One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1935: The dust settles

His essence and blood were severely depleted, especially after using up that last move, Luo Ya's body had almost reached its limit, and when Hongjun appeared, he had to fight mentally.

"What's the matter with you?" Nuwa reacted swiftly, and took Luo Ya in her arms, using Tengyun as a cushion and letting it rest on her lap.

"Blood loss, you can't die, don't worry." Luo Ya grinned at Nuwa. Now that the dust has settled, he has put down a big stone in his heart. It's just that the blood was consumed too much, as long as he practiced harder. It can make up completely in a period of time.

"Who is worried about you?" Nuwa said in an angry voice, but still clinging to Luo Ya and never let go. She is not a fool. She can make an incompetent practitioner show such a powerless appearance. This loss of blood , I am afraid it is completely beyond ordinary people's "one, four, three" can imagine.

"Subhuti, Zhenyuanzi, I'll hand it over to you now. I don't seem to be suitable for appearing in my current appearance." Luo Ya said to Subhuti and Zhenyuanzi, closing his eyes slightly tired.

As the head, one must establish an invincible image. No matter when, as the strongest backing of the disciples of the sect, one must not show fatigue.

"Well, let's take a rest, leave the finishing touches to us." Zhen Yuanzi and Subhuti nodded, knowing that Luo Ya needs a rest now, turned around and went down for a long time and returned to the school.

After this battle in Shushan, the loss of personnel was not small, and many disciples of the disciples died in the battle. The loss of the heavenly soldiers, the Sihai Clan, and the Witch Clan as a support was even more shocking.

All these need to be handled properly. After all, as the existence of Shushan in charge of this world in the future, some things are inevitable.

"What do you do with those who are left?" Nuwa gently gathered the slightly scattered hair on Luo Ya's face back to her head, looked up at the messy sky, and asked.

Although the five sages were taken by Hongjun to move bricks, there are still a lot of disciples in their world, such as interception, interpretation, and Buddhism. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian still has five or six undead. , In Nuwa's heart, it is always a trouble.

"They are just guys who can survive under the protection of the saints. They can't make any storms. Just tell them that Li Er, Yuan Shi and others have all fallen. Facing the strength of Shushan, no one dares to have any thoughts, only one by one. Hide quietly."

Luo Ya closed his eyes and spoke, he naturally knew what Nuwa was talking about, but in which world, there must be no villain to survive.

A world that is completely free of fighting and threats will not progress. After Roja unified several worlds, he has understood very clearly.

Only by jumping out of some villains from time to time can those people continue to make progress, otherwise, under exhaustion and slack, Shushan will only slowly decay.

Being alone is a terrible thing in itself. The disciples of the disciples will become more and more arrogant and must have some external forces to continuously polish them. The remaining power of the Taoist and Buddhist schools is the existence of Luo Ya left to polish the disciples of the disciples.

Nuwa frowned. Although she didn't agree with Roya's statement, she didn't know how to refute it. After this time, after telling others that the saint had fallen, the interpreters, interceptors, and Buddhists all disappeared. .

But this disappearance is also temporary. People's ambitions are unlimited. As long as there is ambition, one day they will jump out and add chaos.

However, relatively speaking, when there is no saint as a backer, even if these people jump out to add chaos, it is just a small mess. Subhuti and Jin Yuanzi, no matter which one, can wave their hands at will, they can send each other away. .

"It's a pity." Luo Ya felt the soft sensation from Nu Wa's legs on the back of his head, arched his head gently, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"What regrets?" Nu Wa had some doubts on her face. In her heart, Luo Ya was already in this world and became an existence similar to the previous world. There should be no regrets at all.

"The horse kills the chicken at night, it seems that I don't have much energy to make you oh and it will kill you." Luo Ya just said a little bit, and Nuwa's hand was pinched on the soft flesh of his waist. It seems that as long as a woman can learn by herself.

"You are dead, let me see." Nu Wa was a little bit ashamed on her face, her cheeks flushed, and she wanted to throw Luo Ya from the cloud.

"Murdering your husband won't take you like that." Luo Ya grinned, and gently held Nu Wa's palm with one hand, and Nu Wa also loosened the soft flesh on his waist.

"You and I haven't reached that level yet." Nuwa turned her flushed cheeks to one side. Although her favorability was high enough, she didn't know where she had been treated this way for hundreds of millions of years. What reaction.

"How far is that?" Luo Ya let out a low laugh, and deliberately rubbed his head against Nu Wa's legs. Although he was exhausted, he suddenly relaxed, but he was full of interest in molesting the saint.

"Believe it or not, I will throw you down" Nuwa said in a loud voice. How can she answer this kind of thing? Is it that the distance is only one step away from husband and wife?

"I don't believe it, you really want to throw me down, you're a widow." Luo Ya lay on his side and hugged Nuwa's waist with his backhand. His body was exhausted, and when he was talking, he was already talking a little bit. .

"Huh." When Nuwa saw Luo Ya's tired face, she couldn't say what she had originally refuted, so she could only let the rogue hold her tight.

There was a faint snoring sound, and after several years of Journey to the West, after more than 3,000 years in the Dragon Ball World, Roja entered a state of sleep for the first time.

After sleeping for two full days, Luo Ya woke up leisurely. In his sleep, the conditioned reflex formed for thousands of years allowed the body to run the exercises spontaneously.

Although the essence and blood still failed to make up, the exhausted spirit has been fully recovered. Roja stood up and moved his hands and feet, feeling the information from the body, and a smile appeared on his face, although the combat power may be affected to a certain extent. , But it won’t hurt to recover for a while.

The women outside the door were chatting about the way they dealt with the many disciples of the sect. Now the Shushan family dominates and controls the entire Three Realms. Many things need to be asked, and there is no more leisure before.

Roya walked out of the room with a smile on his face. He had already thought about what to do next, but he hadn't had time to tell the girls. Now although his body has not fully recovered, his actions are not hindered. These things, But it is already ready to start arrangements..

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