One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1933: Heavenly Dao Hongjun

With an awkward expression on Nuwa's face, she quietly moved her steps and hid behind Luo Ya. It is said that she and Zhunti, Jiuyin, and Sanqing are the same.

Now he is helping Roja deal with a few people and firmly restraining them. Before Roja appeared, Hongjun had never untied his appearance. This behavior somewhat meant turning his elbow away.

Luo Ya squinted his eyes and blocked Nuwa's body. Before, he could vaguely feel that someone was peeping out thirty-three days away. Whenever he wanted to kill several saints, this The sense of peeping will be exceptionally strong, as if it were a warning.

He had guessed before that this person was probably Hongjun. After all, no one cared about the life and death of Sanqing and others anymore. Before leaving, he worriedly told Nuwa, if it was true. Hongjun appeared, in order to prevent accidents, don't untie Sanqing and the others.

"It's not that I'm being merciful, but you're taking good care of them." Luo Ya said, and there was not much politeness in his words. Although he is not in good condition now, he even continues to open eight doors and forbidden, it is very likely that his body will be on the verge of collapse. , But at this final critical moment, we absolutely cannot give in.


And he still has two hole cards now. The first one is the original power of the Dragon Ball World. Copying it to the Heavenly Dao, he will definitely be promoted to the realm of the Dao Sage immediately and crush Hongjun. There should be no big problem.

The second hole card was just a collection of twenty-seven pieces of the supreme treasure chest. As long as the world follower quota was given up, the original power of this world could be synthesized immediately, and no one was his opponent.

However, Hongjun's attitude is not so clear now. It is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend, but Luo Ya does not want to rashly copy the original power or synthesize the Supreme Treasure Box at the expense of his own interests.

"Teacher, teacher, Xia Luoya, wantonly provoked the struggle of the Three Realms, disturbed the order of heaven and earth, and asked the teacher to punish him severely." Zhun Ti crawled to Hongjun's side, and even when he was seriously injured, he seemed weak to speak.

"I also ask the teacher to be the master for the disciple, and the disciple's sect, now that there is no one, the way is cut off, and the teacher is the master for the disciple." The tears flowed, and the blood mixed with tears made him look quite embarrassed.

"Teacher has mercy. Luo Ya disregarded bdaa's righteousness and killed the monk. He has already become enchanted, but also asks the teacher." Tongtian followed Zhunti and the lead and began to file a complaint, but just halfway through his words, Li Er, who had recovered a little mobility, pulled a little. His sleeves.

Tongtian was silent. He was like Li Er, and from Hongjun's words, he felt something was wrong. Those words were nothing like their teacher's style when facing enemies.

Once Hongjun and Luo Hu were against each other, the ruthless and extremely cold breath is still fresh in the memory. If Hongjun regards Luo Ya as an enemy, it would definitely not be the way he is now.

Even if a person changes again and hides deeply, it is impossible to face the enemy without showing the slightest aura of hostility. It looks like he is clearly not prepared to be an enemy.

Breath is on the one hand, and on the other hand is what Luo Ya just said. What is a good caregiver, Luo Ya is not a targetless person. It is very likely that Hongjun had already arrived when they started fighting the enemy just now.

Watching them be defeated, and now it is this attitude, Hongjun's position has already shown that Tongtian and Li Er can see through more quickly than Zhunti and others.

"I have known the cause and effect before and after the incident, but this great disaster was caused by my disciples. I am here to apologize to fellow daoists."

Hongjun squeezed the Dao Jue in his hand and bowed a salute. This attitude made Roya a little confused. He would apologize first for a few meanings. Was it a courtesy first and then a soldier, or he didn't want to care about his disciples' troubles?

The "Teacher" quasi mentions and leads and exclaims, his face is full of disbelief. It is their fault and they take the initiative to apologize to the other party. Is this still the world's best-said Hongjun, but I dominate Hongjun?

"You get up as quickly as possible to apologize to Fellow Daoist Luo, otherwise I will never care about what Fellow Daoist Luo wants to do with you." Hongjun frowned and said to several people.

At this time, even Sanqing and the others were embarrassed that they were beaten up like this, and they had to apologize to each other.

Although he was suspicious and even more unsatisfied, Sanqing still stood up with each other's support, and Zhunti and the interviewer stood unwillingly.

Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti can't figure out the situation completely, they look at each other, and their eyes are also full of amazement. How can Hongjun's attitude look like they've met someone who can't be offended?

Luo Ya's strength is very strong, and strong can make ordinary saints despair, but in Subhuti and Zhen Yuanzi, how can they not let Hongjun show this attitude.

"Li Er is offensive, please respect Shanghai Han." Li Er has always been the person who knows the best choice. He saluted Luo Ya first. He had just been cut into two pieces. This bow, the wound sneered again. Cracked and almost didn't fall out of the intestines.

"Yuanshi Tongtian is offensive, please respect Shanghai Han." Tongtian and Yuanshi also bowed with Li Er. They are not fools. Hongjun has made it very clear. If you don't apologize, you don't care about their life or death.

Roja has the ability to kill saints, and even the heavens are blocking them. They haven't lived enough yet, so why are they willing to die like this?

"Zhunti is offensive, please respect Shanghai Han." Zhunti and Xiuying showed bitterness. Apart from Li Er, the two most injured were the two who were beaten and had to apologize. , They still do it for the first time.

Luo Ya squinted his eyes. He probably understood that Hongjun didn't want to face him, but he didn't know why he didn't want to face him.

He is very confident in his own strength, but he is absolutely not arrogant. To put it bluntly, Hongjun's strength is definitely stronger than he opened the Eight Doors

Then why the other party should be so polite and stronger than him, and still look like this, he really can't figure out.

"Daoist Hongjun, can you tell me the reason." Luo Ya was silent for a long while, watching Sanqing and Jiu Zhunti, who were not daring to stand for a long time, and asked Hongjun.

"In the beginning, Tiandao told me that you are the person selected by the Dao, and no one can shake it. But Tiandao told me that after that catastrophe, you can already become the master of this world at any time. Once you become the master, even if it is me , And unable to resist."

Hongjun was silent for a while, telling the truth, if there was no reason, he was born arrogant and dissatisfied with anyone, how could he be indifferent when his disciple begged heavily..

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