One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1931: I am here to lead the catastrophe

Luo Ya glanced at Tongtian, who had already lost his half-life in the distance, and opened a spatial passage with Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti and stepped out.

The fierce battle in Shushan is now in full swing. Originally in West Tianling Mountain, he commanded the remaining Buddhist monks, in case the Tathagata and Maitreya had changed. Seeing that the battle conditions had changed, they could not fight for a long time, and brought the remaining masters to come with all their strength.

Almost all the masters of the three religions have gathered here. Sun Wukong and Vegeta are already in a bitter battle. Guangchengzi, Chijingzi, Taiyi, Lingbao, Yuding, Qingxu and Moral, plus Going to the Maitreya Buddha, seven Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, directly push him down

With one opponent to seven, such an impressive record, at this time, Sun Wukong called Lian Lian strangely. He watched the teacher talk for some time and had a good time. Each brother called his disciples to fall, his eyes were red. , The anger almost filled the chamber, and the deeper blood of the Saiyan was stimulated bit by bit.

Ao Cunxin used Xiu Luo with one hand, and with the other hand, the Demon Master’s Palace had already escaped from the Zhoutian galaxy array, and confronted Guanyin Bodhisattva alone. The two of you came and went, and the fight was so lively.

But Luo Ya's eyes narrowed slightly, and it was obvious that Guanyin had been releasing the water throughout the whole process, as if he didn't want Ao Cunxin to lose.

The battle was anxious, except for Guanyin, all the eight Buddhas of Buddhism were bare-handed at this time, and they all disappeared when they responded to the Lingbao.

Que'er Lengjing was hiding far away at this time, and the mana in her body had already bottomed out. With the unfinished version of Zhou Tian's star pupil who had just awakened, and the Luobao money given by Luo Ya, no one could find her time to release Lengzi. and.

She took away all the congenital spirit treasures of the Buddhist monarchs and the acquired level. Although the high-level battles were always at a disadvantage with Hong Shao, Gu Ruotong and others, it was not too dangerous.

Hou Tu is alone against the Tathagata. Although his body has just taken shape, Hou Tu has the blessing of heaven, and the six reincarnations add his body. In the soul-cultivating tree, the growing soul of the soul is transferred to the Tao of the soul, and it is evenly matched for a while.

All the women have their own achievements, and the Youquanzi, Minxiang, Xinyin, etc. under the sect of Subudi and Zhenyuanzi are also good, and the monks in the Daluojinxian realm are all entangled.

"It's time to end." Luo Ya took Subhuti and Zhen Yuanzi out of the space channel and landed on the sky above Shu Mountain.

The sage of Shu Mountain returned, but Sanqing, Zhunti Xiuyin and others had never returned. The results of the high-level battle were already clear at a glance. The three cultivators' pupils shrank sharply, and the fighting spirit in their hearts disappeared in an instant.

"The last trick is Subhuti, Zhen Yuanzi, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, if there are any survivors, help me catch them." Luo Ya took a deep breath and faced Zhen Yuanzi and Xu beside him. Bodhi said a word, and the two nodded.

Already nearly 30% of the blood in the body has been consumed, and there is a sense of powerlessness, but whether it is for the fragments of the supreme treasure chest or for the sake of Shushan not to continue to be damaged, at this time, you must cut the mess with a sharp knife. Three religion monks defeated

Eight door gods forbidden to open

Roya let out a low drink in his heart, and the immortal power and blood on his body gushed again, and the eight-door Dunjia formation was fully opened, and the eight-door Dunjia formation was instantly practiced.

The soaring momentum disturbed the minds of the cultivators, the power that the saints would be shocked by, not to mention that they stopped their hands one after another, subconsciously wanting to stay away from here.

Luo Ya raised his hand, and the Cangming Catastrophe Knife in his hand burst out with waves of catastrophe. This aura was even more terrifying than when the people were wiped out with that catastrophe before. The raging catastrophe suddenly rounded the mountains of Shu. 100,000 miles wrapped in it

"Heaven and earth began with the great tribulation, rose from the great tribulation, declined from the great tribulation, and finally the great tribulation"

Muttered in a low voice, the immortal power and blood energy in the body were poured into the Cangming Haojiao, the world was pitch black, the chaotic aura intertwined, Roya's voice seemed to become the only voice between the world, and countless The monks of the Three Religions were panicked.

The Shushan disciple was very excited, and Ao Cunxin and others had already brought bright smiling faces on their faces, watching his man seem to have become the only center between heaven and earth, and his face was full of honor.

"I'm here to lead the Cangming Catastrophe." Luo Ya gritted his teeth, and filled with all his fairy power. The blood flew away, and the Cangming Catastrophe knives broke out and turned into chaotic air. In a short time, the surrounding Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian were scattered. Wrap it up

The little breath that escapes, seems to have the ability to choose independently. It surrounds some monks, and misses some monks. Those monks who are surrounded are all those who are in the lead.

"The catastrophe rises" with a loud shout, the heavens and the earth move together, the heavens hum, the avenue trembles, thirty-three days, trembling endlessly, the Netherworld is turbulent.


It is as if a world-like scene of the end of the world appeared in front of the monks who were wrapped in the power of the catastrophe, and their bodies crumbled little by little in the aura of the catastrophe and turned into small molecules.

Irresistible, irresistible, no matter whether it is frantically rushing mana or frantically fleeing, they cannot escape the collapse of this body. Under the atmosphere of catastrophe, the entangled people turn into the most primitive chaotic dust one by one. trace

Both Subudi and Zhenyuanzi have their pupils shrinking. They are not those who don’t understand anything. This kind of power has long surpassed the limit of the heavenly realm. I am afraid that even in the great road, it is also uncontrollable.

"With my own power, set off a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and end the catastrophe of 170 earth?" Nuwa muttered to herself as she watched the scene in the mirror image of her supernatural powers. The five saints behind her were sweating and their pupils dilated.

Only then did they understand what kind of person they were fighting against just now, and this power is probably already infinitely close to the original Pangu.

Thirty-three days later, a figure frowned, but after a long while, he shook his head and sighed. The way of heaven is still to be violated, and the way of the way is irreversible. No one except the saint of the way can take this trick. Can't do it.


As if the breath of ancient times blows by, the world slowly reappears Qingming, Luo Ya hurriedly lifted the eight-door ban, his eyes turned black, his feet staggered, and he tried to stand high without falling.

The cost of this trick is simply non-human. The consumption of blood in his body has actually approached 50%.

His face was pale and bloodless, his eyes were slightly dim, even his legs and feet, at this time, seemed to be reluctant to do so, and he might fall down at any time.

Yang Chan rose in the air, stood beside Luo Ya, supported him with immortal power, Subhuti and Zhen Yuanzi turned into two escape lights, and hit those Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who had never fallen. The move has already sent more than half of the 150,000 people.

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