opens the innate treasure, and the higher level of the heavenly treasure chest, What can be opened again.

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