One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 1932: Hong Jun appeared

"Congratulations to the host for killing the future Buddha Maitreya, the head of the eight great bodhisattvas, the first of the eight great bodhisattvas, the Lingji bodhisattva of the eight great bodhisattvas, the Manjusri of the eight great bodhisattvas, and the Samantabhadra for obtaining the supreme treasure box fragment x13.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating the current Buddha Tathagata Buddha in Buddhism, explaining and teaching Taiyi real person, Yuding real person, Jiejiaoguiling Virgin, Wudang Virgin Lishan old mother, and obtained the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment x5."

Eighteen pieces of supreme treasure chest

Roja frowned, his mouth uttered. Although this move looked powerful enough and the lethality was amazing, but the same, the consumption was really heinous.

In the previous period, Styx, Chiyou, Kunpeng and others, Luo Ya had obtained nine pieces of the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment in total, and at this time the 18 pieces of the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment, the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment in his hand jumped to 27. Piece

Twenty-five pieces of the supreme treasure chest are the power of the high-level origin. Although the authority of the world followers is precious, if the people above are hostile, they must be synthesized in advance.

After thinking about it, Luo Ya tried to stand up straight, with a cold expression on his face, looking down at the remaining people of the Three Sects.

The Cangming Catastrophe Sword has already turned into a clean world lotus robe and the Heaven Penalty Wheel and returned to Luo Ya. Even if they just stood there without showing the slightest breath, the people of the Three Sects were still in shock.

One by one, the Three Sect monks threw away the magic weapon in their hands, kneeling on the ground with sore knees, dripping with cold sweat on their backs, and sweat on their faces.

At that moment, they saw countless fellows turn into ashes in the catastrophe, leaving no trace, as if they had never existed.

"Such power" Guanyin looked at the messy scene with a trace of sorrow in her eyes. Today, she is in ragged clothes. If she hadn't just given up her defensive treasure, she had never resisted under this catastrophe. I am afraid she and that The end of the Tathagata is generally the same.

The Cangming Catastrophe is the strongest ability of the Cangming Catastrophe Knife. It causes a catastrophe. In this catastrophe, those who suffer from the catastrophe and have insufficient merit will fall for it.

Avalokitesvara diligently cultivates merits. He is a truly kind person in Buddhism. He can't see the suffering of all beings. Such a character, coupled with Luo Ya's failure to deliberately attack her, can be regarded as a fluke. It just looks embarrassed and doesn't suffer any substantial damage. hurt.

However, other people are not as lucky as Guanyin. The eight Buddhas of Buddhism, except Guanyin, the others including Maitreya Buddha, who became a Buddha, and became a future Buddha from the fear of leaving his grandchildren, all died directly.

Now that there is no trace of existence anymore, the cultivation of that body has turned into nothingness, and has become a little bit of soul between the heaven and the earth, taken from the heaven and the earth, and returned to the heaven and earth after death.

Before the elucidation, there were seven Hunyuan Daluojinxians, except for Huanglong Zhenren's half-hanging cultivation base. Among these seven persons, Yuding Zhenren and Taiyi Zhenren, because Luo Ya deliberately kept his hands, he was only seriously injured and dying, but never Fall.

The other five people have all become ash flying under this catastrophe. Under this catastrophe, the soul cannot escape, even the reincarnation can't do it.

In Buddhism, the injuries of the Buddha, Tathagata Buddha, the Holy Mother Guiling Spirit, and the old mother of Lishan are not much stronger than those of Taiyi and Yuding.

Our Lady of Tortoise Spirit and Old Mother of Lishan were deliberately spared by Luo Ya's eyes on the face of Jin Ling and Queer Lengjing, and the Tathagata relied on the cultivation base second only to the saint to resist.

Even if he carried it down, most of the body of the Tathagata had already returned to the heavens and the earth, and his soul was severely damaged, and even the condensed Buddhism golden body collapsed.

One hundred thousand Buddhas can survive the power of the catastrophe, but there are only a few. These people are all cherished merits, and Luo Ya didn't deliberately kill them, so they could get away with it.

More than half of the deaths and injuries of Jiejiao, those dross who did not cultivate merits have been wiped out, and the rest of the people just knelt down on the ground, without the arrogance of the previous Jiejiao.

The deaths and injuries of the evangelism are not small. The Jinxia School, Jinguang School, Taoyuan School, Taihua School of Tongtian Nine Great Dao Lineages all perished directly. With the death of high-level leaders, the inheritance was also broken.

Subhuti and Zhen Yuanzi shot out. Except for Guanyin who was caught in their hands, they had never found a suitable monk Hun Yuan. With an embarrassment on their faces, they could only pack the Da Luo Jinxian and Jinxian who had survived.

Having lost the fighting power above Jinxian, these people are just a group of stragglers and brave soldiers, and they will not cause the slightest obstacle to Shushan.

"Brother Luo"" Ao Cunxin rose into the air with a worried look, and stood beside Luo Ya. Guanyin was already restrained, and she was taken away.

Hu Yuer and Xiao Wei transformed into human figures, and stood beside Luo Ya in a hurry. Gu Ruotong took the sword and stood, beautiful eyes also hidden worry.

Nie Xiaoqian, Hong Shao, Zhao Ling'er, Buma, Chai Miaoling, and Jin Ling hurried over, and saw that their man was only pale with no obvious injuries, and he was secretly relieved.

"Thanks for your hard work." Luo Ya brought a slightly pale smile on his face. Originally, he didn't want his women to participate in these battles, but it seemed that every time at the last moment, he couldn't do without their help.

The women shook their heads and looked at Luo Ya's eyes with a little bit of pity. Although the women have different personalities and different ways of expressing concern, the information revealed in their eyes at this time is completely the same.

Just as Roja was about to inquire about the situation of the women, there was a throbbing breath from the sky. The breath was similar to but not the same as the saint. It was mixed with the breath of heaven, compared to the Taiqing saint Li Ears, at least several times stronger


The moment Luo Ya raised his head, Subudi and Zhen Yuanzi also raised their heads. Just before they had time to explode, Sun Wukong, who had already ended the battle, also raised his head and looked up into the sky.

"Under the restraint door, ban the cultivators for cultivation, Zhen Yuanzi, Subhuti, and go." Luo Ya commanded to the women, opened a spatial channel, and went directly to the first heaven where he was just now.

Zhen Yuanzi and Subudi did not dare to delay, and also went straight to the sky from the space channel. As soon as they walked out of the space channel, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

"Teacher" Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti had a bit of amazement on their faces, and they suppressed their horror and bowed their heads respectfully.

"Hongjun." Luo Ya narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself. There is only such a person who can make Zhenyuanzi and Subhuti call the teacher.

"Thank you fellow Daoist for being merciful." Hongjun was not sad or happy on his face, and he performed a door etiquette towards Luo Ya, waving his hands to relieve Zhun Ti and others from the shackles..

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