One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 1936: Post-War Arrangements

Opening the door, the dazzling sunlight made Luo Ya slightly squinted. The atmosphere above the Shu Mountain was a bit heavy, but it also brought life like bamboo shoots after a rain.

More than 300 disciples were injured in the battle. For Shu Shan, the casualties were already close to 30%, which made many of Shu Shan's disciples feel uncomfortable.

After all, the brothers and brothers who once laughed and talked, laughed and scolded, went into reincarnation. Even if the ancestor witch Houtu promised, they will tell the spirit of reincarnation after they reincarnate, but after reincarnating, do they still have enough cultivation qualifications to worship Shushan?

Although there are worries and dissatisfaction in my heart, there is always hope, so this is heavy, only because of the initial unsuitability, and the victory of Shushan, for many Shushan disciples, is more like a dream.

After a great battle, the original three factions were completely integrated, and after many disciples lived and died together, there was no gap between them.

This is naturally one of the purposes of Roja's face-to-face battle. Although it is a bit cruel, this is the fastest way to gather everyone together.

"Husband, you're awake" Ao Cunxin heard the door ringing, and suddenly looked back at Luo Ya, with a deep joy on her face. Although she knew her man was just too tired to fall asleep, the woman was like that. When the opponent is alive and kicking, there is always a big rock in his heart.

"Well, I worry about you." Luo Ya nodded, watching all the women beaming with joy and a smile on their faces.

"If you don't come out anymore, we will be crazy. Hurry up, how to deal with these messy things?" Bouma jumped over excitedly, grabbed Roya's arm, and pulled him straight to the stone table at the door.

On the stone table, there are sheets of rice paper on which are listed items to be dealt with. Subuti and Zhen Yuanzi are the two hand-off shopkeepers. This kind of thing is simply impossible to do. In the end, It has become a matter for all women.

Roja looked at the very detailed list of items to be dealt with, and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. There were many of them, even he hadn’t even considered them before. It seems that during the few days he fell asleep, everyone It is not easy for women.

"Gather the Shushan disciples and elders, and then, first divide the responsibilities." Luo Ya finished reading the content on the paper and said to the girls.

The women all had a relieved expression on their faces, and they nodded again and again. Although they were knowledgeable, even capable of literary and military skills, and had experience in managing sects, they were really incapable of facing the affairs of this world.

Half an hour later, Luo Ya, Subhuti, and Zhen Yuanzi walked out of the Shushan hall. Many disciples had already been seated in front of the hall. Seeing the figures of the three, they hurriedly stood straight.

"First of all, I want to say that we won." Luo Ya looked at the disciples who were extremely energetic, with a smile on his face, he swallowed back what he was about to say, and said simply. One sentence.

"Hou" many disciples heard the words and uttered a cheer that resounded across the sky. Although two days had passed, the joy of victory did not fade with time, but became stronger.

Luo Ya quietly watched the crowd cheering, with a smile on his face, Shushan disciples, initially with more than 1,000 people, faced the 150,000 cultivators from all sides, and did not back down. This alone is already worthy of pride.

"The Shushan disciple, Jinxian and above, will go to the four continents later to help manage the affairs of each continent, maintain the stability of the Three Realms, below the Jinxian, you can choose martial arts intensive training, you can also choose to go down the mountain to experience, Shushan disciple, can sign up, Participate in the extradition team and be responsible for the extradition of the fallen disciples and return to the mountain gate"

"The Buddhism monks, the Buddhist monks who came as captives, the Buddhist monks, who hurt the lives of Shushan disciples, and the remaining Buddhist monks, the Buddhist monks, and the Buddhist monks who had come back, could enter the branch under the jurisdiction of Shushan, the Sizhoumen. After being assessed and validated, they can contribute to the peace of the Three Realms. Those who are ominous will be forbidden for a hundred years and let them go."

"The family members of the Dragon Palace, return to the world and give compensation to the families of the deceased. Those who have died in battle and those who have outstanding performance can report to Nie Xiaoqian to pass through the six reincarnations and give them a chance to reincarnate."

The orders were issued by Roja without any objection. He had warned his disciples a long time ago that killing does not solve any problems. Sometimes tolerance is also very important.

Although the number of people in Shushan is not large, there are now Dragon Palace dependents, the remnants of the Wu clan, and many people brought by Nezha. After the order was issued, they began to operate in an orderly manner.

"Tsk tusk, this kind of thing, it’s better to be a master teacher. I have been waiting for these two days and I have no clue at all. I don’t know where to start. After careful consideration, I still feel that fighting, killing and killing is what I’m best at. of."

With admiration on his face, Zhen Yuanzi sighed in admiration. To be honest, in the past two days, he has been made up and down, and things are intertwined. Sometimes, he really doesn't know what to do.

"Even if you fight and kill, the sect leader will leave you a few cosmic distances." Subhuti teased Zhen Yuanzi. He has handled many things these days. He manages the sect for a long time. In such matters, he It's quite good.

It can only be said that the management of a school is completely different from the management of a world, and even he has been a bit crazy these days.

"Is this a 403 fart? When did you two learn to do this?" Luo Ya scolded the two with a smile, and waved at the people left on the square in front of the main hall. Go away from heaven.

"Come on, whoever wants to slap you up, it's you. Hurry up and say something nice to both of me, otherwise we will quit and travel the Three Realms." Zhen Yuanzi blew his beard and stared with a reluctant face, and just discussed Among them, Roja gave him a heavy responsibility. He just thought about it, and his head grew by three points.

"What good things to say, don't you worry about the conditions? I will definitely find you a satisfied lady." Luo Ya patted Zhen Yuanzi on the shoulder, and said the joke just now without hesitation.

The girls behind him laughed, and the disciples who followed him suffocated their faces and turned their faces aside. Even the heavenly army led by Nezha struggled one by one.

Journey to the West, whether it is Luoya, Subhuti, or Zhenyuanzi, their images have been deified. Although it is conducive to creating majesty, it is more conducive to managing this world if they are friendly and gentle.

"Is it good to call Dao couple, Dao couple" Zhen Yuanzi corrected with a bewildered expression, but it had no effect at all, and it only made the group of people behind him even more difficult..

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