One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 1939: Supreme Central Heaven

Originally, in terms of personality, Gu Ruotong was definitely better than Nuwa for this kind of thing, but Gu Ruotong was helplessly a person in the world of A Beautiful Girl, but there was no treasure chest fragment.

Just now, Nuwa was so annoyed that Luo Ya did not say a word, and then withdrew Fuxi's position of heaven and earth, but when she came up, she almost turned on three hundred and sixty degrees.

In order to make Nu Wa surrender, Luo Ya just racked his brains with all kinds of threats and inducements, such as night attacks, horses and chickens, and a full set of major health care.

Until the end, Luo Ya promised to let Fuxi sit idle in the Heavenly Court, and supervise the weather and luck calculations to facilitate the work of the five departments, and Nuwa viciously turned the corner and confessed that there was no shameless Luo Ya.

However, no matter what the system is because of surrender, as long as you admit defeat, you can get the Supreme Treasure Box Fragment. At this point, Luo Ya has also collected 30 Supreme Treasure Box Fragments.

"System, Synthesize Supreme Treasure Box." Luo Ya gave an order to the system in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face.

The supreme treasure chest of Journey to the West, for this day, he has waited too long, as long as he obtains the supreme treasure chest, then this world really has no other threats.

"Congratulations to the host for synthesizing the Westward Journey World Advanced Supreme Treasure Box, which has been stored in the system warehouse."

"Open." The system prompt sounded, Luo Ya with a smile on his face, without saying anything, directly ordered it to be opened.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the Westward Journey World Advanced Supreme Treasure Box and gaining the power of the Westward Journey World Advanced Origin. The world follower name will be increased by five."

The power of the high-level source of Journey to the West can freely control the fire, water, wind, the five elements of Yin and Yang, and the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth;

The power of the source was attached to his body, Luo Ya's face evoked a smile, his mind moved, heaven and earth shook slightly, heaven and earth golden flowers fell wildly, and little golden spiritual rain descended from the three realms.

The Supreme Central Heavenly Emperor Roja.

Eight characters appeared in the sky above the Three Realms. Before the words manifested by the people from the heavens and the earth, although they had not stated what their duties were, hundreds of millions of living beings already understood that this was the supreme existence above all people.

"The supreme central emperor is not domineering at all. Before, the Jade Emperor was the Vast Sky Golden Supreme Supreme. Naturally, there is Miluo the True Jade Emperor God. Such a short title seems a bit off-giving."

Zhen Yuanzi whispered to the side of Subhuti, with a clear disgust on his face. Luo Ya already had a second name in his eyes, but when he arrived at Zhen Yuanzi, it became imposing.

Subhuti glanced at Zhen Yuanzi, and silently moved a step to the right, with a little sympathy on his face, and a little unchecked gloating.

Although he didn't know what happened to Luo Ya, he was obviously able to control the Heavenly Dao at this time. Zhen Yuanzi came out to make a joke at this time.

"There is a wind blowing my internal organs" Zhenyuanzi cried out strangely, and with a wave of magical power in his hand, the wind blowing his internal organs from the fontanelle was expelled from the body.

The wind of the three plagues is the most feared thing for the seeker, but in the hands of the sage, it is just a joke, Zhen Yuanzi is just unprepared at the beginning, and it hurts a little.

If an ordinary monk is blown by the wind, the wind blows into the internal organs, crosses the pubic area, and wears the nine orifices, and the flesh and blood will disappear in an instant, and his body will be self-solving.

Everyone knew that this was a joke between Luo Ya and Zhen Yuanzi. Seeing Zhen Yuanzi's weird barking, they all laughed, and the few heavenly soldiers who followed Nezha were cold sweat on their faces.

Joking with Fengfeng, in this world, I am afraid that only a few great abilities in front of him can have this ability. Even if the others are Jinxian, I am afraid they will be chilling towards Fengfeng.

"Congratulations to the head teacher, no, congratulations to the emperor, taking control of the heavens." Subhuti spoke, said to Luo Ya, and cast a look of contempt at Zhen Yuanzi's experience.

"That's not right, I am in charge, not just the Dao of Heaven." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, chuckled, and urged the power of the origin. The Dao Gang in the Shu Mountain sent out a golden light, among which Subhuti and Zhen Yuanzi's The soul was thrown directly into the long river by him.

Subhuti and Zhenyuanzi's Yuanshen were touched, and their feet staggered slightly, with a look of horror on their faces, the long river, but more direct than the Dao Gang.

Originally, the primordial spirit was stored in the Taoist program. Only after Luo Ya thoroughly explained the Taoist program, would they have a 40-50% chance to become a sage on the road.

Now it can be said that as long as they practice hard, they will surely be able to become Dao Sages. The gap in this is definitely not a little bit.

The power of the origin three controls the Heavenly Dao and draws out the Nvwa's Yuanshen. Nuwa's body bows slightly, and she has discovered that the place where the Yuanshen is stored is completely different. The magnificence of the long river is far beyond the heavens.

"How do you thank me, hehe, how about coming to my room at night, don't worry, I won't be messy." Luo Ya's voice sounded in Nu Wa's mind, this source of power controlled the Avenue of Heaven, this kind of soul resonance, easy.

"The ghost believes what you say." Nu Wa said with gritted teeth, but the blush on her face betrayed her true thoughts.

"Hey, Sister Nuwa, are you calling me?" Nie Xiaoqian blinked her clear eyes and looked at Nuwa with a puzzled face. She is a ghost, and now she is even more ghostly and sensitive to this ghost character.

Luo Ya watched Nu Wa explaining with an embarrassing expression, couldn't help but laugh, and felt very happy. Now that the position is set, everyone will perform their duties, and this new heaven can begin to operate.

The five subordinates, prepared intensively, recruited the remaining people in the heavenly court, unified management, arranged for subordinates to adjust their powers, and everyone was busy.

Even Zhao Ling'er, Anu, Zixia, Yuetu and others have their own duties. Zhao Ling'er is in charge of the floods of the Three Realms, Anu is in charge of the world's epidemics, Zixia is in charge of Yunxia and mist, and the moon rabbit is in charge of reunion and gathering.

Only Bai Ji and Xiao Wei stood in place with a blank face. The two of them were the gods of marriage and were in charge of marriage affairs in the world, and they were not among the five.

But in the end, it seemed that in the heavenly court, except for a month old, the two did not have any subordinates, and Yue Lao, when Luo Ya arrived, he showed his heartfelt words without saying anything, and now the two of them have nothing to do.

"Husband, what should I do for my concubine" Bai Ji walked to Roya and whispered in his ear. As the god of marriage, I don't know my responsibilities and what I should do now. It is really embarrassing. Up..

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